Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 236 A free man

"Yesterday, the Director of Foreign Relations of Military Technology issued a public statement that Military Technology has organized two aircraft carrier formations to go to the international waters of Kyoto Bay to conduct joint military exercises."

"Kyoto has not made a statement on this matter. The outside world suspects that military technology is responding to Arasaka's deterrence by dispatching the Kujira aircraft carrier to the west coast. The confrontation between the two sides has escalated."

"Affected by this incident, global stock markets experienced turmoil and gold prices rose again. All countries have stated that they will pay close attention to further developments of the situation."

Tang Yu stood in front of the electronic mirror screen, straightened his black tie, checked briefly, and dressed neatly in his shirt and suit.

Sasha was a little curious. After being back for the past few days, this was the first time that Tang Yu had a straight suit and was dressed as before when he went to work. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Mr. Tang, what's going on today?"

As she said that, she also changed into the rarely worn uniform skirt, paired with a white shirt and stockings.

Tang Yu glanced at Sasha and explained with a smile: "Let's go to Arasaka Tower to do something."

Sasha opened her mouth in surprise. Although she roughly guessed that Tang Yu was going back to the company when she was changing clothes, when she heard Tang Yu's confirmation, her heart still skipped a beat and she hurriedly said, "Go to work at Arasaka Tower? But..."

She wanted to say that Tang Yu had already broken up with Arasaka Company, and going to Arasaka Tower now was not equivalent to throwing himself into a trap.

She originally felt that it was very dangerous for Tang Yu's behavior without concealing his identity after he came back. Now there were too many people and forces staring at him, but Tang Yu just acted like he didn't care.

Tang Yu touched Sasha's cat head and said patiently: "Don't worry, I'm just suspended, not fired."

He still has enough value for Arasaka, and this value is far higher than the damage he caused to Arasaka.

Today, Tang Yu will return to the company in the most honorable way. As a company assistant, Sasha can naturally follow him.

Tang Yu knew that if she didn't take Sasha with her, she might be worrying about something in her little head.

After the two finished cleaning up, Sasha turned and ran to the living room to pick up the "Dragon Fist" on the table, then trotted over and handed it to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu took the glasses and put them on, logged in to the original account again, and lines of personal information appeared in front of him.

【Tang Yu】

[Date time: 2077]

[Employee number: NC77]

[Employee level: M10]

[Department position: Minister of Public Relations] (suspended)

[Message prompt: You have been suspended from all positions. Please wait for the next notification for reinstatement]

The message that Tang Yu re-logged into his account was immediately sent to the top of Arasaka as Arasaka's top secret.

at this time.

Kujila aircraft carrier, in a luxurious spa cabin.

Arasaka Yorinobu leaned against the fake stone and enjoyed the hot spring water. He seemed to have thought of a better way out, so he had the leisure to relax here. A slight smile appeared on his face inadvertently, and he seemed to be in a good and comfortable mood. Extremely.

Just as he was enjoying it with his eyes closed, he suddenly heard someone coming in from outside the gate and gave a soft drink.

When the kimono maids serving Yorinobu saw the person coming, they all pulled up their clothes, bowed and quickly retreated with small steps.

Arasaka Yorinobu picked up the glasses next to him and wiped off the fog with a towel. As soon as he put them on, he heard Hanako say in a deep voice.

"Tang Yu is ready to return to the company. He logged in to the company account again."

Lai Xuan smiled when he heard this, and was a little surprised by Tang Yu's actions. There had been intelligence that Tang Yu had returned to Night City, but whether he would return to the company was really an unknown unknown.

Now it's clear to him that it worked.

Whether it was the threat of nuclear weapons or his preparation to go back and 'inherit' the unification, Tang Yu had to make new choices.

"Then did he go to Arasaka Tower?" Yorinobu stood up directly from the hot spring pool without paying any attention to Hanako standing aside.

Arasaka Hanako was wearing a strapless white dress. She put her hands in front of her abdomen. Seeing Yori Xuan stand up, she knelt down with her knees closed and picked up a clean blanket from the wooden case placed on the ground.

She stood up and slowly approached Yorinobu, gently draped the blanket over his shoulders, and then said: "I haven't returned to Arasaka Tower yet, but it should be soon. According to my father's instructions, it is best to take him to Kyoto with me." "

Arasaka Yorinobu stepped straight out of the hot spring pool and said with a confident smile: "I can't ask for more of this. Don't worry, Tang Yu will come to us. As for whether we can persuade him to go to Kyoto, it depends on the price Arasaka pays."

High fences have been erected around the company square, surrounding the entire construction site. Various large machinery is undergoing construction operations, and the site is in orderly order.

In order to ensure that the construction process is noise-free and dust-free, a thick layer of filters and a water mist spraying system were specially built above the site.

The outer circular passages under the buildings of major companies were repaired on the first day of the major accident for the exclusive use of the companies.

At the dark and luxurious Arasaka Tower base gate, an Arasaka black limousine drove over and stopped slowly.

As the car door opened automatically, Sasha stepped out from the passenger seat, opened the rear door one step ahead, and stood quietly waiting.

After Tang Yu got off the car, he stood in front of the company gate and buttoned his suit with one hand. Seeing this familiar scene, he felt inexplicably emotional.

At the gate, several Arasaka security guards in black suits responded immediately after seeing Tang Yu appear. After a while, a security team of dozens of people ran out quickly and orderly and lined up to guard the door, looking nervous. Like facing a powerful enemy.

Their sights turned around, they reported developments to the security department at all times, and requested that support be dispatched immediately.

Sasha closed the car door, controlled the vehicle to park automatically and intelligently, and came to Tang Yu's side. She saw the security of Arasaka Company in such a formation. She could even see that the combat mechas in the hall were activated and ready for battle. This shows that these people have no intention of Tang Yu. of fear and fear.

She had just started the battle preparation state, but she heard Tang Yu stop her.

"Relax, we are back to do some business."

"Oh, Sasha understands." Sasha stuck out his tongue, and the combat implant on his body disappeared.

Tang Yu did not rush into Arasaka Tower, but waited for a while. He saw that the number of security personnel was increasing, and even the elite team was alerted.

He could sense the entire company square, and there were many eyes that noticed the movement here.

After a while.

The Arasaka security team automatically stepped aside, and a familiar figure walked out of the team and greeted Tang Yu proactively.

"Tang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come to the company today. If you tell me in advance, there will be no such misunderstanding. Let's go and see you off." Arthur Jenkins smiled a bit, as if he didn't care at all. He took the incident in the company square to heart and still showed a warm attitude to welcome Tang Yu back to the company.

Tang Yu saw Jenkins shouting away the security and invited him into Arasaka Tower. After scanning his information, he found that Jenkins had been promoted to director. He smiled and replied, "I haven't seen you for a few days, so congratulations."

The three of them strode towards Arasaka Tower. Jenkins did not shy away from anything and said with a smile: "This is also a blessing to me. After the big accident in the company square, the company was short of people, and this happened to fill the gap. "

"Regarding your matter, Director Michiko has listed it as a core secret and her position will be reserved. If you want to come back, there should still be a good chance. She is waiting for you up there."

Jenkins knew very well that Tang Yu beside him was still of high value to Arasaka. Just his unique mysterious power could contribute infinite value to the Arasaka family, not to mention his unparalleled combat power that surpassed Adam's Hammer. .

If he is willing to be loyal to Arasaka, Tang Yu can fully enjoy the treatment that is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

"It just so happens that I also have something to see her about." Tang Yu replied calmly.

Jenkins took the elevator and sent Tang Yu to the director's exclusive office floor, where he couldn't leave.

Tang Yu took Sasha to Michiko's exclusive office following the familiar path.

Standing at the door and accepting the identity authentication scan, Tang Yu was slightly surprised that the entry and exit authentication was still valid.

Walking into the office that was as big as half a football field, Tang Yu saw little Michiko standing in front of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass window, smoking silently, as if it was the first time he saw her, her back lonely and lonely.

Tang Yu guessed that she might have known the fate of being treated as an abandoned child by the Arasaka family. Even if she took charge of the Arasaka Tower again, she would not be able to heal the old wounds in her heart.

She has lived here in seclusion with her father since she was a child, and she does not dare to admit her identity. She is the only outsider in the Arasaka family.

Her father died in a nuclear explosion, and now she may follow suit.

"You're here." Little Michiko said solemnly, her voice hoarse with a bit of exhaustion.

Before Tang Yu could say anything, little Michiko spoke up again: "If you have anything to say, just tell me and see what else I can do to help."

"I need the entire Arasaka Tower structure to investigate the potential danger of nuclear explosions here." Tang Yu directly stated his intention.

In order to avoid misunderstanding by Michiko, Tang Yu added: "I have intelligence here that shows that Saburo Arasaka may intend to nuke Night City. Military Technology has inspected the entire city and found no traces of strong radioactivity."

Little Michiko took a puff from her cigarette, exhaled the clouds and muttered: "It's on the table, you'll know just by looking at it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the holographic projection on the desk showed a light blue three-dimensional picture, a scaled-down Arasaka building structure, with a bright red bright spot flashing suddenly on the roof.

Saburo Arasaka's office?

Tang Yu immediately understood that the nuclear bomb capable of burning down the entire Night City was hidden in Saburo Arasaka's office as an emergency means to deal with all uncontrollable crises.

"He is good at using fear. People in the entire Night City are not aware of them yet, and they are always living under the threat of a dying old man." Little Michiko's tone was somewhat helpless, and she did not seem to be surprised by this behavior.

Tang Yu understands Saburo Arasaka's methods. This nuclear weapon, which is enough to destroy the city, may use a more traditional detonation method.

"Is it a mechanical combination lock?"

Tradition means that there is no convenient remote control, but if you master the password, you can control everything. It also excludes the possibility of AI penetrating this nuclear weapon.

Little Michiko answered in the affirmative: "No one knows when everything in front of him will disappear, except him."

"I'll go talk to him. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Tang Yu has already made a decision in his heart. If the negotiation fails, he will risk his life again and send the entire Arasaka Tower to Kyoto to let the old man Guys experience nuclear fear again.

Little Michiko's shoulders trembled slightly, and she seemed to be touched. Before Tang Yu left, she said: "All of Sasha's information and permission system chips are placed on the desktop. Arasaka has cleared her file data, take it. , from now on she is a free and free person."

When Sasha heard this, he was stunned.

"A free man."

Now she has the memory of the past and the freedom of the future.

"Thank you." Sasha thanked little Michiko seriously.

Little Michiko waved her hand gently, indicating that they could leave.

Tang Yu stopped lingering, picked up the chip and handed it to Sasha, then turned and left.

Next stop, Kujira aircraft carrier.

None tonight!

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