Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 237 Their respective paths

west coast.

David Martinez frowned and looked into the distance from time to time, looking slightly anxious and nervous.

The place where he was was the station in front of the formation, establishing a buffer zone leading to the coast behind him.

Not far away on the sea, there is a large super aircraft carrier moored, as well as multiple escort armed fleets.

David received a message from Gloria not long ago, informing Tang Yu that he was on his way to the Kujira aircraft carrier and hoped that he would protect Tang Yu's personal safety as much as possible.

He was immediately surprised when he learned that Tang Yu was about to come to the West Coast, and it was even hard to believe it.

What Tang Yu did in the company square made it clear that he had fallen out with Arasaka, but now he is coming here to meet two Arasaka family members. There must be a deep reason behind this.

He has wanted to see Tang Yu for a long time, and today may be one of the few suitable opportunities.

After looking around for a while, David finally saw a black car in his sight. It was an exclusive car for Arasaka Company.

David immediately stood at the forefront of the position and directed the Arasaka security guard on duty to prepare for release.

As the vehicle slowly drove into the site, the personnel on duty raised their hands to signal to slow down and stop.

The vehicle came to a steady stop. David took a deep breath and exhaled quickly, arranged his military equipment and tactical belt, and took the initiative to step forward with his men.

The car door opened automatically. Tang Yu stepped out of the car and looked at David, who was walking towards him. He found that he had grown much taller, his sunny and handsome face was angular, and he had a more capable and calm temperament.

David smiled and said hello, not as reserved as before: "Mr. Tang, you are back."

After saying that, he ordered his men to guide the car to the special parking area, and then explained to Tang Yu: "I have to ask the headquarters for instructions first, and then I can send you there after confirmation. The vehicle is temporarily parked here at the checkpoint."

Tang Yu nodded, without saying much, and followed David's pace to the inside of the level.

"Would you like to sit in the office? It may take some time to wait for notification and confirmation."

Tang Yu waved his hand and refused, suggesting: "Go to the beach and see, everyone has come all the way here."

The two then walked a short distance along the west coast, stood on a high platform on a stone wall, and looked around at will. They could see the huge aircraft carrier formation as far as the eye could see.

Tang Yu asked him about his experience that day, and David told about meeting Mann's team in the wasteland and the reason for wearing the prosthetic King Kong.

David thought about what he had seen Mann in Lao Wei Na a few days ago, and said with some emotion: "Mann has removed all combat implants and returned to Taiping Prefecture with Dolio to run a boxing match."

"Occasionally, other members of Mann's team will go to Lizzie's Bar to pick up some work, but my mother said it's not often."

The sea breeze blew slowly, and David lowered his head and said softly: "Mr. Tang, actually, I have been wanting to say this all the time."

"Thank you."

Even though Tang Yu has been suspended from his job and may even face expulsion, David's attitude towards Tang Yu has not changed in his heart.

That day, he rushed to the company square wearing a prosthetic King Kong and was viciously targeted by Susan Abernathy. He almost lost his mind and went on a rampage to kill someone.

But at the critical moment, he fainted inexplicably, safely disconnected from the prosthetic King Kong, and had a very real and cruel dream.

In the dream, he was executed on the order of Arasaka because he seriously violated company regulations and killed the senior executives of his superior company.

After a crushing battle, he was torn to pieces on the spot by Adam's Hammer, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere. As a result, his body exploded and he died without a complete body.

But when he woke up with a splitting headache, he found himself lying in the ward, even his limbs had been reattached to Arasaka's sophisticated cybernetic body.

After returning to Arasaka Tower, he rose up instead of down. Because of his great achievements, he got the opportunity to be promoted to deputy director of the Special Operations Department.

This accident in the company plaza, this extremely real dream, and finally sitting on the top position of the company, David knew that he could not do without one person.

That is Tang Yu.

He was really familiar with this unforgettable experience, just like the car accident he experienced when he first met Tang Yu.

It was Tang Yu who took action again, pulling his life back from its imminent derailment, and even gave him a lift.

"It's all over." Faced with David's thanks, Tang Yu's words were as indifferent as the sea breeze, drifting past and then disappearing.

However, David's heart felt as if it had been pinched hard by an invisible hand, which was so painful and astringent that it was suffocating.

After a moment of silence, he firmly expressed his thoughts: "I will continue on this road, no matter how difficult it is."

Tang Yu nodded slightly. What David wanted to take was not only the path of the company, but also the path of striving to grow up and sheltering the people around him.

He looked at David, who was becoming more resolute and calm, and could vaguely see the shy and kind-hearted boy from before.

The two stood side by side and looked at the sea for a while. Then someone took the initiative to remind them that they had received a clearance notice from the command center and that the special car to the aircraft carrier was ready.

Tang Yu stopped staying. Accompanied by David, he took an amphibious armed vehicle to land on the aircraft carrier.

The vehicle enters the cabin through the aircraft carrier lift plate, gets off the vehicle, and then transfers to an electric car to go to the cabin.

Until they arrived at the Arasaka family's dedicated elevator passage, a man with thick bangs guarded the door and stopped Tang Yu's special car.

When David saw Oda, the personal bodyguard of Hanako, a member of the Arasaka family, he stopped his journey and sent Tang Yu off to the elevator.

"Tang Yu got off the car and followed me. The others left immediately." Xiaotian said coldly with no expression on his face.

"Go back first." Tang Yu didn't intend to let David follow.

After saying that, he followed Oda into the elevator and went straight to the Arasaka exclusive cabin area.

Each area inside an aircraft carrier is generally divided into several small and narrow spaces, but the Arasaka exclusive cabin area is similar to the exquisiteness of the Arasaka Tower. Not only is it large and spacious, it is also equipped with a number of office and entertainment facilities, and even Purpose-built treatment rooms for leisure and relaxation.

Arriving at an office gate, Xiaotian stopped, turned his prosthetic eyes, and performed a final security scan on Tang Yu as usual.

But he found that Tang Yu had not implanted any prosthetic body, and no useful information could be obtained from the scan, so he said coldly: "In order to ensure the safety of Miss Huazi, I must conduct a body search on you. Please cooperate."

After saying that, he wanted to take action, but suddenly found that his whole body was fixed in place, unable to move.

Realizing that something was wrong, Oda immediately activated combat mode. The red prosthetic mask immediately covered his face, and the combat implant was activated instantly, with red light flowing throughout his body.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't move an inch. With his mind horrified, he was convinced that the big accident in the company square was Tang Yu's handiwork.

"Xiaotian, don't be rude!"

The gate slid open automatically, and a scolding came from inside.

At the same time, Xiaotian suddenly knelt on the ground, and the titanium alloy bones of both knees were completely shattered. He could only apologize in pain: "Sorry, Mr. Tang, I was reckless, please come in."

Tang Yu then let go of his hand and walked straight into the office without even looking at the people underground.

Inside the room, Arasaka Yorinobu was sitting on the office chair, staring straight at him, seeming to appreciate Tang Yu's method just now.

Hanako Arasaka stood behind him, wearing a white dress, with her hands folded in front of her belly, looking quite dignified and noble.

Seeing Tang Yu come in, she took the initiative and said, "You guys talk first."

After saying that, Huazi then turned around and left, walking into another room through the side door.

Arasaka Yorinobu's originally calm face gradually showed a smile: "I really didn't expect you to be so capable. I did lose this round."

Tang Yu knows the ideals and obsessions in Lai Xuan's heart, but this is destined to be a dead end. If we want to bring this terrible world back to life, it is not enough to just rely on a war that destroys everything.

"You don't have to be like this. I know I can't persuade you, but if you want to know the truth, I can tell you."

When things come to this point, Arasaka Yorinobu's fate is already sealed.

A dragon-slaying warrior risked his own life to kill his evil dragon father, only to find out in the end that the dragon-slaying sword he held high was a gift from the evil dragon. How ironic and weak it was.

Arasaka Yorinobu stood up suddenly and slammed his hands on the table, angry and desperate: "The truth? Hahaha, is the truth important? Can it change this damn bloody capital, can it change this corporate system? Today's World Corporation is no longer a zero-sum game, I don’t want to know the truth, I want a result, do you understand?”

Tang Yu replied calmly: "Unfortunately, the result you want will not bring a better world, at least for me."

"Don! Don't you understand that as long as Hegemony Corporation exists and Arasaka exists, no one can live safely in this world! Wake up!" Arasaka Yorinobu still has not given up his last hope. As long as Tang Yu agrees, he will even now Then you can return to Arasaka Tower, declare war on Arasaka Saburo, and give him the biggest surprise before his death.

Tang Yu could only respond with silence.

a long time.

Arasaka Yorinobu understood Tang Yu's intention, and could only slump in the chair and sneer: "I understand, you are afraid of losing what you care about, and this has become the source of your weakness."

Tang Yu neither affirmed nor denied. Maybe one day in the future he will embark on the path of rebuilding world order, but not now.

Yori Xuan said in despair: "Go, go find Hua Zi, she is waiting for you inside, I hope you will not regret it one day."

Now there is only one way left for Yori Xuan, to sacrifice himself to fulfill Arasaka Saburo and force Tang Yu to embark on the path of fighting against Arasaka Company.

Tang Yu knew that Lai Xuan had made up his mind, so he said no more, got up and walked towards the cabin where Hua Zi was.

Arriving in another room, Hanako Arasaka had been waiting for a long time and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Tang, please come with me."

The two of them walked through the corridors one after another and walked towards another place.

The two passed through various access control and entered a laboratory. Hanako Arasaka walked to the console and stood there. He turned around and asked: "Yori nobu has decided to return to Kyoto and is ready to inherit Arasaka Company. Is Mr. Tang interested?" Will you continue to work at Arasaka Company?”

"Then it depends on the sincerity of your company." Tang Yu joked.

Hanako Arasaka took out a Relic biochip and embedded it into the access port on the console.

A huge blue holographic image appeared in mid-air in the laboratory, suspended high, like a giant with its hands behind its back, standing in front of the two people.

Facing the giant statue, Arasaka Hanako bowed in respect.

"Father, we have been brought to you."

There’s another chapter coming later!

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