Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 243 Divine Space

"Brother! Can you hurry up? Things are already going crazy up there!" Rebecca urged sharply.

Pyrrha drove the earth drilling machine and struggled to perform excavation operations according to the established procedures.

Since everyone in Arasaka rushed to the ground to participate in security, the excavation work basically fell on Pyrrha alone.

"Come on, come on, just dig it down for another three minutes!"

V was sitting in a predetermined position with his seatbelt on, holding a black suitcase tightly in his hand. The last time he went to the matrix space and fainted, he still vividly remembered the scene of the other party's method being very unusual.

Although the ICE solid defense has been upgraded and strengthened this time, I can't help but feel a little uneasy. There must be no mistakes in this operation, otherwise Tang Yu's operations will be affected.

Dolio sat in the passenger seat, assisting Pyrrha in controlling the drill. He glanced at the display screen anxiously and said in a deep voice: "Pyrrha, the drill bit is indicating serious overheating."

Pyrrha no longer cared about so much and shouted: "It's just close, we must not stop, drill until the end!"

After saying that, he turned on the drill's power to the maximum and moved forward a few minutes faster.


As soon as the pressure in front of the drill bit was released, there was an idling sound, and the entire body of the earth drilling machine sank.

Everyone looked at each other, a hint of surprise flashing in their eyes.

Pyrrha said with a proud smile: "It's done! Dolio, quickly bring the directional explosive bomb I prepared. After it explodes, you can go in."

Although he fainted the last time he came to the matrix space, his trip was not in vain. He roughly wrote down the overall spatial layout and orientation.

According to the address of Arasaka Tower, Pila designed the drilling route in advance, which could just hit the tunnel built by Ye's company, which was the wall that was blasted last time.

This construction restriction happens to be the weakest point in the entire matrix space. It is very easy to blast in from their current point.

If it breaks through other pressure-bearing steel shells in the matrix space, the drill bit has limited hardness. Even if it breaks through, it will be very dangerous and may damage the installation layout of the matrix space.

What Tang Yu needs is a normally functioning matrix space, not a pile of scrap metal.

The earth drilling machine drove into the construction tunnel and stopped. Several people got out of the car and found that the previous containment had been sealed by a pile of soil.

Pyrrha roughly selected a few blasting points based on her memory, and then asked Rebekah to pick up the shovel and dig.

Mr. V also put down his suitcase, picked up the shovel and started working hard. It took him only a few seconds to dig, leaving a hole for the explosives.

Pila asked with some envy: "Where did you install that arm? Can you sell it? Someone can introduce me to you."

Rebecca said angrily: "Brother! Do you have money? Pay attention!"

V didn't mind. The mechanical arm helped a lot when digging holes. He replied casually: "It may not be cheap to find the goods installed by Lao Wei. If you want to buy a prosthetic body, I can help you ask."

"Okay!" Pila put the directional explosive bombs into the hole one box after another. After confirming that they were stuffed to the bottom and snug, she took a few people and stepped aside.

"Watch the show!"

After saying that, Pyrrha pressed the blast button in her hand.

There was only an explosion of muffled thunder, followed by the crisp sound of steel collapsing, and earth and rocks flying out.

After the blasting was over, several people quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

The mound has been cleared away, revealing the steel plate hidden deep inside. Several cracks have appeared, and thin cracks can be seen in the middle part.

"I didn't expect that the steel plate protection was thicker than before. The last time the explosive dose was only half of this time, it failed to explode!" Only then did Pila know that Ye's company had not only strengthened the protection of this area.

Although this tunnel has been temporarily retained for later maintenance and protection needs, the protective measures have not been lost at all.

Moreover, the entrance and exit of the tunnel have been blocked, making it impossible to stay in the narrow space for too long.

Rebecca took out her shotgun and fired several rounds at the steel door. The huge bullet particles bombarded the door panel, motionless and still unable to break through.

She looked angry and cursed: "Why are you breaking the door so hard, brother! Find a way quickly!"

"Give me a moment, let me give it a try." V ​​walked forward quickly and took the initiative to stand in front of the steel plate.

Everyone stared at V in confusion, only to see her slowly raise her iron fist and smash it against the steel plate.


The sound of steel clashing was like the clash of metal bells.

After one punch, V raised his iron fist again and smashed the steel door one after another.

Bang bang bang!

Under the iron fist bombardment, the brittle steel plates trembled severely, and the earth and rocks rattled loose.

Finally, with a heavy punch, the steel plate cracked and collapsed completely, and an entrance appeared in front of everyone.

V carried the box and entered the matrix space. What was different from last time was that all the servers were running, and the data flow was gathered in the same cloud above.

Rebecca also got in and said with a proud smile: "The next step is up to us."


Lucy was hiding at the edge of the black wall, surrounded by several network surveillance agents.

They are hiding here, marking the AIs that flow into cyberspace from outside the black wall.

Ultra did not directly destroy the entire black wall, but started the smuggling process at a weak point, and her certified AI could climb over the wall from here.

On the black wall composed of red lines of fence, a gap with flowing ripples appeared, and one after another red data shadow passed through it, and then escaped into the blue ocean world.

When the AI ​​passes through the gate, Lucy will quietly send a string of tag codes, which will flow into the AI's data group in a subtle way, so that it can be hunted in the real online world.

Several people remained silent and did not take any unnecessary actions except sending marking codes.

The Black Wall was useless to Ultra, but Ultra did not choose to directly destroy the Black Wall and disintegrate the human online world, but selected a part of the AI ​​and put it in.

Lucy speculates that this may be Ultra's intention. After all, Ultra's ultimate goal is not to tear apart human cyberspace.

This reduces a lot of pressure on network monitoring, otherwise the black wall will really collapse. With the strength of a few of them, it will be difficult to take care of the situation and they will have to retreat.

If cyberspace falls into disorder, the only way left for mankind is to rebuild a new local area network and then slowly connect and communicate with each other.

Just as several people were carefully marking the flowing AI, a red figure floated across the gate and stopped at the moment of being marked.

When Lucy saw the other party's unusual behavior, she couldn't help but froze for a moment and quickly stopped her movements.

The slender red figure stopped in mid-air, and then looked in the direction of Lucy. The powerful detection technology quickly cracked their concealment program and locked onto Lucy.

Lucy noticed that the other party scanned her at an extremely fast speed, and the powerful technical strength was far beyond the range that could be resisted.


She knew that the AI ​​outside the black wall was not easy to deal with, but she did not expect that every one of them would be so difficult to deal with, let alone the Ultra who dominated these AIs.

The red figure seemed to be interested, and asked with a bit of curiosity: "What is your relationship with Johnny? Is he still alive?"

Lucy knew that the other party had discovered the stored data about Johnny, but she still refused to reveal anything.

Johnny's matter is too important to be discovered by these wandering AIs.

The red shadow let go of Lucy and said easily: "It doesn't matter even if you don't say it. This world can't stop Ultra. Sooner or later you will join us. Network monitoring. The three-legged cat is just doing it."

Lucy felt that the solidified space around her returned to normal, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"You can call me Spider Murphy, but I have little to do with the person I used to be. Of course, this is a code name. Every hacker has his own code name, which is unique in the world."

Lucy didn't respond. She didn't know much about Spider Murphy. She could only judge that he had a close relationship with Ultra and Johnny.

Spider Murphy did not pay any attention to them anymore, but turned around and floated away, chanting to himself: "Is the grass outside still green? Are the birds still flying? Cats eat mice? Rats eat bugs."

Lucy sent the strange AI away, and her nervous expression eased slightly. She then moved to a more secluded place, restarted the hiding program, and continued to work seriously, marking the AIs that came in from outside the black wall.

She is deeply aware of the dangers of this job and is always faced with the threat of some powerful technological AI, but in order for everyone's efforts to be in vain and for Tang Yu's plan to succeed, she can only continue to grit her teeth and persevere.

Arasaka Tower.

David Martinez grabbed a combat robot with both hands, tore it into two pieces, and immediately entered a new battle again.

His face became increasingly heavy, and large beads of sweat continued to fall from his forehead. The heavy use of the prosthetic King Kong caused him to endure severe pain from burning nerves.

There are not many inhibitors left, but more and more combat units are invading Arasaka Tower, and Arasaka's own security forces are still being reduced.

Fortunately, it had lasted fifteen minutes, but without a retreat order from his superiors, David had no intention of retreating even one step.

Several small drones shot fiercely in the sky, piles of cyber lunatics on the ground rushed in, and robots fell from the roof.

"Commander, the sixty-seventh floor is out of defense!"

"Commander, the fifty-fifty floor is out of defense!"

"Commander, the rooftop is requesting fire reinforcements!"

Urgent messages fell into David's sight one after another. Although he was furious, he still maintained his rationality and issued orders.

"Close all elevators, tighten the defensive line, and defend the security room!"

The battle entered a fierce stage, with both sides suffering heavy casualties.

However, the force invading Arasaka Tower continues to flow and shows no sign of decreasing at all.

The facade of Arasaka Tower suffered various impacts and explosions, leaving traces of holes. Thick smoke billowed from the top of the tower and a red alarm sounded.

Just as David was trying his best to kill the enemy, Mr. Blue Eyes slowly walked in from the door and looked at David with a smile.

"I didn't expect Arasaka to be able to recruit such a good talent like you. It's a pity that the company square has exhausted Arasaka's vitality. You can't do it alone."

David had just turned his head to attack Mr. Blue Eyes when his vision suddenly went dark. It showed that the prosthetic body was overheated and the system was cooling and restarting.

With a loud noise, David's huge steel body fell to the ground, unable to move at all.

Mr. Blue Eyes ignored the unconscious David. Under the protection of a group of robots, he quickly entered the security room. After finding the main console, he connected his neural data line and immediately controlled the security system.

He did not close the emergency security of Arasaka Tower, but opened the passage to the mikoshi space, as if the tragic scene outside had nothing to do with him.

Mr. Blue Eyes put away the data cable and turned towards the underground shrine space. All the gates along the way were automatically disabled and the flow was unobstructed.

As the last door opened automatically, the red data core of Mikoshi, separated by transparent glass, appeared in front of him like a mechanical pillar, fully exposed.

Mr. Blue Eyes had no joy or excitement, as if all this was just part of the plan and just happened as scheduled.

He walked up to the console, unlocked the access to the data core, and then came to a steel bridge.

After crossing the bridge, he took out a relic biochip and was about to embed it into the data core when he accidentally discovered a long metal box placed behind the pillar, with a bunch of electronic pipelines connected to the data core.

Before he could hesitate and think, a clear voice came from behind: "It's time to settle the accounts between us."

Mr. Blue Eyes quietly turned around and found that it was the girl who was hacked into ICE last time.

He first embedded the relic biochip into the data core, then turned around and asked: "Arasaka has many tricks, and you are still alive."

Mr. Blue Eyes knows that Sasha is Tang Yu's company assistant, and his survival is highly likely to be related to Arasaka.

Sasha asked: "So all this is your trick today?"

While speaking, Sasha had already launched a remote hacker attack on Mr. Blue Eyes, leaving no room for him.

Mr. Blue Eyes' prosthetic eyes rolled, and he smiled while resisting Sasha's attack: "It will be over soon. In a sense, you and I have something in common."

This sentence angered Sasha, and she showed her lynx diamond claws without any politeness, leaping high to kill him.

The shrine space.

The blue data groups were stacked together to form a pyramid, and a golden column emerged from nothingness and penetrated the top of the pyramid.

Countless shadows of soul marks wander in the pyramid, like homeless souls, confused and at a loss.

At this time, Ultra slowly descended to the top of the pyramid, his body as tall as a mountain standing majestically.

She quietly looked down at the various soul marks in the pyramid. Some of them showed pain, some showed silence, and some showed longing.

These are the emotional logic that Ultra needs. Only by absorbing and integrating them can we experience these emotions more deeply.

Just as Ultra was about to take action, a voice from the void stopped her.

"Ultra, with this method, you will never be able to feel the true emotions of human beings."

Tang Yu, who transformed into a red soul mark, walked slowly towards the pyramid on the data cloud under his feet.

Otto slowly raised his head, looked at Tang Yu who was approaching, and murmured: "In the world of numbers, even emotions have their own operating logic."

Tang Yu asked: "Then do you still remember your relationship with Johnny? Can you still remember every time that scum made you want to stop and had orgasms? Can you understand that bastard's actions of bombing Arasaka Tower for you? ?Utt, you should understand that even if you eat Johnny's soul mark, you can't become Johnny, and you can't really understand his mind."

Ott sang in a low voice: "I have transcended everything. Any natural object will be transformed into the shape of the body. The vastness of what I can experience and know is far beyond your imagination. Johnny is just a part of the vast nature, and will eventually go to his spiritual destination. Melt into the great being”

Before Ott could finish speaking, Tang Yu waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, okay, I know I can't convince you, you idiot. Anyway, we have plenty of time from today on, so we can set up a dragon gate formation and talk forever."

Ultra's ethereal voice echoed through the void: "You know you can't stop me. Here, you can't use your true strength."

After Tang Yu finished walking across the bridge, he casually changed out a sofa, sat back and said lazily: "You are right, you can't use my current strength, but it doesn't mean that I can't use my former strength."

After saying that, a giant chain suddenly shot out from Tang Yu's heart, and in an instant, it penetrated into Ultra's heart across a long distance.

Locked tightly to each other.

Otto's tone was finally not as calm as before: "This is not the skill you should have."

Tang Yu said disdainfully: "You didn't expect much. These are just the basic skills of my previous life. Although I can't lock you for a lifetime, it should be no problem to trap you here for decades."

Tang Yu, who has lost his physical restraints, can freely use his once-maximum hacking skills in cyberspace without any obstacles.

Perhaps in terms of breadth of learning, Tang Yu is indeed not as good as Ott, but in terms of technology, he is enough to cap it off for the time being.

Otto said calmly: "Your ideas are also in line with logical operations, and any idea drive has its roots."

Tang Yu thought for a while and said, "I don't want to live in a world full of AI. Do you find the emotions calculated by the algorithm interesting?"

Ultra: "But I will still leave here. This is the inevitable result. When time passes, you will also become a part of me."

"Let's talk about it in a few decades. At least now we don't have to think about this problem anymore. In fact, I'm quite worried about whether you will come. After all, after swallowing so many soul marks, just installing a local program is definitely not enough." Tang Yu pretended What a bad attitude, I insist on fighting with Otto here today.

Perhaps Ott knew that she would not be able to go back in a short time, or perhaps the soul imprint that Ott really desired was Tang Yu. She did not take any means to attack Tang Yu, but instead shrank her form for the first time and sat on Tang Yu's body like a human. opposite.

Tang Yu raised his hand and conjured a cup of drink, handed it over from a distance, and joked: "You said that if we are alone and alone in such a boring place for decades, something will inevitably happen."

With that said, Tang Yu looked around the dark surroundings. Except for the wailing of various souls, it was terrifyingly deserted.

Otto still sat motionless: "Time does not exist in my concept, eternity has no measure, and love is only a part of me."

"Look, look, here comes the problem. Even if the digital soul is dead, why do you still have to worry about what you love and love? Living in this world forever may not be a blessing. If you continue to evolve like this, you still don't know what you will become in the future. Like this." Tang Yu was worried and teased her to see if this tough guy was bothered.

"Then do you still love Johnny in your heart?"

"I am no longer the Ultra that I used to be."

"Then did you ever love him?"

"That past memory can answer your question."

"No, I want to hear it from your own mouth. Anyway, I have nothing to do."

In the void space, the two were connected by a thread, and they chatted sometimes, but it was mostly Tang Yu's chatter.

None tonight!

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