Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 120 - Monster

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No one could understand what was going on. Was the person standing in front of them really Asil, who had been with them for a week? His current state didn't even look like a human, let alone someone from the city. From his behavior, even the feeling and aura he gave to his surroundings, had completely changed. Asil, who used to look strong but had a kind impression towards his tribesmen, was now like a predator... In fact, he was like a monster who only acted on his instincts!

While the others couldn't get over this sudden surprise, Asil suddenly rushed forward, hitting Lesdnah' stomach with his clenched fist.


The moment the punch, which came so fast that he could not see and contained great power, hit Lesdnah, he involuntarily shouted and flew back with his body bent inward as his feet were swept off the ground. However, while he was still in the air, Asil suddenly jumped towards her and in a blink of an eye, reached just above Lesdnah, whose bent inward body was still in the air, reached out his left hand and grabbed him by the back of the head. He then smashed Lesdnah's head into the ground with great ruthlessness with the profound energy he had loaded onto his left hand.


A cloud of dust rising from the ground with a sudden loud noise blocked the view of other people. In fact, they were able to guess what had happened, even though their vision was blocked. But they all hoped that this would be just a ridiculous thought. But when the dust cloud quickly dissipated, the others were able to clearly see what was happening and fully understand that their prediction was not just an absurd thought!

Lesdnah' head, which had been brutally slammed with face down on the ground, was crushed by the impact, and several bones in his face were instantly broken, including the nasal bone. Also, since he was in a backward motion at first, his face was dragged backwards a bit when he hit the ground, which made his condition much worse. Adding to all this, the blow to his stomach just a moment ago, before he could even respond, his life had already been ripped out by the angel of death's scythe.

He was in the Seventh Level of the Elementary Profound Realm. Even though he was only in the Elementary Profound Realm, his body was stronger than other people of the same level thanks to the tribe's special empowerment method. But even so, he could not withstand the two blows from Asil, and he could not even see these blows coming, let alone respond to them.

Others were completely stunned by amazement.. The other two, weak in strength, even forgot to breathe for a moment. However, their bewilderment was completely replaced by pure fear with what happened a few seconds later!

As Lesdnah's head hit the ground, Asil, whose body was next to Lesdnah's, looked at his left hand after Lesdnah passed away and smiled slowly as he made a growling sound from his mouth.


With his playful and expectant smile still hanging over his face, Asil extended his left hand and grabbed Lesdnah's head. He then lifted Lesdnah' dead body off the ground and took the dead body with him, whose head he had been holding as he leapt towards the nearest wall, under the gaze of those who were staring at him without moving in amazement. Reaching the wall in a blink of an eye, Asil used the momentum of his movement to suddenly push his outstretched left arm violently towards the wall, causing the already-dead Lesdnah's head to be brutally slammed against the wall.







As Asil banged Lesdnah's head against the wall over and over as if he was enjoying it, his laughter echoed throughout the hall. His laughter was so terrifying that even the melody of death was next to it as a lullaby for babies!

Lesdnah was clearly dead, and it was totally unnecessary to waste any more time with a dead person. Anyone would think this way and act accordingly. But Asil unexpectedly hit his head against the wall many times, not caring whether he was dead or not, and completely shattered his head in the sixth blow! While the head pieces were scattered around with the blood geyser, Asil, who was in the middle of them, threw Lesdnah' headless body to the ground and looked unhappily at his left hand, which was completely dark red due to the splattered blood. At that moment, the discontent on Asil's face was just like that of a nervous baby whose toy had been taken away, and unlike babies, there were things he could do to quell that displeasure!

Asil tilted his head slightly to the side, then slowly turned around to look at the two people in the Elementary Profound Realm, who were trembling with fear. One of them was at the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm, while the other was at the Ninth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm. However, when they felt Asil's gaze on them, the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm person who was weaker than the other but braver than his friend unconsciously stepped back and tried to get closer to the strongest person in their group, Gninekawa, while the Ninth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm person was terrified. He had pissed on his pants and lost consciousness on the spot and fell to the ground!

Gninekawa had already recovered from the shock, but he had no intention of intervening in any way. It was clear that there was a change in Asil's power level. But it was also clear that he had lost the ability to think and acted only on his instincts. He thought that the liquid he was drinking had caused a change in his body, and assuming that this transformation put a great strain on his body, so he planned to sacrifice three weak members of his group to make Asil tired, and then attack and kill him. The fact that three people died was of almost no importance to him. Sacrificing three people in the Elementary Profound Realm in order to get rid of Asil's current state which felt like danger even to someone in the Seventh level of the Nascent Profound Realm like himself, or at least to tire him out, was an insignificant sacrifice for him.

Gninekawa's predictions were not actually considered wrong. While Sirius was talking about the Sun Symbol earlier, he said 'The Sun Symbol is a symbol that raises the power of the person using it for a short time by removing the physical and spiritual limits.' This symbol really lifted one's limitations, but it was tiring to use for a long time as doing so puts a lot of pressure on the body. If the user's body was not capable of handling this power, the longer it was used, the more dangerous it would become! Therefore, it would be more beneficial for Gninekawa for Asil to spend too much time unnecessarily.

As if enjoying himself with a wild smile on his face, Asil looked first at the person who fainted and fell to the ground, and then at the person who stepped backwards out of fear. Then, his silhouette suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the man from the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm!

When Asil came up behind him, he struck him on the back of the kneecaps, causing him to fall to his knees. Even if he had hit it in a normal way, the damage he had done to this area would have undoubtedly caused the person in front of him to fall to his knees. However, as he ruthlessly struck without hesitation, the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm man's several small flimsy bones around and behind his knee were instantly broken!


When the man suddenly cried out with the pain he had suffered and got down on his knees, Asil turned around him with a quick maneuver and at once got in front of the man Then, holding out both hands, Asil quickly grasped both sides of his head so that his thumbs were in the area where his eyes were and the other four fingers were behind his ear. Then he smiled slightly and, receiving support from eight fingers located on either side of the man's head, pressed his thumbs mercilessly into his eye sockets!


As Asil's thumbs were pressed against the man's eye sockets, the man from the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm shrieked, just like a fairy of death screeching with shrill voices. While his miserable cries were echoing everywhere and involuntarily shaking the hearts and even the souls of those who heard it, he was hitting Asil with his everything while desperately trying to escape from his grasp! But no matter how hard he hit Asil, Asil continued to press his fingers inward, paying no attention to any of these blows and not responding to any of them, and he was smiling even more wildly the more he did!


In just a few seconds, all of the profound energy and defense of the man in the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm completely dissipated, and amid Asil's wild laughter, his eye sockets, which were not clearly visible due to bleeding, could not take it any longer. With the pressure created by the hands grasping both sides of his head, all the bones around the man's eye were completely crushed and bone fragments were scattered around. Asil, whose upper body was painted red due to the fresh dirty blood splashing from his shattered head, looked like a demon who had come out of hell and fed on death next to the shattered bones.

Asil smiled as if enjoying himself, while his gaze was turned to the man lying unconscious on the floor. Then he suddenly jumped up into the air. As he landed, he fixed his eyes on the body on the ground and stabbed his right hand, where the black smoke had gathered, into his chest like a spear!


If the man hadn't lost consciousness, maybe he would have had a chance to defend himself against this attack. But due to the fact that he was unconscious, this chance had completely disappeared, just like his life! Asils right hand, covered with black smoke, went on the moment it touched his chest as if there was nothing to prevent him, and came out right behind the place where he entered by piercing his whole body, and not only that, but it even went a little inside the floor of

He slowly pulled his right hand out of the hole chest of the dead body. However, in doing so, he had not only removed his right hand, but also the heart of the man from the Eighth Level of the Elementary Profound Realm! As he slowly got up, he looked at the still beating heart, albeit weakly, in his right hand, and closing his hands tightly, he burst it like a balloon pierced by a hot needle!

As the hot blood dripped from his hand to the floor, Asil looked at this hot blood for a few seconds, then slowly took his hand to his mouth and licked the blood slowly with his tongue. After licking the blood, he slowly turned his head away. With his red eyes shining with the pleasure he received, he scanned the people who were still alive one by one. Then he snarled with his wild smile:


Asil's sense of ferocity was so strong that it was felt not only by Gninekawa and the people beside him, but also by the ferocious wolves who were there. It was as if they had awakened something that was sealed by heaven and should never have been awakened. They were all unconsciously thinking the same thing.

The person they're dealing with... No! The creature in front of them couldn't be a human being!

He was a completely wild beast!

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