Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 155 - He's Against Him

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After about an hour of walking, Solomon and Asil came to the area where the ego test would be held. This area was a small hollow in the mountain region behind the Rezuba Battle School. After entering this cave, which was about ten meters wide, Solomon sealed the entrance to the cavern with some special seals and then told Asil to sit cross-legged. He then drew several symbols in different shapes around Asil's seat, while saying strange things in a language that Asil did not understand.

"Are you ready, young man?" Solomon asked with a serious expression. After Asil nodded, he slightly pierced the tips of his index and middle fingers on his left hand. He made the blood flowing and then put his bloody fingers on Asil's forehead, drawing an infinity symbol with his blood: "Close your eyes and don't try to resist no matter what. Soon your consciousness will get to the core of your ego. That's where you'll learn how to take the test. May luck be with you."

After Solomon's words, Asil closed his eyes and lowered all his bodily defenses.

"As Solomon, a descendant of Legemeton Clan, I command, The Ego Gate, open!"

As soon as Solomon finished his words, eight lights of different colors came out from the bloody infinity symbol on Asil's forehead and completely illuminated the sealed hollow.

Asil suddenly felt that his whole soul was shaking, his consciousness was forcibly withdrawn, and the existence of the things around him disappeared. After just a few seconds, he could not feel anything, and this continued for a while, and when he saw that nothing had changed, he opened his eyes to see what was going on.

As he opened his eyes and was stunned by the scenery around him, an incredibly ancient female voice came to his ears: "Welcome, Asil Mirza!!"


It was all in white. The sky, the earth, the mountains, the trees, the birds... There was nothing. Everywhere that Asil could see, there was only eternal whiteness...

"What is this place? Is this inside my self? But if so, why is it all white, why is there nothing here?" Asil looked around him in amazement. Solomon said he would withdraw into his ego. If that was the case, this place should have had his own ego. But the place was completely empty, and more importantly, the only thing he felt while he was here was coldness. A cold that is so strong and frightening that it can freeze everything...

"Welcome, Asil..." The ancient female voice, which he had heard but hadn't noticed before, was heard again.

Asil turned his head and looked around, trying to figure out the source of the sound. But wherever he looked, there was nothing in the endless whiteness.

"You don't need to look around for nothing. I am everywhere. Likewise, I am nowhere. You just need to feel it. Feel!" The ancient voice echoed through all the whiteness.

"Everywhere... and nowhere at the same time?" Asil thought to himself as he spoke in a low voice. What could this be? Since he could hear this sound, the source of the sound was inside the white area. What exactly was it that was everywhere in a region but actually nowhere? Whose voice was that? "Hmm...Or?" Asil focused on his intuition and stood still, waiting.

"You have a good idea, but you're not the ruler of this place!" The ancient voice echoed again, causing Asil's thoughts to be split. "I'm also impressed that you're thinking about the wind."

Asil waited for a while for the ancient voice to continue speaking. But seeing no reaction, he sighed, preparing to reconsider, but just then the ancient female voice echoed again: "The soul without a purpose loses its way. Because to be everywhere is to be nowhere. If you want to see, find your purpose, otherwise, you will never find the right path..."

The soul without purpose? Lose its way?

Asil pondered the matter for a long time before speaking slowly: "My goal is to become stronger... To be strong enough to protect my loved ones, to prevent me from losing them..." The seriousness in his voice increased: "There is a purpose to which my soul is attached. Which means I've been on the right track all along, but I just don't see it. So I'm looking at it the wrong way. Then..." Asil closed his eyes.

"It's pretty good..." The ancient voice resounded in the whiteness: "I was impressed that a sixteen year old boy could see the truth in such a short time. May I ask how you think that way?"

Asil answered without opening his eyes: "A senior I met recently taught me not to just look with my eyes, but to feel things. Thanks to his teaching, I started to think that what I was seeing or hearing was not necessarily real just because I could see or hear it. When I thought about his words, I assumed that this white world was actually just an illusion. And once I doubt it..." He smiled slightly and slowly opened his eyes: "All I had to do was close my eyes and try to feel the truth."

When Asil opened his eyes, the previous white world was completely gone, and a great waveless sea had taken its place. Asil was located in the very center of the sea, and on this vast sea, the only thing other than Asil was a transparent, smoky creature.

When Asil saw him, he thought of the smoky creature he had seen when he was afflicted by the poison of the Serpent Tailed Evil Tiger. However, at first glance, it was clear that these two creatures were different. Because while nothing could be understood about the gender of the smoky creature he saw at that time, the gender of the creature standing in front of him was definitely a woman. But the important difference was not the understanding of his gender, but the feeling this smoky creature gave him.

In the past, the first thing he felt when meeting the smoky creature was sadness. This time, however, what he felt was longing. It was as if the smoky creature before him was actually someone he knew. And someone he knows very well....

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