Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 18 - Body Endurance Training (!) (1)

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Time flew when Asil was thinking. In the meantime, Asil learned upon talking with the old man that he had won ninety-nine matches and he would be free if he wins another match.

This knowledge has increased Asil's respect for the old man. Because in Asil's mind, it was something incomparably hard even though one could get out of this place after winning a hundred matches. There were two reasons for this: first, with each match you won, the difficulty of the matches and the strength of the next opponent you would face would surely increase, as the arena officials would naturally not want anyone to be free. Also, the people here would be mentally and physically incapacitated for not eating properly.

The second reason... In Asil's mind, this reason was the main reason why it was incomparably difficult to be free by winning a hundred matches. The nobles watched the matches played in this arena, and they could take whoever they wanted with their power. And naturally for these people, strong or beautiful-looking slaves were more important. Therefore, winning more matches would attract the nobles watching and they would be more likely to take the person who won a hundred matches as their own slave. When that happened, the one who went into matches and won constantly, no matter how close one got to their goal, would not achieve it and would become a slave to the noble who took them.

But even though it was so hard to win a hundred matches, the old man really was able to win ninety-nine matches. It was quite a difficult and respectable achievement...

Time continued to flow, and without realizing it, a new day began with the sunrise. Asil was more nervous and anxious today than he normally is. Because according to what he learned from the old man, today, they would come for him and begin to strengthen his body against pain. Asil knew that even though he did not know how to do it, the way they were going to do it wasn't going to be a nice and polite way to do it.

The old man, who was in the same cell as Asil, contemplating when they would come and what they would do, and who was now blindfolded and meditating as usual, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance to the Great Hall where the cells were located. Soon the footsteps approaching were heard, and then the old man spoke. "Young man, you seem pretty unlucky considering he's coming for you. This person is known for torturing and harassing without distinguishing between men and women. A few years ago, he put a lot of young people like you in a situation where they can't stand it anymore because of the disgusting things he did."

After the old man's speech to look at the appearance of this obnoxious man, which he mentioned and raised his concern, Asil looked towards the entrance of the Hall. About ten seconds later, along with the approaching footsteps, a young male appeared at the entrance of the Hall, appearing to be only sixteen to seventeen, contrary to Asil's expectations.

This young male had about 180 cm of height, brown hair that was neither long nor short and slightly raised upfront, light auburn skin, hardly molded body, bright and engaging blue eyes. Although this young man had an above-average appearance and an outsider-seeming nature, Asil, because of the old man's words, he knew that kindness was only an illusion.

The young man proceeded slowly and stopped after arriving in front of the cell where Asil and the old man were staying. He first looked up at the old man inside the cell and said: It has been a long time since I've seen you, pops You've won your ninety-nine battles and so close to your freedom. What are you going to do if you win? Are you going to save yourself or your grandson, who is my dog for his sister? Hahahaha. I actually wanted to taste your granddaughter, but I put off tasting her for a while because your stupid grandson, who was brave and willing to give anything for her sister, agreed to be my dog. If you were not old, I could have you as my dog instead of your stupid grandson. So, you would have the honor of being someone else's dog for their grandchildren. Hahahaha."

The young man told in his words 'You've won your ninety-nine battles and so close to your freedom What are you going to do if you win? Are you going to save yourself or your grandson, who is my dog for his sister?' he said. Asil understood that when a hundred matches were won, one could choose to free another instead of his own freedom, and the reason the old man did not mention it was because no one else did.

After the young man spoke, an evil aura spread from the old man's body suddenly overflowing with a desire to kill, and then he spoke: "Baran! If you do anything to my grandchildren, I'll kill you! I'LL KILL YOU!"

The young man named Baran smiled in the face of an evil aura and a direct threat and spoke with ease "You better control yourself pops. Although I agree not to do anything to your granddaughter because your grandson has agreed to be my dog, if you're out of control and out of line, I will make sure that all those who desire someone to spend the night enjoying themselves in the arena spend time with your granddaughter. You would not want that, would you? Hahahahaha..."

Against the threat of the young man named Baran, the old man could not say anything and looked at him with his facial muscles were twitching full of anger. After finishing his conversation with the old man, the young man named Baran turned to Asil and spoke: "Hmm, so you're the new toy. I see you are really bangable as they said Come, let's train you a bit.. Hahahaha."

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