Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 235 Nuclear Peace

Meredith knelt down on the office chair, resting her head on the back of the chair, closing her eyes and resting for a moment.

After she breathed evenly, she turned over and sat up again, pulling the hem of her skirt down a bit to cover the lace.

After sorting out his messy appearance, he reached for the cigarette box on the table, opened it and took out a cigar.

She cut off the end of the cigar, lit the cigarette silently, and puffed away, looking very relaxed.

She looked at Tang Yu, who was already fully dressed, and said with a smile: "I still think you look better in a suit. It's really hard to resist."

Tang Yu had already changed back into his own clothes. The suit he wore during the event just now was entirely to meet Meredith's special requirements, and the suit was in such a bad state that he couldn't wear it again.

He stood in front of the basin, washing the greasiness off his hands while replying: "Now that you are the senior executive of the company, you naturally have the final say."

Meredith smiled and didn't take what Tang Yu said seriously. People who could bring down the company square were beyond the reach of their high corporate positions.

She knew that Tang Yuzhi was not here, so she said bluntly: "It can be seen that you have long been tired of the company's intrigues. In fact, you can get away this time, so why bother to go through this muddy water again."

"After the big accident at Company Plaza, if you look from here, you will find that nothing has changed and everything will be back on track. It's just that different people are sitting on the same tall buildings and looking at the same scenery."

At that time, Meredith saw that Tang Yu was suspended from the Arasaka Company and single-handedly overthrew the Arasaka armed forces. She was deeply surprised by Tang Yu's determination and courage.

You have to know how many company employees dreamed of having everything he had, including Meredith herself, who worked hard to get to the position of director today.

She values ​​her career in the company above all else, and defecting to fight against the company is tantamount to foolish suicide in her opinion.

But she had never seen Tang Yu like this. He was a different person, a person whose inner world was higher than what was outside.

The world in Tang Yu's heart made Meredith particularly curious, and she wanted to know why Tang Yu resolutely embarked on this road of no return.

"Now we can get down to business. Tell me what you want to see me for this time." Meredith flicked the ashes of her cigarette, put away her smile, and looked serious.

Before, Tang Yu originally wanted to meet Aunt Mei at the 'Keep-Talked' motel, but under Aunt Mei's strong arrangement, he could only come to her at the Military Technology Company building. The two of them would do business first and then talk about the topic.

After washing his hands, he came to the counter, made a cup of warm water, then sat on the sofa in the reception area and asked bluntly: "This time Arasaka has sent the aircraft carrier battle group to the west coast, what are the military technology actions?"

Meredith snorted disdainfully and said angrily: "What else can we do? I don't dare to let out one more fart. Now everyone just wants to keep the little interests in their hands. No one has cared about dignity for a long time." ”

"As you know, Military Technology is no longer a pure company. While this military-government complex has strengthened the company, it has also greatly weakened its purity. Various groups and forces want to get a share of the company's profits."

Tang Yu also had some predictions about the current status of military technology mentioned by Meredith.

Military technology and New America are inseparable, and they have integrated and developed with each other, gradually forming today's situation.

The company's former CEO, Donald Lundy, was once the top commander of the Pentagon.

The former president of New America, Elizabeth Kress, once served as the president of Military Technology Corporation and served for nearly ten years.

And Rosalind Miles, who just successfully ran for president, is still a former CEO of military technology.

Not only are they closely connected in terms of personnel, but also in terms of the company's market. More than half of the orders and profits for Military Technology's products come from New America.

The interests of those politicians will influence the company's decisions, and the profits of the company will also affect the opinions of politicians.

In contrast, family-owned companies like Arasaka are far more dominant than military technology.

Saburo Arasaka's personal will can override the company and become a veritable master over everyone. This is one of the reasons why Yorinobu Arasaka has never been able to defeat Saburo.

Tang Yu never thought about letting military technology start a war with Arasaka, and asked again: "Arasaka Saburo plans to use nuclear bombs to wipe out the Night City to force me to show up. No matter what, this move must be followed."

Another nuclear bomb?

The last time Arasaka nuked Night City, she wasn't even born yet.

Meredith's face became a little heavy. No one would doubt Saburo Arasaka's madness.

After thinking for a moment, she said helplessly: "Even if Saburo Arasaka does this, it is unlikely that military technology will start a war. The current Night City is an independent international city and is not under federal jurisdiction. . Unless Night City returns to the Federation, military technology will have more sufficient reasons to take action."

Tang Yu had already predicted Aunt Mei's answer. As a hard-liner in military technology, she was not optimistic about the possibility of starting a war with Arasaka, let alone other senior officials in the company.

The main reason why the fifth corporate war was launched that year was that Arasaka Yorinobu came to power with his help and continued to actively attack and provoke military technology and other major companies around the world.

But that doesn't matter. Tang Yu's main purpose is not to start a war, but to let military technology play a somewhat deterrent role.

Meredith was very confused and not sure about the significance of Saburo Arasaka's nuclear bombing of Night City. If it was just to force Tang Yu to show up, he should not go to such a big fight.

"What is Saburo Arasaka worried about? Apart from your existence, there must be something in Night City that scares him."

Tang Yu said calmly: "The flowing AI outside the black wall."

Meredith was stunned for a moment and quickly realized something: "Is Saburo Arasaka planning to use the soul killer program to upload himself to the data world?"

Regarding Saburo Arasaka's extreme behavior, she then thought of Yorinobu Arasaka's crazy rebellious behavior. The core contradiction within Arasaka Company is self-evident.

The father who wants to control the Arasaka Empire forever, and the crown prince who wants to overthrow the emperor.

Tang Yu nodded to confirm.

Meredith's pupils were shocked, and she could hardly imagine what an immortal ruler of the largest company meant to the world.

"But didn't the development of relic biochips fail? Is it really meaningful for Saburo Arasaka to do this?"

Tang Yu explained: "The research and development of the Relic biochip did not fail, but it lacked a key link. This layer of window paper, as long as Arasaka continues to experiment, with the support of huge sample data, there will always be a day of success."

This information was like a bolt from the blue, deeply shocking Meredith.

If the relic biochip is really successfully developed, then the whole world will be crazy about Arasaka and become a loyal believer under his eternal throne.

The first true end-of-life person in human history may become a reality.

The biggest obstacle to Saburo Arasaka's realization of this plan is not humans, but the wandering AI hiding outside the black wall.

The reason why blackwalls are still standing today is not because of network monitoring, but because of the powerful mobile AIs who are still waiting for the opportunity.

The learning and training speed of human hackers is far behind the exponential learning rate of AI.

This is also the core reason why Saburo Arasaka insists on wiping out Night City. There is no other city in the world that is more suitable than Night City as a port for AI to invade the human world.

Meredith said solemnly: "I will propose this to the senior management. Even if it is impossible for military technology to start a war with Arasaka, it will not lose to Arasaka in terms of momentum."

"Deploy two aircraft carrier battle groups to Kyoto Bay to let Saburo Arasaka taste the threat of nuclear bombs."

"But there is still an important question, where will the nuclear bomb prepared by Saburo Arasaka be placed, and how will it be used to explode Night City?"

"Launching directly from the Kujira aircraft carrier will inevitably trigger counterattacks from major companies around the world. Doing so by Saburo Arasaka is no different than bringing about your own death."

"Before he completes his eternal life plan, he does not have the means to make everyone surrender."

"And I have intelligence here that shows that Hanako Arasaka went to the Kanbi Building to meet Yorinobu Arasaka. The two were recently preparing to set off for the Kujira aircraft carrier, and Michiko Arasaka was not among them."

Tang Yu agreed with Aunt Mei's statement. If Saburo Arasaka really wants to nuke Night City, he will only use more covert means. No company is willing to be the first to openly start a war before the charges are proven.

"Arasaka Yorinobu was most likely persuaded by Arasaka Hanako. When I have time, I have to go see him. Let's not mention this for now."

"In my opinion, there are only two situations for nuclear bombs. They are either transported into the city from the Kujira aircraft carrier, or they are buried in the city in advance. In both cases, we must carefully investigate."

Meredith nodded seriously: "The military technology side of the transportation route can be monitored. I can also arrange for full coverage of radioactive material detection in the city area. There is only one place that I cannot confirm."

Tang Yu knew that she was referring to Arasaka Tower.

The best time to pre-plant a nuclear bomb capable of burning down an entire city is when Arasaka Tower is being rebuilt.

It can not only carry a sufficient amount of radioactive raw materials, but also dig deep to build a hidden safe house to store powerful nuclear bombs.

Think of this.

Tang Yu couldn't help but remember the last scene before rebirth, the dazzling white light in the sky and the suffocating silence, which was the power to burn everything.

"I'll go check it out at Arasaka Tower. I'll contact you when there's any news."

At this point in the communication, Tang Yu has completed part of the preparations before meeting Saburo Arasaka.

Seeing Tang Yu stand up, Meredith asked in a deep voice: "Are you really planning to have a complete showdown with Saburo Arasaka? What kind of situation do you want to win?"

Perhaps sitting at the table and playing this game in a showdown is not Tang Yu's best choice this time, but it currently seems to be the best way to achieve his goal.

"I didn't expect to win."

"I just don't want to have any regrets."

There’s another chapter coming later!

PS: It’s on the big page! Another achievement has been unlocked, thank you all for your support!

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