Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 13 - The Choice (2)

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The Skinny Man looked at him and approved with a nod: "Hahaha, for a moment I thought you were going to think all day. Then tell me what you chose, and we'll go."

After Skinny Man's words, Asil Mirza began to speak as he reached forth to the gauntlet: "Senior, I thought carefully and made a decision after weighing the possibilities in my head. My choice is the gaunt..."

Asil Mirza suddenly stopped after he spoke. What stopped him was the strange things Skinny Man is doing right now. There was an unsatisfied expression at the Skinny Man's face and he was extravagantly and meaningfully pointing at the necklace. In fact, he did not stop there and said in a strange voice, " The necklace... When I was little I wanted a necklace... I would wear it and ramble around..." He started to sing a strange song.

Asil Mirza got surprised and reconsidered his choice but still continued to extend his hand toward the gauntlet. But seeing this, Skinny Man's movements became even more awkward. He began to sing his strange song more interestingly, showing off the necklace with his hands, giving insinuating glances with his eyes, and coughing decently occasionally to attract attention.

Asil Mirza watched the Skinny Man's behavior in a disoriented manner and then began to speak: "Senior, I have made my choice. I choose the necklace."

The Skinny Man cut off his oddities when he heard this answer and looked at the Asil Mirza with a satisfied expression: "So you chose the necklace...Anyway, that's a good choice, but I wish you'd picked the gauntlet. Hahahaha, if I were you, I'd pick the gauntlet. You're really weird. You picked this necklace out of all the things. Hahahaha..."

After the words of Skinny Man, Asil Mirza's eye twitched and most of the muscles in his face contracted.

" If the gauntlet was a good choice, why did you do so much to get me to choose the necklace? If you were going to get this necklace picked out, why did you take the other stuff off? I need to calm down. I definitely need to calm down. "

Asil Mirza tried to calm himself down for a while and then asked: "Senior, I chose this necklace, but I do not know what its properties are. Can you tell me what its properties are?"

"What? You chose this necklace without knowing what it does? You're a really strange man, Asil who thinks he is insignificant. You'll learn in time what this necklace does, or, more accurately, whether it does anything, hahaha... Anyway, we're done here, so let's get going. Since you have no profound power, we will be moving very slowly for the sake of keeping you alive."

The Skinny Man held Asil Mirza with his right hand, who was not sure what to do now and proceeded towards where they would be going. As he proceeded, he left behind a slight blur and the swiftly disappearing cries of Asil Mirza. Although where they were going was a place where ordinary people could get to in about 40 days by riding their average profound horses, even with the pace that the Skinny Man called quite slow, they got there after only about two sunrises.

Although Asil Mirza screamed at first because of this speed, and his body trembled with fear, he got used to it and calmed down over time. That is why he was in a normal condition right now. In fact, it wasn't exactly true to call him normal, because he had a bewildered expression on his face. The reason for this confusion was the place he saw before his eyes.

The place Asil Mirza saw was a giant city entrance. There was a huge black dragon's head above this city entrance, and also dozens of bodyguards in front of the entrance, all of whom looked quite strong, were wearing black armors and dragon-tooth helmets. There were dozens of caravans and hundreds of people who looked like mercenaries trying to get into the city. But most of these people, they were blocked by these guards. Thinking about why they came to this city, whose entrance alone could prove to be quite top-tier, Asil Mirza was quite excited watching the Skinny Man walking towards the entrance.

As the Skinny Man walked towards the entrance, one of the guards approached him and spoke in an imposing tone: "Pops, why did you come here and where do you think you're going?"

The words of the guard intimidated Asil Mirza who feared that The Skinny Man would do something to the guard, knowing very well that it was a mistake to underestimate the Skinny Man. But contrary to what he thought, the Skinny Man smiled only slightly and answered The Bodyguard's question: "The reason I came here is to bring someone to Kastor for training. That's the entry fee you're implying." The Skinny Man threw 10 Green Coins to the guard. These were green profound coins.

The guard looked at Asil Mirza after collecting the coins and then spoke to the Skinny Man "You can enter now."

After the guards' words, the Skinny Man smiled again and proceed towards the city with Asil Mirza, who thought about what and who was the Castor.

This city was more magnificent than any city the Asil Mirza had ever heard of. There were quite posh-looking houses on the streets, small dragon statues, hundreds of flashy shops selling weapons, and countless people carrying large or small weapons looking strong. The city seemed to be displaying its strength in every aspect.

Asil Mirza continued to walk with the Skinny Man as he examined his surroundings with excitement and curiosity. After a short walk, they came to the front of an arena of enormous size. There were many square spaces in this arena to look outside, and these spaces were sealed with quite solid-looking steel. It was as if those inside had been asked to look outside but not get out. There were two statues at the entrance of this arena, about 3 meters in size. One of these statues belonged to a strong man who used a heavy sword and the other to a woman who wielded two short swords. Of the statues, the male one looked like a soldier massacring in a war, while the female one looked like a master hunter. The Skinny Man suddenly spoke as Asil Mirza was looking to the gigantic arena.

"Asil who thinks he is insignificant; this is your training facility. Before you go in here, I have two things to say to you: listen to them thoroughly and make sure you don't forget."

The Skinny Man looked at Asil Mirza's expression after he spoke and continued seriously: "You will stay here until you get stronger and you will take the graduation exam when you think you have enough experience. If you pass that exam, you can do whatever you want till the tournament. Your first goal should be to be strong enough to pass that graduation exam. The other candidates I've selected will be trained here, but you don't need to know which candidates they are right now."

As the Skinny Man talked, Asil Mirza started to think that something was wrong. Because the training facility was an arena, and don't usually have graduation exams.

The Skinny Man moved his right hand slightly after pausing a bit, then a transparent glass sphere the size of a nail appeared. The skinny man gave this transparent glass sphere to Asil Mirza and kept talking:

Asil who thinks he is insignificant, take good care of this sphere and make sure you hide it well. If you run into other candidates, don't mention this sphere. Because you're the only candidate with this sphere. If you get to run into trouble in the future and you get in a dangerous situation, break this sphere. But use it when you're in a life-or-death situation, which you certainly can't handle on your own."

Asil Mirza approved with his head after Skinny Man's speech and walked towards the entrance of the arena, following the Skinny Man.

When they arrived at the entrance to the arena, a middle-aged man came out and greeted them.

"How can I help you?" The middle-aged man spoke immediately.

The Skinny Man looked at him carefully and then replied: "I brought someone to Kastor for training. He is fully suitable for top-tier training."

The middle-aged man's eyes glowed after hearing the words of the Skinny Man, looking at Asil Mirza, he spoke oddly: "Interesting, quite a lot of people apply for top-tier training these days. But that is okay, we are in need of young people to train."

After the middle-aged man's words, Asil Mirza's thoughts of 'something is wrong' strengthened.

The middle-aged man took a pouch out of his pocket after he spoke and greeted him with a smile after giving it to the Skinny Man.

The Skinny Man smiled back to him and spoke to Asil Mirza: "Asil who thinks he is insignificant, follow this good man. He will nicely explain the things you need to know."

"Hahaha, yes yes follow this good man, I will tell you what you need." After the middle-aged man spoke, he took a glance at Asil Mirza and entered the arena with a smile.

Asil Mirza, with doubt in his heart, followed him and entered the arena, not knowing what hell he had entered.

After he walked in, the Skinny Man smiled and disappeared as if he never existed there.

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