Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 234 Trigger

Chambi Building, penthouse suite.

The house was in a mess, with wine bottles, plastic boxes, and worn clothes randomly discarded on the ground.

Arasaka Yorinobu sat on the bed with half a bottle of wine in his hands, intoxicated in the world of alcohol.

His chin was full of beard, and his eyes seemed to be unwilling and helpless. After taking a sip of wine, he slammed the bottle to the ground. Glass shards flew everywhere, and the wine flowed all over the place in an instant.

After the incident at the company plaza, Yorinobu returned to his hotel suite and never took a step out of the door again.

All the plans failed, and all the careful preparations ended up in vain.

Only after playing the cards in hand did I realize that dealing with Arasaka Company was thousands of times more difficult than imagined.

Ye Baixianzhi died in battle after killing a group of company executives, but it did not have the expected earthquake-like impact on major companies. Soon after the accident, another group of people took over, like mushrooms after a rain, and new people emerged one after another.

Adam's Hammer was almost scrapped in the war and was on the verge of death. In order to try to extend his life, Yorinobu handed over the only relic biochip in his hand and gave it to Michiko Arasaka in exchange for resurrection. Adam hammers the opportunity.

Yorinobu once made a promise to Adam Hammer, even though he was just a killing war machine under the name of Arasaka Company, but Yorinobu never thought of breaking his promise from beginning to end.

He had already foreseen the future he was about to face, but he still wanted to see Tang Yu and wanted to know why Tang Yu would rather die and be fired from the company than destroy the plan to stop him.

It's just that Tang Yu has disappeared without a trace, and Lai Xuan has no choice but to find this opportunity.

He asked Kerry, but there was still no news from Tang Yu.

While Yorinobu was getting drunk alone in the suite, the front desk informed him that a member of the Arasaka family was visiting.

He looked numbly out of the floor-to-ceiling glass window and saw a team of aerospace vehicles slowly flying and landing on the rooftop.

Not long after, a beautiful figure slowly walked down the stairs leading to the rooftop.

"Hua Zi, are you the only one here?" Yori Xuan stood up and walked to the living room. He glanced behind his sister. Except for his personal bodyguard Oda, there was no one else.

Hanako Arasaka came straight to Yori Nobu. Seeing his brother Yori Nobu's haggard appearance, she reached out her hand with some distress and caressed his cheek.

"elder brother."

Lai Xuan's frown relaxed a little, and he forced out a smile and said: "Hua Zi, when I have nothing, you are the only one who will appear by my side."

After a brief safety check, private bodyguard Xiao Tian wisely turned aside and walked towards the elevator door, facing the wall to guard.

Yorinobu gently held Hanako Arasaka's hand and received some comfort, then asked: "Why are you here? Did that old immortal guy ask you to come?"

Hanako Arasaka nodded calmly: "Father already knows what you did in Night City. Maybe you shouldn't be so hasty."

When she helped Yorinobu escape from Kyoto, she had seriously advised him, but Yorinobu had already decided to leave and had to break with Saburo Arasaka.

A look of pain and unwillingness appeared on Arasaka Yorinobu's face: "I didn't lose to him, I lost to another person."

He never believed that Saburo Arasaka won the fight because that man was never loyal to Arasaka from the beginning.

Hanako Arasaka helped Yori Xuan sit next to the sofa and said seriously: "You are referring to Tang Yu, right? After the battle in the company square, Arasaka lost news about him. His father also wanted to know his whereabouts, but it might be too late. "

Yori Xuan felt a little strange and quickly asked: "Why is it too late? Do you mean he is going to take action?"

Arasaka Hanako nodded and explained the purpose of his visit: "My father is seriously ill now and may have limited time left. He specifically authorized me to handle this matter and eliminate all potential dangers."

"Compared with what you have done, my father is more worried about things on another level. Kyoto Arasaka Tower has begun to use the independent network built by the company. Even people living in Kyoto have begun to over-configure the prosthetic network interfaces. Unique to Arasaka.”

Arasaka Yorinobu's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "He is more afraid of the invisible war than triggering a global war. Has he already chosen it?"

Arasaka Hanako remained silent and did not deny Yorinobu's speculation.

Yori Xuan sneered again and again: "He really did not give up the ridiculous dream in his heart. Even if he became a ghost, he still tried to rebuild the glorious world of the old dream that should not exist."

Hanako Arasaka advised bluntly: "Yorinobu, listen to me this time and go back to Kyoto. Everything here will become history. Only by going back can you have a chance to achieve everything you want."

Yorinobu had already guessed that Hanako Arasaka was here to be a lobbyist. Saburo Arasaka saw the potential threat to Night City and was already worried.

Unfortunately, he contacted Ultra and received no response, indicating that the other party was not sincere in cooperating.

Perhaps, Ultra didn't believe that he could defeat Saburo Arasaka from the beginning.

At this moment, Arasaka Yorinobu suddenly felt that he was quite useless. He clearly wanted to destroy Arasaka, but he still had to rely on Arasaka's power. In the end, it was just a vain attempt.

Even though there was a big accident in the company plaza and Arasaka Company made such a big fuss, Military Technology and other companies still ignored it.

They were afraid of Arasaka's power, obsessed with vested interests, and were pinched by Arasaka Saburo.

This makes no company willing to really harden Arasaka unless Arasaka takes the initiative.

Arasaka Yorinobu smiled bitterly: "Getting everything you want? It's not easy. He did this to force Tang Yu to come out."

This is also the reason why Saburo Arasaka can drive Tang Yu to do things. To threaten with what he cares about is more effective than power and status.

Yori Xuan remembered the encounter at Kerry's house. A man who could play the Samurai band better than the original music was definitely not the kind of person who was flattering and willing to be a company dog ​​for fame and fortune.

He understood that Tang Yu cared about this city and the people in this city, so he did everything he could to quell this conflict.

Now Yori Xuan deeply understands that he cannot make the bomb that destroys Arasaka, but he may be able to become the fuse to detonate Tang Yu's bomb.

If Tang Yu really dies, Night City will be buried with him.

If Tang Yu is still alive, then he will have to let Arasaka be buried with him.

Arasaka Yorinobu stood up on his own initiative and said in a deep voice: "Hanako, let's go back to Kyoto. As you said, only in this way can I achieve everything I want."

A strange look flashed in Arasaka Hanako's eyes, but he quickly concealed it. He also stood up, fetched clothes for Arasaka Yorinobu, and waited for him to change.

Arasaka Tower, Special Operations Department.

David Martinez received notification from his superiors to make arrangements to escort important members of the Arasaka family to the coastal port. The Kujira aircraft carrier battle group was docked on the shore and waiting.

He immediately stood up and left the office, summoned the special service team to prepare for departure, and then walked to the Arms Department to start changing clothes.

It happened suddenly. Although I had been informed of the general situation in advance, I did not expect that the Arasaka family members did not show up at the Arasaka Tower after arriving in Night City on an aircraft carrier.

According to the company's intelligence, the other party went directly to the Kanbi Building. David guessed that he was meeting with Arasaka Yorinobu.

The superiors specially instructed David to lead the team to prepare for long-term field operations. After sending the target person to the aircraft carrier, they still need to hold on until the aircraft carrier leaves port and returns to Kyoto.

David didn't know why they arranged it like this. After boarding the aircraft carrier, he could leave as soon as possible, but he had to stay for a while.


He finished packing, took all the few remaining field forces of the Special Operations Department, and went to perform the escort mission.

After the incident at the company plaza, various departments were in urgent need of field manpower.

Although a batch of new recruits were recruited in time, the number of newbies was far from meeting the field needs.

Before departure, he sent a letter to Gloria, saying that he would be out in the field for a while.

After getting it done, he led the team and set off directly.

The news that the Kujira aircraft carrier battle group had arrived on the west coast spread like wildfire throughout the Night City, and everyone was speculating on Arasaka's intentions.

Major news media are also reporting on this matter. The dispatch of an aircraft carrier battle group in the absence of a war must be a sign of the sword.

Tang Yu was eating breakfast while watching some news, while Sasha was busy preparing delicious snacks. After a long time, Sasha's skills were getting better and better.

After returning to the apartment, he had discovered many secret agents and spies from major companies.

Tang Yu had no intention of returning to Night City without telling him. Now the entire city is on the brink of war. Major companies have just experienced major accidents and have not yet digested the sequelae, so they dare not act rashly.

Even an aircraft carrier capable of nuclear strike has arrived. In addition to deterring the rogue AI, this is also a necessary means for Arasaka to force him to show up.

Tang Yu understood that the aircraft carrier was docked on the west coast and did not go to the port of Arasaka Marina Industrial Park. It was posing as if it would nuclear bomb Night City at any time. This was a signal that Saburo Arasaka wanted to see him.

Either Saburo Arasaka himself is on the aircraft carrier, or Hanako Arasaka is waiting with Saburo's Relic biochip.

Before going to see Saburo Arasaka, Tang Yu had to meet Aunt Mei first to see the attitude of military technology.

If Military Technology is also willing to fly its own aircraft carrier to Kyoto for a tour, then he will have more room for negotiation with Saburo Arasaka.

Even without the arrangement of Saburo Arasaka, Tang Yu would not have left Ultra's group of AIs outside the black wall alone.

The information Lucy brought back from cyberspace was very important. Ultra was still growing infinitely, and had released a 'friendly' signal of cooperation, letting Lucy go.

Tang Yu thought that the relic biochip function activation technology must be firmly in his own hands.

Even if Ultra and other AIs want to reappear in the human world, they have to look at his eyes first. Limited cooperation is a win-win situation.

He specifically told Rogge that no one should know that Johnny's soul mark had been activated before the Arasaka matter was dealt with.

Now Roger has taken Johnny in the car to complete their unfinished journey of regret. He just sent him photos and checked in to the open-air screen theater.

Just when he thought of this, Tang Yu received a message from V.

[V: In such a big bar, Roger just left it to me and ran away to be cool? ? ? Anyway, you have nothing to do all day now. If you can't do it, come over and help. 】

Tang Yu: "Please, please consider it as difficult as possible."

[V: "Haha, I call you a good brother, do you dare to agree?\

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