Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 142 - If I Was The Way I Used To Be

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Brunet young man named Bloodeki and Asil entered the cage without speaking. After they had entered, the old man named Zias came to the door of the cage, and after one last glance at Asil, he sealed the door of the cage and said in a trembling voice: "Ladies and gentlemen! The two young people here... have agreed to a fight! And... and this fight will be a fight to the death! Participants take off your emblems and introduce themselves!"

After the old man's speech, the first move came from a young man named Bloodeki. He took out his own emblem and proudly showed the emblem with O3 on it. "I am Bloodeki Kantireki, bearer of the O3 Emblem! Even though I'm against a loser like you, I've been magnanimous enough to give you a chance to fight to the death, but you still have the chance to bow down and apologize. Of course, you have to break an arm and a leg this time for tiring me out here!"

"There's no need!" Asil briefly refused. Then he took out his own emblem with the word O1 on it. "I am Asil. You don't deserve to know the rest."

After Asil's answer, the young man named Bloodeki's face turned ugly, as if he had eaten something extremely spicy. With anger in his eyes, he restrained himself and roared: "Take out your weapon and try to have a good time before you die! But I guarantee you will die in agony!"

"Weapon?" Asil tilted his head slightly to the side and stared blankly. "For you?" He snorted lightly, then glanced at the old man named Zias for a second, then turned his gaze back to Bloodeki and continued, in a voice scorched with anger, "If you want me to have a good time before I die, then I guess we should fight on equal terms."

Asil's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice got louder for everyone to hear: "However, to do that, I first have to remove my brain so we're on equal footing! Since I won't do that either, we don't need to think about equal conditions for now!"

Everyone involuntarily held their breath for a second when they heard Asil's last words. Wasn't this boy really afraid at all? The background of the person opposite was based on the Inner School! But he... He was crushing the other person with his words as if he didn't care about it at all! The eyes of the people who wanted to watch the fight lit up with his words. The people humiliated by the Bloodeki were all staring at Asil in the hope that he could get their revenge.

Hearing Asil's words, Bloodeki's face turned completely ugly. It was as if he realized that the spicy thing he had just eaten was actually a freshly made hot animal excrement, the odor of which was obscured by the intense use of spices. He couldn't control his anger any longer, and he took out a large two-meter double-handed sword, over twenty centimeters thick, from his Spatial Ring and charged towards Asil.

As he came towards him, Asil did not make any movement and stood motionless where he was. Bloodeki quickly approached and swung his greatsword at the still motionless Asil. The sword he swung swept through the wind. He reached Asil with a whistling sound that formed, but Asil activated Colorless Breath and easily dodged his attack.

Angered that his attack didn't find its target, Bloodeki twisted his body, making a full turn, and using the spin's momentum, he swung his sword towards Asil once again. However, his attack did not hit Asil again.

Anger is something that blinds most people, and Bloodeki was clearly one of those people. He was swinging his sword incessantly. But even though he was angry, Asil, who thought rationally without losing himself, could easily dodge these attacks by moving his upper body.

As time passed, the muscles in Bloodeki's arms began to tire, and naturally, the strength behind his sword gradually dwindled. He swung his sword a few more times, ignoring his weakening body, and then stopped and roared at Asil: "You're such a self-confident, arrogant bastard, but all you can do is cowardly dodge my attacks?"

Asil smiled faintly: "You can be so arrogant, but all you can do is swing your sword around stupidly?" He sighed slowly: "Even if I stand here all day, a brainless person like you won't be able to hit me. So I'll give you a minute. I'm not going to avoid it or get away with it. You can attack as you wish."

After Asil's words, shocked expressions formed on the faces of the audience, while Bloodeki's teeth clenched with all his might, crackling sounds could be heard.

Without saying a word, he swung his sword towards Asil again, but this time, Asil did not dodge this attack, as he truly said!


Bloodeki's great sword slammed into Asil's stomach, and the resulting airwave moved the sand on the ground. Wasting no time, he drew back his sword, swung it quickly once more, and attacked Asil again.




All of Bloodeki's attacks were hitting. The spectators, who saw the grains of sand flying with the effect of the wind, were watching the fight with all their attention. No one wanted to miss a single second of the fight by looking away.

As the red-painted sands, soaked with fresh blood, continued to increase, Asil did not respond to all attacks and countered all attacks using his body.

As the minute he had given was about to end, trembling voices began to emerge from the audience.

"This... this boy... is he serious? Is what I'm seeing real?"

"As much as I don't want to believe it... This is absolutely real! How is it possible for us all to be wrong at the same time!"

"What was his name? Was it Asil?"

"Asil... That boy is an absolute beast!"

While the shocked conversations between people continued, the one-minute time given by Asil was finally over.

Asil quickly extended his right hand towards the large sword that Bloodeki had swung. The moment his hand met the blade of the great sword, the sword stopped as if it had struck a solid profound rock and was stuck between it, and no matter how hard he tried, Bloodeki could not move it.

Asil concentrated all his profound energy on his left hand, which he had clenched into a fist, and smashed the body of the great sword with all his might.


With the sound of Asil's fist hitting his target, the body of the great sword was completely shattered and the pieces were scattered around!

Bloodeki's sword was not a regular sword. It was a profound weapon. In fact, it was an Intermediate Level Elementary Profound Weapon that was exactly on the same level as Asil's twin blades before! And Asil smashed a weapon of this rank with one punch!

When the audience saw this event, they involuntarily swallowed. They had already witnessed a rather shocking one-minute scene. Being in the Fifth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm, Bloodeki's attacks had hit Asil's body and the surroundings were soaked with blood. But... However, this blood did not come from Asil's body, but from Bloodeki's hands as he clenched his greatsword with all his might! And now, with Asil smashing his opponent's profound weapon with a single punch, their amazement had reached a completely different level!

Before Bloodeki could even react to the shattered of his sword, he suddenly bent his body forward from the pain of the punch that hit him in the stomach. When he did this, Asil quickly moved his left palm to grab him by the neck and slammed his head into the sandy ground hard. Then Asil lifted his left foot slightly and put his weight on Bloodeki's head!

"You said you were going to bury Senior Zias on the ground and crush his head under your feet if I heard right! Am I wrong?" Asil spoke without expression.

Bloodeki tried to lift his head, but it was as if there was not just a foot on his head, but a huge mountain. He was trying to move and get up, but it didn't work.

Asil turned his head and looked at the old man named Zias: "Senior Zias, what would you like me to do to him?"

After Asil's question, the old man named Zias was shaken and stammered, as if waking up from a dream. "As... Asil... You don't need to do anything. To do this for me... You don't really need."

"If that's what you want, then so be it." Asil nodded and slightly raised the foot that had stepped on Bloodeki's head. He paused as if something had suddenly occurred to him. Then he smiled slightly. "I thought you said I had to break an arm and a leg! Hmm... You have five seconds to choose, which arm and leg shall I break?"




Asil counted two seconds and after no answer came, he pressed his foot hard on the elbow of Bloodeki's left arm, breaking it. "Now that I think about it, five seconds is too much for you."


With the second cry of pain, Asil also broke Bloodeki's right leg.

Then he shook his legs and hands slightly, shook his head, and looked towards the cage door. "I don't know if you noticed, but if we not counting the foot I just lifted, I haven't moved my lower body at all since the fight started. I mean, you couldn't make me take a single step from the beginning of the fight. Fighting to the death with such a person is completely unnecessary. If you want me to kill you, I will take your life right now. But if you want to live, I'll just walk away without messing with you any longer. What's your choice?"

Asil waited for a few seconds for Bloodeki's response, but no response came from him. He sighed and walked towards the cage door. When he reached the door of the cage, Bloodeki's painful voice came from behind him. "You... You'll die when you leave here! Big Brother Kaneki will definitely kill you! Just you wait... I will make you fall into a much worse situation than I am in now!"

Asil didn't even bother to turn his head: "If I was the way I used to be, you wouldn't be where you are right now, and I might be in a bad situation too. But..." Asil's voice became threatening.

"If you dare to mess with me or Senior Zias again, I will kill you with no mercy!"

After Asil spoke, he opened the door of the cage and came out of the cage with the swallowing sounds coming from the throats of the people around him.

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