Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 130 - Ares (4)

"Hmph! Brother Gregor, there's no need to waste any more of our precious time, let's quickly clear that smoke and catch the ignorant. Then, while we try all the tortures in the world one by one, we learn the whereabouts of his family and all his loved ones, and let them meet this vile creature in hell! Even doing this for him would be the greatest blessing someone like him has ever encountered in his life!" The blond man on the far left of the group, wearing a similar robe, looked at the person named Gregor and spoke, then shifted his gaze to the cloud of smoke and then waved his hand. The wind that formed when he waved his hand violently slammed into the black smoke, causing them to slowly disperse. "As you can see, it's not even worth the wait for someone trying to buy time by doing such a simple thi..."

The blond man's speech was interrupted as much of the black smoke dispersed and its contents were revealed, as both he and the others' gazes were instantly filled with shock and horror. The scene before them was definitely not the one they had hoped to see. They thought that the person who dared to enter the Holy Phoenix Sect like this might have some strength and was thinking of escaping by doing as much damage as he could before they arrived. However, the scene before them clearly showed that this was not the case.

The first thing felt as the smoke slowly dissipated was the nasty odor of corpses combined with the scent of blood. As the smoke continued to slowly gather in the center and dissipate, the source of the nasty corpse odor became visible.

The source of this foul odor was eight equally spaced pillars above the pool of blood that covered square kilometers of ground. However, these pillars, which were formed as if at the corners of an equilateral octagon, were not made of normal materials, but of human bones.

And above each bone in the bone pillars, different sizes of headless human bodies hung! The identities of these human bodies, some of which had large holes in their bodies, and some without arms or legs, could be clearly seen with the pieces of torn phoenix-embroidered robe flying with the wind!

The group of ten people from the center of the Holy Phoenix Sect were shocked when they looked at this scene. Yes, but the shock they experienced afterwards was much more severe than before! Because they had finally seen what was in the middle of the eight pillars of bone, where the smoke slowly gathered and then dissipated!

There's a hill there...

No! There was literally a mountain!

And this mountain, whose height reaches much higher than the heights at which people from the center of the Holy Phoenix Sect were in the sky, was completely formed by human skulls! Every one of the tens of thousands of people who had been in this area just a few minutes ago had their heads here, and on the top of the mountain sat a black haired man staring down at the ten people with a contemptuous and bored expression while he eating the apple in his hand!

"I'm tired of waiting, so I've prepared a nice welcome gift for you. Since time was limited, I didn't care about its appearance, but it doesn't matter anyway. After all, even this is considered a majestic sight that your hot shit sect will never have. I don't think you can repay me for wasting my time on you worthless ones, even if all of your sect members prostrate and thank me for doing this for the rest of their lives!"

"That's why I'm going to give you one more favor. If you tell me where Atar is, or if you can at least warm me up until he shows up, I will ignore your debt to me this time!" Ares, after taking a bite of the apple he was holding in his left hand, spoke as if he was someone who had done someone a great favor and wanted to get it back when the time came.

Most of the tens of thousands of members of the Holy Phoenix Sect who died were low level members. However, since the total number of members of the sect was in the millions, the death of tens of thousands of low level people would not be considered a loss of power in their sect. But the important thing here was not the loss of power.

The main thing was the dignity and honor of the sect! This man before them was a single person, but still, he had entered their sect that no one had dared to provoke for tens of thousands of years, through their front doors and killed the sect members and created this scene with their corpses! Moreover, he was not content with these, and with his arrogant words, he belittled their sect and trampled on their dignity! These were things that could cause much bigger events than a simple loss of power!

The man named Gregor, who was the first to speak in the group of ten, suddenly roared in anger as a sword made of dark golden flames suddenly appeared in his hand: "You will definitely pay for what you have done! I will personally take your head and make sure you survive until you die of old age, and during that time you experience the most painful tortures every second!"

"Hahahaha..." Ares laughed out loud, and then his voice suddenly turned serious: "Kiddy, I think there's something you misunderstood! I guess you still don't understand the situation you're in!"

"The air I breathe here gets dirty because of the pieces of garbage that think you are something. And because of your presence, the landscape in my field of vision is becoming tainted! However, despite all this, I was tolerant enough to allow you to be still alive. But what did you do? You, a frog looking up at the sky from a well, thought you were capable of fighting me yourself because you were looking at the world with blinders! I guess I need to get you serious, otherwise, I won't hold back any longer and crush all the members of your worthless sect to dust until the Atar appears!"

Ares stood up slowly after speaking. As he rose to his feet, the man named Gregor could not contain himself any longer and, while succumbing to his anger, attacked Ares with the dark golden flame sword in his hand.

Ares stood there as Gregor came at a high speed towards him and, as if he were dealing with something insignificant, he ignored Gregor and turned his gaze towards a silhouette in the lower part of the bone mountain.

Just then, the sword attack of the man named Gregor finally reached Ares. And as soon as it touched his body, a wave of scorching hot flame spread out. As this wave of flame spread, expressions of disdain appeared on the faces of Gregor and the nine other members of the Holy Phoenix Sect. After all, they had known Gregor for years.

He might be the weakest among them, but still, his strength was enough to enter the top fifty in the sect. Therefore, they were sure that his attack would kill the man who was too arrogant to even make any defense.

"Princess of the Dragon Clan, the last time I came to your clan, we made a mutual agreement with your father. But if anything happens to you, it will break our agreement, and if that happens, my experiments will slow down. No matter how hard I try to contain myself, undesirable things can happen while fighting. So you better leave here and go home. After all, when I'm done with these trashy bugs that talk too much, it's time to de-stress with Atar. Hahaha..."

The sudden voice from within the scorching wave of flame that spread around the surrounding area instantly changed the facial expressions of those from the Holy Phoenix Sect. This voice belonged exactly to the man who had just despised them and their sect!

The wave of flames quickly dissipated, and what was happening was finally revealed. The flame sword of the man named Gregor from the Phoenix Sect had indeed hit Ares. However, where it hit was precisely Ares's randomly outstretched right hand, and the flame sword that had hit his right hand was completely fixed in place as Ares closed his palm and held it. Gregor wanted to move his flame sword. But his sword remained motionless as if it had been stuck in a rock and made it impossible to get back out, and no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't move an inch!

Although he did not attack with all his strength, this attack still contained a power that could shatter mountains. However, this man in front of them had stopped such an attack by just casually extending his hand. And what's more, he couldn't even move his sword, which he was holding as if he were holding it without using any force. This man was not one with empty arrogance. He definitely had the strength to bear this arrogance!


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