Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 154 - Concealed Personality

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"You know that the ego test is a forbidden test. You are aware that if he fails, you will pay the price. Despite this, why did you make this decision and ask me to take this test?" Solomon asked confusedly as he stared at the dark part of the street.

"Hmm... Human, that's not what's really curious about..." Out of the darkness came a rather subtle yet terrifying voice: "What I'm wondering is how do you know me! The number of people who know my kind is quite small. In addition, although they know this, the number of people who help me is almost non-existent. But even so, you chose to help me. And you chose to help out about a young boy."

Solomon's fascinated expression suddenly returned to normal, he looked up at the sky and said with a slight smile: "When you spend most of your life learning things, sometimes when you encounter unexpected events like this, you can see things that are not normally visible. Also, the reason I'm helping you is because for some reason I want that kid to get stronger. Even though I'm going to make him take the test at the heaviest price you want, it's also going to be the thing that empowers him the most. In addition to that, it's a gamble I'd like to take since you'll pay the price if he fails."

"Hmph!" The thing in the dark snorted contemptuously: "Since you think we have a conflict of interest, even if you are more knowledgeable than normal humans, you are still no different from an ignorant human. Let me briefly explain our relationship to you. You're the kind of person who will push my plan forward by putting that boy to the test. In return, I will let you survive even though you know my identity. That's exactly how our relationship is..." The voice from the darkness suddenly turned cold: "Of course, don't think that if you tell anyone you've seen me in the future, you'll find peace even after entering the reincarnation cycle!"

Solomon turned his gaze back into the darkness in the street, and his expression blurred into what he was thinking: "I don't need to explain your existence to anyone else. Because even if I don't tell this, your existence will show up sooner or later. After all, aren't all those who bear the name 'Mirza' doomed to die?"

As soon as Solomon used the word 'Mirza', a pair of sharp-edged purple eyes appeared in the darkness of the street, resembling a dragon's but rather small. As soon as these eyes appeared, the atmosphere inside the street suddenly became incomparably heavier. Then a piercing voice was heard in the darkness: "If you say that name again, I will kill you! That name is not such a simple title that anyone can use it!" The night sky slowly clouded as the floor of the street began to tremble slightly. Did you get it?"

"Hmm..." Solomon smiled slightly. "You needn't act that way. Otherwise, there will be events that will end badly for both of us."

After Solomon's words, the trembling in the street stopped and the cloudy sky returned to its original state. After a few seconds of silence, Solomon nodded into the darkness and then left. After he had gone, a silhouette slowly emerged from the darkness of the street. The body of this thing was clearly visible as the moonlight illuminated the surroundings…

The whole body of this thing was black in color. It had two veined wings like a dragon's, a lithe tail like that of a lizard, a broad head that protrudes like a frog's, and hands and feet like a chameleon. In addition, its body was covered with black scales, like those of a black snake. The body of this strange creature, whose species is not even known, was slightly longer than twice the length of a human's index finger.

This creature was unexpectedly a small, strange profound beast that had hatched from the egg that Asil had found on Black Dragon Mountain and had no profound aura released from its body. Normally looking rather weak and tired next to Asil, this profound beast now looked quite fierce and vigorous. In addition, it could speak like a human! So what did it take for a profound beast that had just hatched from its egg to speak? The answer was quite simple! This profound beast was supposed to be an extraordinary high-level profound beast! Because only high-level profound beasts knew the innate profound beast language, sometimes even human language!

But how could a high-level profound beast without a profound aura speak contemptuously towards a person who was stationed at Rezuba Battle School's Central School? How could that person simply not respond at all to this self-deprecating profound beast and instead speak respectfully?

"Hmph!" The little profound beast squinted its eyes a little and looked out towards the street. "I have to take care of that little maggot before the idiot in the necklace wakes up. I didn't expect anyone here to know my true existence, but still, it was good to use it for my own benefit. At least that way I can regain my strength and when the promised day comes 'I'll have the opportunity to repay my debt to 'It'...' It looked up at the sky, its voice saddened: "Even the weak ignorant people now use the name 'Mirza'! What a shame... It's really a shame... They're all going to die one by one! A painful and miserable death will be the end of the presumptuous ones who dare to use our names!"

After the small profound beast finished speaking, it grinned ferociously, showing its own small teeth. Then it started walking towards Asil's residence. It walked through the streets where there were no people, in a way that no one could see. When it arrived in front of Asil's residence, the ferocity and vigor on its face completely disappeared and was replaced by a tired and weak expression just like before. It narrowed its eyes slightly and sleepily entered Asil's place.

When the little profound beast entered, Asil directed his attention to the door of the room, as he thought Solomon might have returned. However, even though it had been missing for a while, he was used to its occasional disappearance, so when he saw the little profound beast, he turned his head and again silently continued to stare at the blood-dried nails on the side of the bed. There was no way he could have known that this weak and sleepy-looking profound beast next to him was actually a creature that knew the human language and was making some secret plans.

Time passed silently and dawn came as usual as the moon gave way to the warm sun. While the little profound beast continued to slumber in bed for the entire time, Asil, after a few days, finally managed to sense the change in his soul and tried to figure out what it was. Although he failed to do so, what he felt inside his soul was a rather strange feeling. As if his soul didn't really belong to him alone. It was like something two different people used in common. While one of these people was naturally himself, he could not understand who or what the other person was. All he could understand was that it was something that he could not perceive in his current state. Therefore, after thinking about it for a short time, he gave up and thought about what Solomon had said.

Although he had said he would come tomorrow, he did not say anything about what time of day he would come. Ego test... What kind of test could this be? Considering the name of the test, it had to be a test about one's own self. But how could a test of a person's self make that person stronger in such a short time? And why would the price have to be paid for such a test? Although Asil thought about this subject, he did not have a clear picture of the subject due to the inadequacy of his knowledge.

At times like these, Sirius's absence was truly felt. If Sirius were awake right now, Asil was confident that he had heard of the ego test before and would have correctly judged whether it was useful for his student. However, Sirius was not awake at the moment. Just like he hasn't been for a while...

From the day Asil opened his eyes in the Chaka Tribe until now, there had been no reaction from Sirius. Asil was curious about this situation and entered the place where he was sealed, but he saw that the bright area where Sirius was now was surrounded by dark smoke. He approached this smoke and even tried to get inside. But no matter what he did, he was unsuccessful, as a result of which he took his consciousness out of the necklace. Although he repeated this event several times later, he encountered almost the same scene each time. The only difference in what he saw was that the dark smoke was getting thinner and thinner.

Time continued to move forward, and in the evening the door of Asil's residence slowly opened. Solomon had finally arrived.

"Are you ready, young man?" Solomon asked in a polite tone. After his question, Asil nodded, and then, with Solomon's signal, the two left the residence and headed towards the place where they were going to do the ego test.

When they left the residence, the little profound beast that was dozing off on the bed slowly opened its eyes. A wild expression suddenly appeared on its face as it stared at the nails by the bed. "How repulsive..." It walked over to the nails, raised its little hands, and tapped them against the nails. "That's more like it."

Asil's blood-curdled nails turned into dust with the tiny profound beast's weak-seeming move. Then it slowly got out of bed and went to the door of the residence. It opened the door and let the wind come in, sweeping away the dusty nails.

Then the little profound beast came out of the residence. It walked through the streets without even bothering to close the door, and spoke to himself in a voice so low that no one could hear on the road: "Maggot, I hope you pass the test, otherwise I'll have to take some precautions...."

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