Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 121 - Monster (2)

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As the blood-covered Asil looked at them, the five humans and five Profound Beasts who were still alive simultaneously felt their hearts tighten. They certainly did not expect such a thing. How could this happen? Although there was only one level between the first level of the Nascent Profound Realm and the last level of the Elementary Profound Realm, the difference between them was actually huge. It was even possible to say that each time someone moved into a different realm, his profound strength entered a completely different dimension.

However, although it felt like a long time to those watching, for someone from the First Level of the Nascent Profound Realm to kill three people who were at the last levels of the Elementary Profound Realm in just a few seconds… No! Exactly, crushing them to death was something that was neither heard nor seen. Even people belonging to a special tribe whose bodies were empowered, such as the Chaka Tribe, could not achieve this! Even the possibility of this being done by a human was impossible for the people who were there right now. But still the 'thing' in front of them had made it happen!

Gninekawa clenched his teeth and looked angrily at the people next to him first, and then at the wolves. He could clearly see the anxiety in people's eyes.

But he didn't mind that much. It was normal for them to be nervous in such a situation. What really angered him was that the Blue-Eyed Forest Wolves, who were famous for their ferocity and pride, were acting uneasily in front of Asil. He had found these wolves when they were born, which he had killed their real mother, and he had raised them to use in his current plan, without telling anyone about this incident.

He was sure that its ferocity and strength would come in handy, but they were only looking nervously at someone from the First Level of the Nascent Profound Realm, even though he was in a strange transformation right now. How could he not be angry? Despite all the hardship and time he spent raising them, they were of no use...

Gninekawa was going to angrily order the wolves to attack Asil. However, just as he was about to do this, he hesitated for a moment and gave up on his decision. Although they had not worked so far, it was something that he would not want to ruin all the labor he had spent on them and use them only to tire out Asil. Instead of them, he could use the people next to him.

Gninekawa looked at the people next to him and said with a smile: "My brothers! Don't let the devil in front of us scare you. He must have used a technique similar to the transformation of our tribe! Although he seems very strong, he has already spent most of his strength and his body will not be able to handle this transformation anymore. You can attack altogether and easily kill him. Whichever of you kills him, once we're out of here, he can ask me for whatever reward he wants!"

Gninekawa's words were simple, but they were enough to convince others. While two of them were at the Third Level of the Nascent Profound Realm, the other two were at the Fourth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm and the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm, respectively! Although Asil had killed three people in a short time, they were only in the Elementary Profound Realm! How could they be compared to those who were at the mid-levels of the Nascent Profound Realm like themselves? Moreover, they would not attack one by one, but collectively!

The four men simultaneously drew their weapons and, under Gninekawa's satisfied gaze, rushed towards Asil. Two of them from the left side, one from the middle, and the last one from the right side rushed to Asil's side and attacked at the same time!

They had weapons they used, but their target, Asil, didn't have any weapons to use! But he just stood there and smiled, as if he didn't care at all!

With the sound of the wind splitting, the attack of four people reached the place where Asil was at the same time. However, just a second before the attack hit him, Asil suddenly jumped up into the air, dodging all incoming attacks in an instant!

Jumping into the air, as Asil's lip corners curled upwards, he pushed his two feet hard in both directions at the same time, ruthlessly kicking the faces of the two people who attacked him!


Two people who were in the Third Level of the Nascent Profound Realms who were kicked in the face flew backwards while screaming in pain and fell to the ground hard after doing a few somersaults in the air!

While Asil was still in the air, the other two attacked again without hesitation. This time, since Asil was in the air and had nowhere to run, he couldn't avoid taking damage from at least one of the attacks from the left and from the front. And yet he was smiling wildly!

Of the attackers, the one on the left had profound strength in the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm. Therefore, he was superior in speed to the person attacking from Asil's front. Therefore, his attack would be the first to hit and the stronger one. Under normal circumstances, if people in this situation had to make a choice, they would try to take damage from the attack of the weaker person and use all their strength to reduce the attack power of the strong one. But what Asil did had nothing to do with what would normally be done!

Asil had raised his right hand in the air while extending his left hand forward with his palm facing up! If someone had seen this stance, they would definitely not be able to understand what Asil did. But Asil didn't give a damn what other people thought!

When Asil did this, he shouted as if all the power in his body was going out, and his eyes suddenly lit up. At the same time, a huge wave of energy rushed out from Asil's outstretched hand and slammed into the man who was attacking from the front, knocking him back a few meters! What he was doing was the Profound Guiding Technique, which he used to not use other than to move objects and do some tricks!

Normally, the Profound Guiding Technique is used to move objects, but when used on a living thing, it was extremely difficult to move even an inch. But in such a situation, Asil was able to accomplish something that was so difficult!

As blood slowly trickled from the corner of his lips, Asil diverted all his strength to his right hand! A black smoke suddenly gathered in his right hand, and it turned into a black claw in a blink of an eye!

The moment Asil's right hand turned into a black claw, the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm man's attack had finally found its target. The sword he swung out hit Asil in the stomach, causing him to vomit blood instantly! If it had been under normal conditions, he would not have suffered such a huge impact from such an attack. However, even his facial expression and gaze clearly showed that his current self could not be compared to the previous one. He looked as if he might faint from exhaustion at any moment.

As soon as the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm man's attack hit his stomach, Asil swung his black claw-like right hand down and hit the man with extreme speed. The impact made him bounce on the ground like a rubber ball. He then looked at the bouncing man with his eyes that were about to close with exhaustion, and spread his hands in both directions, using the Profound Guiding Technique to take the two swords that had sprung out of the man's hands due to the impact of the previous blow. Gritting his teeth, he slammed the ground hard and lunged forward, and the two swords he had picked up were suddenly covered with black smoke.

Using his last strength, Asil suddenly came to the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm man and stabbed the two swords in his hands side by side into his stomach! He smiled wildly, though he tried to keep his slowly closing eyes open. And he tightened all the muscles in his arms and lifted the man with two swords stuck in his stomach by the handles of the swords. As the man rose high enough to come right above Asil, he suddenly pulled both of his arms in different directions with all his might!


Amid the miserable cries of the man in the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm, the swords in Asil's hands covered in black smoke swept through the man's body, just like a knife that cuts through the butter left outside, and as the sword in Asil's left hand came out from his head and the sword in his right hand came out from between his legs, man's body was also split in two!

As Asil was showering with fresh blood gushing from the body that was split in half right above him, the man's innards and the dismembered body fell around him, creating a sight that was as majestic as it was frightening!

Asil staggered a few steps and tried to force his exhausted body to stand, but he couldn't take it anymore and slowly fell on his back as his eyes closed!

The surrounding silence continued for a few more seconds as he fell. Then Gninekawa ordered his wolves to tear Asil apart. This nightmare that he wanted to end as soon as possible was finally over and it was time to wake up!

The wolves were already advancing towards Asil as the others stared in surprise and horror at the remnants of their dismembered comrades! He had already lost consciousness, and even if he hadn't, he wouldn't be in a position to reciprocate due to the complete exhaustion of his body! If a miracle did not happen, Asil's death in a few seconds was inevitable! Everyone there could easily understand this fact. However, when the wolves were only two meters from their target, a ball of white light the size of a marble emerged from the middle of Asil's eyebrows. This ball of light emitted a glow strong enough to cause everyone to close their eyes and stop their movements, turning the entire hall into a white world in an instant...


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