Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 143 - Number One In The Ranking

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While Asil was advancing without changing his expression among the bewildered looks of the people around, in fact, he was the most surprised himself. While traveling to the Rezuba Battle School, he had hunted profound beasts, but none of them were as strong as the Bloodeki he had just defeated. That's why he never had the opportunity to fully use his strength. Although he thought he would struggle a bit before this fight, he clearly understood that this was not true in the battle. He was really curious about what level of his true strength corresponded to someone right now.

The old man named Zias stood still for a few seconds, absent-mindedly, and then quickly moved forward and approached Asil: "Asil... Your name was Asil, right? I really appreciate your help, but I'm afraid you're going to get in a lot of trouble because of it. No matter how strong you are, that young man's back goes all the way to the Inner School. Even if I saw your strength with my own eyes, your strength is only enough to reach a very good point inside the Outer School. Maybe you even manage to get into the Inner School in a short time, but... But the connections of the teenager you just fought with extend to someone who is quite strong, even in the Inner School. So..."

"Senior Zias, do you have some time? I'd like to talk to you for a while, where I can be alone with you." Asil looked at him lightly as he interrupted the old man named Zias.

Zias hesitated for a moment but sighed lightly when he saw the stillness in Asil's eyes. He was a person who had lived for many years. How could he not know that the meaning of these eyes was bad news? He nodded slightly: "All right. But first, I need to give you some information. Follow me."

After speaking slowly, the old man named Zias changed direction and moved towards the large profound stone Asil was curious about. As they arrived in front of the large profound stone, Zias stared at it for a short while, then explained: "Asil. Many people fight here, and their victories are recorded. The top ten achievements are listed in this profound stone that you see. I'd better show you how dangerous your situation is this way. Do you see that?" After the old man spoke, he pointed to a place on the stone.

Asil looked at the place where he showed:

"10. Rank: Netneb Cartoon: Seventh Level of the Nascent Profound Realm: 1340 wins, 240 losses. Total Fighting Time: Twenty-six months!"

Zias spoke as Asil looked at the tenth name. "As you can see, even the person at the bottom of the list has more than a thousand wins. Considering the frequent injuries in the fights, this is a really nice achievement. Now let me show you what's waiting for you." Zias raised his hand and pointed to another part of the stone.

"3. Rank: Kaneki Kantireki: Ninth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm: 3200 wins, 160 losses. Total Fighting Time: Fourteen months!"

Asil raised his eyebrows slightly. The person most likely to cause trouble for him, Kaneki Kantireki was actually the third most respected person on the battlefield! Moreover, his profound strength was exactly at the Ninth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm. So it was exactly six levels higher than Asil's profound level! But even this difference was not enough to put fear in Asil's heart.

Asil raised his gaze a little higher and grit his teeth when he saw the name in the second row. This problem was definitely much bigger than he expected! Asil asked seriously. "Senior Zias, aren't these just people from the Outer School here?"

The old man named Zias shook his head: "Not exactly. Those on this list were eligible to be exhibited here by fighting in the Outer School. However, this does not mean that they will always be in the Outer School. Even the names of people promoted from the Outer School remain on this list until someone who beats them appears. Also, the profound strength levels listed here may not be exactly correct. Because what is written here only shows the profound strength that person had in his last fight. In other words, if there is someone who has not been fighting for a long time but is leveling up, the information here will be wrong."

Asil clenched his fists and looked again at the second row...

"2. Rank: Radres Dovahkrii: Fourth Level of the Core Profound Realm: 1248 wins, 1 loss. Total Fighting Time: Eight Months!"


It was a name Asil heard today, but that didn't mean it was unimportant to him. Because that name was the name of the person in the Inner School whom Bloodeki served! And if his profound strength was already in the Fourth Level of the Core Profound Realm before he went to the Inner School, then what level was he at right now? Asil had entered into an extremely big problem without realizing it!

"Senior Zias, Radres, who is second in the standings, has a defeat. Do you know who he lost to?" Asil asked curiously.

The old man named Zias nodded: "Yes, of course, I know. The person who defeated him is the greatest legend ever within the Outer School. It is even possible to say that that person is a legend even within the Inner School. During the long years, I have been assigned here, I have known many people and witnessed many fights. But no one has influenced me as much as that person…"

As if recalling old memories, he proudly pointed at the top of the list: "Look for yourself if you don't believe it."

Asil shifted his gaze towards the first person on the list above the profound stone. However, the moment he looked at the person in the first row, his eyes suddenly widened as his pupils narrowed, and intense surprise flared up inside them. Surprised, he asked: "Senior Zias, there is nothing wrong with this ranking, right? Because how is this possible if there is no mistake?!"

The old man named Zias laughed lightly when he heard Asil's question. "Hehe… everyone who sees the top of the list is invariably surprised. In fact, it would be more accurate for me to say that you are the least surprised person I have seen in a long time. No one wants to believe it, but what is written there is completely real."

In disbelief, Asil looked again at the person who was in the first place and at that person's success...

"1. Rank: Goddess of the Night: Eighth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm: 2 wins, 0 losses. Total Fighting Time: 1 day!"

Asil couldn't believe what he saw. How could this be possible? It was completely ridiculous, no matter how you looked at it. How could the first-ranked person be in the Eighth Level of the Nascent Profound Realm when the second-ranked person's profound strength was at the Fourth Level of the Core Profound Realm? Other than that, when the second-placed person had twelve hundred and forty-eight wins, how could he not surpass someone who had only two wins in the rankings? No matter how much Asil tried to come up with a logical reason, it was not possible. This was completely unreasonable!

The old man named Zias explained as the scene he had witnessed in the past still flashes in his mind: "The first place of the list belongs to a young girl. Radres Dovahkrii was the strongest person when she came to the Outer School. Radres was exactly six levels stronger than her, but it wasn't just a six level difference. There was 'a realm' difference between them. However, that girl challenged Radres in public on the first day she came to school! At first, everyone laughed at this, and Radres naturally didn't take it seriously. Then that young girl renewed her challenge, but Radres ignored her and instructed his companions to kill her. Everyone present that day thought that the girl would die, but something happened that no one expected. Just as Radres' men were about to attack the young girl, Twenty-Fifth Senior Caacrinolaas appeared."

"Twenty-Fifth Senior Caacrinolaas? If you don't mind, may I ask who he is?" Asil asked with curiously. He had heard the name of Twenty-Fifth Senior Caacrinolaas as Bloodeki and Zias spoke. Who exactly was Caacrinolaas?

"Hmm... Since you're new to Rezuba Battle School, it's quite normal that you don't know about it. Many people work at the Rezuba Battle School. However, there are only seventy-two seniors that all these employees serve. Their authority is according to their sequence numbers, and their place of duty is also found with the help of their order. For example, seniors seventy-two to twenty-five serve in the Outer School, twenty-four through seven serve in the Inner School, and six through one serve in the Central School. In other words, the most authoritative person present in the Outer School is Twenty-Fifth Senior Caacrinolaas."

"Of course, don't think that the most authoritative person in the Rezuba Battle School is First Senior just because I said it that way, because they too are directly subordinate to Council Of The Rezuba, and this Council Of The Rezuba is made up of four people who call themselves the Leaders. Each of the leaders has an area for which they are responsible. One of them deals with the eastern part of the school, the other with the western part, another with the northern part, and the last with the southern part. And neither interferes with the other unless it is the direct order of the principal, the supreme authority in the school.. The governing organization of the Rezuba Battle School is simply like that."

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