Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 131 - Ares (5)

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The silhouette where Ares was looking naturally belonged to Glynnis. Ares, who killed everyone in a short time and created such a scene around, did not touch her and made her watch all this. Glynnis had seen it all. She watched without a sound as thousands of people died where they were due to the gloomy aura that spread in an instant and even she could barely breathe, and the rest of them, without having the opportunity to make the slightest sound, their heads were separated from their bodies. As she watched all this, her body trembled more than she had ever experienced before.

She was one of the Dragon Clan who knew no fear because of their mighty blood and proud dispositions in their veins. But the widely spread gloomy aura, whose target was not a single person, had made her afraid. This man was absolutely dangerous! She already knew about it from the time he fought with his father. But the fears she suppressed back then were now fully exposed. A gut feeling told her that if she didn't leave here soon, she would never leave again!

Glynnis nodded without saying anything and left quickly from there. She didn't want to see what was going on anymore. Because in the Holy Phoenix Sect, she could predict the fates of all beings that would come up against this man! The only thing that awaited them was an absolute death!

As Glynnis left, Ares sighed and turned his gaze to Gregor. "Did you really think you would damage me or something with these cold flames? I can't use flaming techniques like you. Therefore, it is not possible for me to play with you using fire. But you don't need to worry. That doesn't mean I won't play with you!"

As soon as Ares finished speaking, he clasped his right palm, and the dark golden flame sword he was holding completely disintegrated. Then, without adding any fancy movements to the right hand that he had made into a fist, he sent it straight forward and hit the stomach of a man named Gregor.


When Ares's fist, which he threw without even showing importance, hit Gregor's stomach, he felt as if he had been hit in the stomach by the heaviest combat mace in the world. And as his body arched from the impact, he was thrown towards the ground and slammed into the ground hard. As the loud sound generated when it hit the ground spread around, the dust cloud that was lifted from the ground by the impact also rose to the sky.

While the others were looking at what had happened with shocked expressions, the strange and miserable voice that suddenly appeared in the dust cloud brought the extent of shock in their expressions to a much different point! Because the voice that emerged within the cloud of dust was clearly the voice of Gregor, who could enter the top fifty in power in the Holy Phoenix Sect. But this sound was just like the sound of a baby chicken with a broken finger when oil gets into its throat!

The cloud of dust was instantly dispersed by the wind as Ares waved his hand, and Gregor's condition could be seen by the others. There was a hole in his stomach about the width of a fist and without any organs. Blood was leaking violently from all the holes in his body, such as the nose, mouth, ears, which could allow blood to escape.

Others knew his strength. But still, a single punch had made him this miserable! There was only one explanation for this. This man in front of them was much, much stronger than they had anticipated, and they had no chance against him if they didn't attack with all their strength at once!

Having suppressed their fears thanks to their experience, the nine Holy Phoenix Sect members simultaneously gathered all the energy in their bodies and prepared to use their strongest techniques. Ares was watching them without moving, just smiling, as dark golden flames rose from their bodies.

"Phoenix's Scorching Flame of Destruction!" All the flames in the body of the man, who was in the middle of the nine people, gathered in his outstretched hands, forming a fireball that instantly raised the air temperature by degrees. The others followed him in the same gesture, pointing the fireballs in front of their hands at the same point.

"Nine Gigantic Explosion of Destruction!" The fireballs in the hands of the nine people suddenly gathered in the direction that all nine were facing, forming a gigantic fireball more than a hundred meters wide. Then, with the scorching heat that followed this fireball, it advanced towards Ares, who stood motionless.


When the massive fireball hit Ares, the explosion instantly melted the ground into magma, causing scorching fire hundreds of meters wide!

The nine people who combined the fires they had created using all their strength and made this combined attack looked towards the center of the fire with tired expressions. Their opponents might have been very strong, but their attack was powerful enough to damage even Sect Leader. Therefore, even if they did not kill the man in front of them with this attack, they considered that they had seriously injured him.

"Pff... I thought this attack was powerful because it seemed like a good thing. So that's all you have the capacity for. Then there's no need to waste any more time!"

After a sudden sound, a human silhouette appeared in the scorching flames. As this human silhouette slowly emerged from the flames, the eyes of the nine members of the Holy Phoenix Sect were filled with disbelief and fear! How could this be possible? How could he talk as if nothing had happened after this attack, which they did with all their might? Exactly how strong was this man?

Ares came out of the flames after a few steps. After this attack, the apple on his left hand was still intact, and the only thing that was different about his body was a little blackness that formed on the back of his right hand!

Ares smiled contemptuously and prepared to attack the nine in front of him as a black aura emanated from his body, so gloomy that even the sky had changed color, filling the area for miles. But just then, an ancient sound echoed all around:

"Ares Ryuk! As always, you don't care about the lives of weaker people! This is an attitude that a living thing should not have! I would like to teach you this with my words. But I am compelled to do so because I know that you will not understand them in words!"

Ares paused for a moment and looked up at the two huge golden eyes in the sky. All the blood in their bodies involuntarily stirred as the other nine people simultaneously spoke respectfully: "We greet the Holy Phoenix!"

"Hahaha... So you finally decided to show yourself! I'm glad about that, but are you the only one who's going to teach me the wrongness of my behavior? You alone? Don't make me laugh, little bird!" Ares smiled arrogantly, and his aura became more gloomy, causing the other nine people to be unable to even breathe.

"Your arrogance has blinded you! Now you're the only one to blame for everything that happens! If you want to be angry, you can only be angry with yourself!" As the Holy Phoenix's voice resounded, thousands of tiny phoenix silhouettes appeared around the huge golden eyes in the sky. Then, all of these phoenix silhouettes headed towards Ares at the same time.

Ares again stood still, but this time he was not careless. He tossed aside the apple in his left hand and with his diamond sharp gaze swept the silhouettes of thousands of tiny phoenixes advancing towards him.


Phoenix silhouettes simultaneously crashed into Ares's location and caused the earth to shake violently, while the flames rising hundreds of meters into the sky evaporated even the water in the clouds!

The Phoenix's attack was so fierce that if the nine members of the Holy Phoenix Sect had not started to move away when they saw the small phoenix silhouettes, even if they had practiced their fire attribute profound arts, they would definitely have been burned to ashes!

"Hahahaha! That is it! It's really fun fighting you Eight Sacred Beasts! Especially you Atar! It would be truly wonderful to rip the Divine Immortal Phoenix's wings off one by one and smash it to death over and over again! It's great that he even thinks about it. Hahahaha! Now that I know its location, I can now get one of the materials I need to use in my experiments from you."

The majestic flames suddenly dissipated, and Ares' body reappeared. This majestic attack by the Divine Phoenix himself had indeed hit him. However, an attack of this magnitude only caused his body to be dragged back a few meters, burns in parts of his clothes, and black spots on his hands!

Ares slowly lifted his head, which was looking down at that moment. With a wild smile on his face, he looked into the golden eyes in the sky. His pale face regained its colors with three large dots suddenly appearing on three different parts of his forehead.

And as these three dots on his forehead, which is the largest in the middle, grew and changed shape, turning into a crown with a black sun shape in the middle, the gloom in his aura increased so hard that caused all the living things in the square kilometers around him to die before they could resist, and then completely disappear without leaving anything behind.

Ares slammed his right foot into the ground so hard that the entire floor in hundreds of square meters had crumbled. Using the power of this effect, he leaped towards the place of the golden eyes in the sky at a speed that was too high to be seen. While he was in the air, the huge darkness that emerged behind him completely covered the sunlit sky, causing the surroundings to be plunged into pitch darkness!

"Atar, I haven't gotten serious in a long time! I hope you can amuse me enough before I bury your head in the ground and trample under my feet! Otherwise, after you, I will make sure that whatever living or non-living inside the Holy Phoenix Sect is disappeared from the universe!"

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