Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 129 - Ares (3)

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Ares reached out his left hand and suddenly grabbed Faunus' throat and lifted him several inches into the air.  The moment he did this, the energy surge caused the destruction of everyone in the ten square meter area! Yes, it really did not cause everyone to die, it had caused everyone around to perish! The bodies of the people inside the ten square meter area had suddenly disappeared into nothingness, along with their blood!

Faunus wanted to use his profound energy to fight and escape, but he couldn't do anything, as if his profound veins were even blocking his energy output from fear!

When Raktidhet saw this, his facial expression instantly changed. He thought Ares might be strong. But he had never thought that he would be so strong that he could not even see his movement. In just a second, he fully understood that he had no chance of winning in a one on one fight against him.

However, no matter what, this was the Holy Phoenix Sect, and the person Ares was holding was their leader's son! For something to happen to him would mean that the wrath of the Holy Phoenix Sect would incinerate both him and Ares!

Raktidhet clenched his teeth and menacingly shouted, "If you dare to touch the hair of the Twelfth Young Master, our sect will completely slaughter not only you, but nine generations of you and make sure that you all die without a grave!"

"Oo... Is that so?" After Raktidhet's words, Ares' hand on Faunus' throat tightened instead of loosening, causing strange sounds to come from his throat.

"Stop!" Raktidhet shouted along in fear. He had made it clear to the man before him what might happen to him in the future, but he continued to act as if it didn't matter. This man could only be a madman! There was absolutely no other explanation for Raktidhet!

Ares looked at Faunus as if he were staring at the most worthless thing in the world while ignoring Raktidhet's shout: "Brat, now that you're the Young Master of this place, you must know where Atar is! I came to see him. So I don't want to deal with you guys who don't even have enough skills to keep me warm up. Normally I would have killed all of you the moment I got here. But lucky for you, I'm in a good mood! So, don't make me look for him personally!"

After Ares had spoken, he loosened his hand slightly on Faunus' throat so that he could speak.

Faunus was as clever as he was arrogant, so he didn't want to guess what this man might do if he didn't tell him where Atar's location in the situation he was in. He had seen who the name Atar belonged to in a book in the special section of the Holy Phoenix Sect's library. That name was the name of the Divine Phoenix! However, even though Faunus was the Holy Phoenix Sect Master's son, it was a miracle that he even learned his name by chance from a book, let alone the location of the Divine Phoenix! Because the Divine Phoenix's name was only known by the leader's first five children and the sect's high level seniors, while his location was a sacred knowledge that only the Divine Phoenix Sect Leader knew!

Faunus clenched his teeth because he did not know the information that the person who squeezed his throat wanted, and tried his luck: "I don't know about it, but if you do something to me, my father will definitely destroy you!"

"That's right, be quick and let the Twelfth Young Master go, otherwise..."


With the sound that came out in an instant, Faunus' body was blown up, and after countless small particles floated in the air for a few seconds, it completely disappeared.

Raktidhet's heart instantly filled with fear as his widening eyes fixed on Ares' body. While his whole body was involuntarily trembling, he felt as if this man, whom he had seen only two meters before, was now hundreds of meters.

Ares lowered his hand and slowly looked around him with his eyes: "Hmm... Let's start then!"

"Let's start then!" were just three simple words. However, those who were there and heard it felt as if they had heard the voice of a demon, and this event caused all bodies to tremble uncontrollably. It was obvious what they would do in the situation they were in. Even if their opponent was powerful, they were members of the Holy Phoenix Sect, and this gave them the status of looking down on the world. Therefore, they would fight their enemies as much as they could and at least buy time until the elders of the sect arrived. Otherwise, how could they call themselves a member of the Holy Phoenix Sect? But this... It was only valid in a normal situation, and the current situation was definitely not normal!

They were members of the Holy Phoenix Sect. Therefore, the number of strong people they saw was naturally much higher than the others. Although simple disciples and low level elders might only get a chance to see the fights of truly powerful people perhaps once in their lifetime, being in the same sect, they had heard of the extent of their power.

The high ranking people of the sect could kill ordinary members like them with one move, and they could even do it effortlessly. However, no matter how effortlessly they did it, pieces of their bodies would definitely be left behind when they died. Of course, the remaining things could disappear after a while. But they would never have completely disappeared in the first place.

Because their bodies, like all other things, consisted of various substances, and a substance was something that could never be completely destroyed in the universe under normal conditions. Therefore, even if the high ranking people in their sect killed them, they would never be able to completely destroy their bodies in an instant!

However, this man in front of them only reached out his hand and grabbed the throat of their Twelfth Young Master Faunus, and the wave of energy caused by it completely destroyed everything in the ten square meter area, leading them to nothingness. This thing was against the laws of the universe and the laws of physics and the man in front of them acted as if it was a normal thing!

So to put it simply, fighting against this man meant only one thing: absolute death!

All the members of the Holy Phoenix Sect that were present immediately began to flee as hoping to save their lives. Even though the power of the other person exceeded their perceptual capacity, the thought that maybe I would have a chance to survive because of the crowd was ingrained in everyone. There was such a great panic situation that no one cared about the other and this caused some people to be crushed in the crowd!

Ares disdainfully look at the tens of thousands who had fled, then shifted his gaze towards the center of the Holy Phoenix Sect: "Hmm… At first, I thought of playing with these little flies, but they don't have the courage to attack. Those from the center will probably be here in a few minutes. Then let's have a nice welcoming ceremony!"

When Ares finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly. When he waved his hand, the pitch black smoke that suddenly appeared around his hand spread out unbelievably fast. And in just a few seconds, it became a huge cloud of smoke, trapping all tens of thousands of people who had escaped.

Ares and everyone who was there was lost in this smoke. There was not a single sound coming out of this mass of smoke that had risen hundreds of meters into the sky and spread for miles. That's why nobody knew what was going on in the smoke.

Time passed, and the few minutes passed quickly. Finally, high-status individuals from the Holy Phoenix Sect's headquarters reached the area where the sect's gate was.

The group that arrived was a small group of ten, consisting of only eight men and two women. However, the aura emanating from the body of each of these individuals standing side by side above the sky was many times higher than all those in the vicinity when Ares entered the Holy Phoenix Sect!

"Ignorant creature! We can sense your presence, don't bother us and go out on your own and face your punishment! Otherwise, we will punish you not only for causing turmoil in our Divine Phoenix Sect, but also for wasting the precious time of great people like us! You have five seconds!"

The man in the third from the right in the group of ten and wearing a dark red robe decorated with gold phoenix embroidery spoke with a disdainful look as he looked at the cloud of smoke in front of him.


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