Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 14 - Kastor (1)

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After delivering Asil to the training facility, the Skinny Man appeared in the woods far away from where he left.

This forestland was so quiet and green since it was far from where people lived. All the sound could be heard was the sound of the birds and the gentle wind.

"All is well but how am I going to explain this to our crack head leader. hahaha, I'll figure it out. Let him be the leader he is but he is going to have a headache for what I did. Hahahaha." The Skinny Man spoke oddly with a half-smiling half-serious expression:

"Sir, why did you do such a thing? Sect Leader could give you a great deal of punishment for what you've done." Just after the skinny guy spoke, the sound of a respectful man came through the woods. Then four men, all dressed in black, appeared before the Skinny Man. After the four men appeared in front of Skinny Man, they immediately knelt and bowed their heads and waited for Skinny Man to speak.

The Skinny Man looked at them and then spoke: "Punishment? Him? Hahahaha, I do not think that crack-head would punish me for that, but he indeed will give me a hard time for what I did. And didn't he want to see something interesting and fun? Hahahaha, I did something very interesting."

The bodies of the four people in front of him trembled involuntarily when the Skinny Man said 'that crack head' as he spoke. Because they knew who the person referred to as 'that crack head' was and what tremendous power he had.

After a wait of about three seconds, the man in the four, whose voice came from the forest at first, spoke timidly: "Si... Sir, why did that boy with no profound power mattered? Why did you give him one of the Divine Octal which tens of thousands of people died to acquire? What's so special about that kid that he made you do this?"

The Skinny Man smiled awkwardly and spoke: "Hahaha, What's so special about that kid? right? Think about what I'm about to say, boy. There is a kid with no profound power who lives in such a weak place, and this kid could easily enter a place that is protected by a barrier that could protect itself against the power of someone who is in the first level of the Core Profound Realm. And if that is not enough, even though he got seriously injured enough to be in the bed for a month, he could get up on his feet the next day, like nothing's happened. I think these are interesting things, but that's not the real reason I'm interested in that kid."

The Skinny Man paused for a while as he spoke, allowing four people kneeling in front of him to contemplate his words. What Skinny Man said was really interesting. Because someone without profound power would not have been able to cross such a barrier without a powerful artifact and would not have been able to get out of the bed the next day after sustaining such serious injuries that would make someone like him to be bedridden for at least a month. For the four men, even though they were very surprised, these things were not so interesting and important enough to give someone one of the Divine Octal. Because every one of the Divine Octal was indescribably precious and the items which many carnages, that could freeze one's blood, were done to obtain them.

After a brief pause, the Skinny Man continued to speak: "What is really interesting that there is a seal in this boy's body, who had no profound power, which is so deep and powerful that even I cannot comprehend. It is quite interesting that there is a seal formation on a boy's body who lives in such a weak place, that even someone like myself who is quite familiar with seal formations could not understand; which there are only a few present in our Sect's ancient inscriptions. If the person who saw that kid was the leader of our sect, he would certainly understand what that seal formation was, and that kid would certainly be of interest to him. So I give him one of the Divine Octal, both because I was wondering what was behind that seal, and because I thought I'd found something that might really interest that crack head. Although what I have given is the eighth among the Divine Octal, the seal formation contained within it can interact with the kid's seal and weaken both formations."

After speaking this much, an expression of anticipation occurred on the Skinny Man's face and he finished his words: "If this happens, the seal inside the boy could weaken to a level that I can understand, and also I could see the puzzled face of that crack head when he found out that I gave the boy the only piece of the Divine Octal that our sect owns. Hmph, that all-knowing expression of his is really frustrating. I can't wait to see the expression of surprise and disbelief that comes out of that scabby face when something outside the calculations comes out. HAHAHAHA."

The four men clenched their teeth after skinny Man's words and tried to endure. If someone else had said these words to their sect leader, they would certainly have reacted, perhaps even fought that person, even if they would have to give their own lives. Although this seemed foolish to many who knew their sect, they had an insane loyalty to their leader. For them, the leader of their sect was like a holy being. But even so, they weren't reacting to the words Skinny Man said against him. This is not because they are afraid to die, but what the leader of their sect said: "Let him be. Let him say and do whatever he wants. Because he's the only one around here who can entertain me."

The Skinny Man burst into laughter after finishing his words and disappeared.. Right after Skinny Man disappeared, four guys sighed and stood up and disappeared just like the Skinny Man.

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