Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 244 Hello, Night City

matrix space.

The scene was chaotic.

Rebecca fired a vicious shot, knocking away the blue-eyed man who was trying to block V's path. Then she was hit in the back by a bullet. The pain made her grin and almost lose her grip on the green gun.

Pyrrha threw several cannonballs, and the waves of the cannons instantly knocked over several blue-eyed people. Before they could be happy, the next second they were pressed to the ground by the blue-eyed people who were besieging them, and they clasped their arms tightly. Unable to move at all, he could only watch helplessly as his golden mechanical hand was removed, but he still laughed loudly: "I can still hold on all day long!"

V held the container tightly in his arms, like a charging football player, nimbly dodging the attacks of other blue-eyed people, trying his best to protect Adam Hammer's brain, and quickly rushed to the end of the matrix core.

Dorio punched one person after another, turning her head sideways with her eyes wide open in disbelief. She witnessed V passing through the people in the melee, and then passing over her like the wind. Then she placed the container intact in the matrix according to the planned plan. At the core, connect and start running.

In an instant, the blue data stream that was constantly rolling on the server came to a standstill, and the blue clouds in the sky also stopped flowing.

This phenomenon gave everyone a shot in the arm. They came back to their senses and violently used their strength to kill the blue-eyed man in front of them. They all looked at the core of the matrix without turning their eyes. The world suddenly became ethereal and silent.

"Did it work?" Rebecca murmured, forgetting the pain behind her shoulder.

A few seconds passed.

A green stream of light suddenly rushed out from the core of the brain, quickly pouring into the dense electronic circuit tubes like mercury, and then extended from all directions to the servers.

After receiving the new signal, the server immediately executed the corresponding instructions. After shutting down, it fell into darkness. In an instant, it restarted and lit up a series of green scrolling codes.

Poseidon AI took over the entire matrix space, and then quickly built and generated a new firewall program according to the agreed upon protocol.

The blue-eyed man in the matrix space had his brain burned off in an instant, sparks bursting out, and he collapsed on the ground and twitched.

Seeing this scene, V's pretty face showed joy, and now I somewhat admired Adam Hammer's brain for actually being able to carry Poseidon's huge data traffic.

"Hey, it's not bad, we succeeded!" Rebecca smiled happily. Even though her back hurt badly, she couldn't stop her from dancing to express her inner excitement.

With a strong shake from behind, Pila lifted up the sparkling blue-eyed man who was still pressing on her, got up again, quickly picked up the golden prosthetic palm that fell on the ground, and said distressedly: "It's broken, it's broken, it's too bad." Too violent, this is the supreme version given to me by Mann."

Dorio finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat mixed with blood on her forehead: "Fortunately, everything went well, Pyrrha is relieved. Mann's one is also encrusted with diamonds, isn't it more fragrant?"

Pyrrha laughed with her empty hands: "If it is encrusted with diamonds, I'm afraid I can play with it for a week!"


Poseidon data is uploaded to cyberspace.

Lucy, who was busy marking the flowing AI, suddenly discovered an anomaly. Green light emitted from the bottom of the columns that formed the black wall, and then immediately spread upwards and devoured it, showing the potential of starting a prairie fire.

In an instant, the black wall turned into a 'green wall', blocking the loopholes again and blocking out all AIs trying to enter the human online world.

Flow AI continues to attack this ‘green wall’, trying to break through this new firewall program.

The green rays of light branch out into light spots, and the light spots are interconnected horizontally, immediately forming a denser 'green network'.

"Poseidon?" Lucy saw the magical scene in front of her and immediately thought that Tang Yu's plan had succeeded.

Although this new firewall is not particularly strong, because it is a brand new program system and has swallowed up the original blackwall data algorithm, in a sense, it is a new version ahead of the AI ​​​​that leaks outside the wall.

Unless Ultra takes action, it will take some time for AI to break through the 'green wall'.

The gate has been re-sealed, and Lucy's current work task has come to an end. All that's left is to hunt down the wandering AIs based on the marks. Some of them are hiding in cyberspace, and some will enter the human world.

But no matter how they hide, it is difficult to escape the law of network surveillance, especially those AIs that cause trouble, and it is easier for their actions to be exposed.

In fact, network surveillance does not have a one-size-fits-all attitude towards AI from outside the black wall. AI that abides by the rules of the human world to a certain extent and has been legally certified can obtain the right of residence, coexist in human society, and provide services to the best of their ability.

Lucy suppressed her thoughts for the time being. These were all afterthoughts to her, and decisively exited the cyberspace.

Arasaka Tower, underground mikoshi space laboratory.

Sasha mercilessly crushed the head under his feet, ending Mr. Blue Eyes' control over this body.

She found no signs of Mr. Blue-Eyed's data escaping, but she couldn't be sure that this was Mr. Blue-Eyed's true identity.

Whether it's the real body or the fake body, it doesn't matter anymore, this battle is settled.

Sasha moved to the long metal box, squatted down, and pressed his ears tightly against the lid, trying to hear the noise inside.

The thick metal layer is extremely cold, and apart from its hard texture, there is no sound.

Although she knew that the soul killer program used by Tang Yu was the latest version, she still felt uneasy and just hoped to see Tang Yu wake up soon.

At this time.

The gate of the mikoshi space automatically slid open, and little Michiko walked in under the protection of multiple personal bodyguards.

The bodyguards entered the mikoshi space and cleared away the remains of Mr. Blue Eyes.

Little Michiko walked onto the steel bridge and came to Sasha's side, sighing that Tang Yu's plan had really come true.

It's just that now his soul mark is trapped in the divine space with Ultra, and he can no longer escape from this space.

As for when Tang Yu in the long metal car would wake up, she was not sure. She could only say in a deep voice: "Sasha, he will wake up."

Sasha nodded, and then asked seriously: "Sasha wants to stay here until Mr. Tang wakes up, is that okay?"

Little Michiko's eyes gradually softened, and she agreed to her request. She felt more relieved to have someone she trusted guarding her.


The lobby on the ground floor of Arasaka Tower.

"Commander Commander?"

David Martinez regained consciousness in a daze. Although he could hear calls in his ears, the cyber system in front of him was still being restarted and loaded.


The bright vision returned to his eyes again, and there was a jittering pattern in his vision.

David blinked and his vision stabilized.

An Arasaka agent crouched next to him trying to wake him up, and a hacker was using a data connection to reboot and repair his operating system.

Within a few seconds, David regained full consciousness and took control of the huge mechanical body again. Only then did he realize that the connection with the prosthetic King Kong had been damaged in many places.

"How is it going?"

The subordinates immediately reported the battle situation. The attack launched by the AI ​​had stopped. Mr. Blue Eyes broke into the Mikoshi space and was killed. The security authority of Arasaka Tower was regained. The logistics department is stepping up repairs to the building and related systems.

After hearing that everything went well, David relaxed his frown and smiled helplessly: "You did a good job this time."

Subsequently, the engineering department called a lift, fixed David and hoisted him up, and sent him to the R\u0026D department to disassemble the prosthetic body.

The thick smoke at the top of Arasaka Tower gradually extinguished, and the rebuilt Giant Tower withstood the baptism of the first war.

In an armed float vehicle not far from Wood Manor, Meredith waited quietly.

Suddenly, she received the latest information, learning that the black wall in cyberspace had been rebuilt, the wave of attacks on Arasaka Tower had stopped, and Arasaka had regained control of the situation.

"Things are still going smoothly, and it's all thanks to you again this time." Aunt Mei showed a slight smile, and immediately ordered the closing of the net, and sent a military science and technology special service team to attack Wood Manor, completely wiping out the last foundation of Ye's company. Harvest everything left behind by the wandering AI.

Night City gradually returned to calm.

after a while.

In the underground black boxing gym in Taiping Prefecture, a massive boxing match was held as scheduled. The dimly lit hall was bustling with many spectators.

In the waiting room, V sat on a long bench, wrapping his right fist with a white bandage, and the news was playing on the wall projection TV.

Dolio, who was standing next to him, clasped his hands in front of him and said with concern: "Today's match is a bit mysterious. Please be more careful after playing. Judging from the current intelligence, the opponent has not left any traces in the black boxing circle. It seems that He’s just debuted, his nickname is Mad Dog, his details are unknown at the moment.”

V's black hair was tied into two boxing braids, falling behind his left and right ears respectively. He sniffed and said, "No problem, I can handle it. It's him who should be careful."

Her purpose in boxing is very clear, just to kill time. No matter whether you are new or old, you must be prepared to be beaten when you enter the boxing ring.

These days, V has been fighting in Dolio's boxing gym. Because of his previous reputation, many people come to challenge him.

As V KOed his opponents time and time again, his reputation became more and more famous, attracting many boxing fans to watch the games, and the business of the boxing gym was extremely booming.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Mann is much thinner than before, but his complexion is obviously better. Lang smiled and said: "V has played fiercely and elegantly in the few boxing matches since his debut. He can't point out that the opponent is a street person who doesn't know the heights of the sky." Boy, I hope I can take this opportunity to become famous and gain countless money and fame. After all, the odds of defeating V are the highest in the Night City."

Dolio was cautious and said seriously: "I hope so, but there are big customers who have bet a lot of money. They are definitely not wild. I am not sure that they will not play such a big game."

V is too lazy to take care of these things. Dolio has always been responsible for all related matters before and after the game. He is only responsible for having a hearty boxing match.

I haven't met anyone who can beat me these days. It's not even as good as the previous razor. The technique may not be good, but at least it can withstand beatings.

At this time, the door of the waiting room was suddenly pushed open.

"Chica, long time no see, Lao Wei and I are here to cheer you up." Jack walked in with confident steps, followed by Lao Wei.

Everyone greets each other.

V raised his head and said hello, then smiled and said: "Really, then I have to show off."

Lao Wei comforted him as always: "Relax, kid. There are not many people in the entire Night City who can withstand your fists. If there are, you can send them away from the Night City."

"I like this." V tied the bandage on his fist and squeezed it hard.

Dolio reminded: "The boxing match will start soon. Rebecca and the others are waiting outside. Go and meet them first, and then you can prepare to go on stage."

V patted his legs and stood up proactively: "Let's go!"

Several people walked out of the waiting room and came to the bar in the boxing gym lobby.

Pila was working hard to perform fancy acrobatics for several customers, causing laughter and laughter all around.

Rebecca was nestled alone on the single sofa, holding snacks and watching her brother Pila play with his treasures with a bored look on her face.

In front of the bar, Lucy and Qiwei sat side by side, each lighting a cigarette and passing the time.

Lucy glanced sideways and looked at the TV news program.

"In the past period of time, tensions between Arasaka and military technology have continued to escalate."

"Despite the withdrawal of the Arasaka Kujira aircraft carrier group from the west coast, the situation between the two sides has not been effectively alleviated. The two aircraft carrier fleets of Military Science and Technology lingered in Tokyo Bay for live-fire military exercises."

"Some experts and analysts believe that Military Technology's move is to exert comprehensive suppression on Arasaka when the internal conflicts of the Arasaka family continue to intensify. The confrontation may break out at any time, and even rise to the level of a nuclear strike and hot war."

"However, things had another outcome, an incredible turn. Arasaka Company announced that the relic biochip development test was successful, and Saburo Arasaka was reborn through the body of his biological daughter Hanako Arasaka."

The scene suddenly switched to Arasaka's public press conference, and Hanako Arasaka appeared.

"Persistence can lead to victory - this is Arasaka's basic belief."

"Hanako Arasaka has dedicated everything to the Arasaka family. This is her honor and will surely go down in the annals of human history."

The screen cuts back to the news anchor, who continues to broadcast the latest news.

"New American President Rosalind Miles invites Saburo Arasaka for a private meeting to discuss the principles of long-term peaceful coexistence between the two parties."

"As a first step of sincerity, a public spokesperson of Arasaka Company stated that it will no longer add armaments to Night City Arasaka Tower, adjust the positioning and functions of Night City Arasaka Tower, and will focus on technology research and development and financial trade."

Lucy's eyes were slightly focused, as if she had a thousand things on her mind.

V walked next to her, ordered a pre-match drink, and then said helplessly: "It's ironic, those people who are so superior will always be superior to Yu from now on."

Lucy guessed that this should be the price of the deal between Tang Yu and Arasaka, and replied in a deep voice: "Well, but in this increasingly fierce storm vortex, we got a moment of peace, didn't we?"

V drank the wine in one gulp and smiled: "You're right, no matter who is superior, it can't affect the pleasure of my boxing now."

After saying that, V turned and left the bar, leaving Lucy to continue lighting her cigarette and looking at the news being broadcast, her eyes empty without any landing point.

"Night City never gets better, and neither does this world." Qi Wei held a long cigarette under her red mask and tapped on her laptop as if no one else was around.

When Lucy heard this, she came back to her senses and sighed: "Yes, this life doesn't seem so bad."

After saying that, she put out the cigarette butt in her hand, turned around and faced the ring, waiting for the show to begin.

The host of the boxing match raised the microphone high, raised his head and announced loudly: "Gentlemen! Ladies! Let's get ready for the bang bang sound! Welcome the real KO boxing champion - V with applause and cheers!"

V wore a deep hood and stepped onto the ring first under the enthusiastic gaze of the audience.

Hearing the thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, V's face showed no emotion, as if all this had nothing to do with her, or was not what she wanted.

"Next is our brave challenger. No matter what the outcome is, we will at least admire his courage." The host joked, making the audience laugh.

Soon, the brave challenger stepped onto the stage, also wearing a hood, and stood opposite V.

After the two people were in place, the host motioned for both parties to take off their hats and perform a fist bump.

V took off his hood, raised his eyes to look at the other person, his expression instantly froze, and he was stunned.

Tang Yu stretched out his fist towards her and smiled a little wantonly.

(End of book)

Everyone who sees this, Yanzu, please pay attention, important report! ! !

The main plot ends here. Will start updating the postscript tomorrow.

The postscript can be ordered or not, and it has little to do with the main plot.

It's just some daily interactions between the characters, mainly Rebecca, Lucy, and V. It's a pity that Rebecca, in particular, has too few scenes in the main text.

(The following is a brief final statement and a preview of the new book.)


Reported results: All orders were 4,700, and the highest order was over 10,000.

The niche cyberpunk fandom can achieve such great results. I have a lot to thank, but the first and most heartfelt thanks are to all the most important readers. Only with your support can this book be completed. A moment!

Thank you so much!

In fact, the instant noodles seemed quite sudden to me, and there were no waves in my mind as I imagined.

Half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and I feel as if I have just started a new book. I have never taken a day off from work, which is something I should be proud of.

Perhaps it was during these six months that the emotions of unhappiness and regret that had been brewing were gradually released, and the original intention of creating this fanfic of instant noodles was completed.

I have always been worried that Tang Yu will not be able to dominate the world, control Arasaka, use military technology, and burn down the entire city of night, which will make people feel frustrated, let alone cooperate with Arasaka Saburo. I guess I can’t find another book like this on the entire Internet. It's the end.

But judging from the comments and feedback, it’s pretty calm.


The second creation story of "Cyberpunk 2077" and "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker" in the heart of Instant Noodles has come to an end.

Thanks for accompanying me all the way.

New book preview:

The new book is in the urban cyber genre and will be released in early March.

Instant noodles will be announced on the public account (same author name), readership, and book review area.

last of the last.

I sincerely wish you all good health and all the best!

None tonight!

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