Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 19 - Body Endurance Training (!) (2)

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The young man named Baran said ' You are really bangable as they said.' while biting his lips slightly made Asil a bit startled. Since he had no profound power, he could not resist it if someone were to want to do something to him, and it scared him to think that something like this could happen.

The young man named Baran moved his hands slightly after speaking and an entrance appeared in front of the cell. After this entrance appeared, he took Asil out of the cell and walked with him to the entrance of the hall where the cells were located and reached the entrance in a short time.

After walking for about thirty minutes, the young man named Baran and Asil entered a large room. This room was quite large, about a hundred square meters in size, had black walls decorated with bloodstains and a lower temperature than any other place Asil had seen in the arena. Above the entrance of this room was a small plaque with blood-red letters that read "Baran's Paradise."

When Asil entered this big room, the first things he noticed were a set of torture devices in the room and four cells in the corner of the room, about five square meters in size. The floor of each of these four cells was filled with hay, and most of these hay-filled floors were painted blood red. But it was not the blood-red hay that grabbed Asil's attention.

The reason that grabbed his attention was that there was a naked, dog leashed man inside each of the cells. Although the ages of these men were different, they all had numerous scars and whip marks on their naked bodies. And they were all lying curled up on the hay with tired and painful expressions on their faces. Looking at them, one could imagine how painful things they have lived. It was just enough to hear to feel the fear.

The young man, named Baran, looked at the Asil and spoke after glancing at him: "My new toy, what's your name?"

Asil gave brief answers, making clear that he was uncomfortable with gazes and the things in the room: "Asil. Asil Mirza."

Upon hearing Asil's short answer, the young man named Baran's facial expression changed, and he spoke angrily after a slap on Asil's face with his left hand and knocking him to the ground: "Sack of shit, who do you think you are?! When you talk to me, you say Sir! How can a scumbag, worthless, and weak human being like you speak as if you are in the same position as me! If you ever dare talk to me like that again, I'll do things to you that you'll regret being born!!"

Asil spoke in his heart, angry at himself as he held his red face with one hand because of the slap he had received:

"If I had not been weak, I would not have experienced this. If I wasn't weak, I wouldn't be here. If I wasn't powerless, I'd be respected... If I wasn't weak, I'd be treated like a human being. Why the hell am I so weak? "

Asil buried his feelings in his heart as there was nothing he could do, and even though he didn't want to, he spoke: "Yes...Sir..."

The young man, named Baran, snorted dismissively and then spoke: "You worthless brat, this is my special zone. Senior persons with certain powers in the arena, and their sons, have their own training zones. I am the only son of the highest-ranking executive in Kastor. Never forget this. You should be grateful to breathe the same air as me. It's called Baran's Paradise, and here I bring some of the new human trashes to Kastor and make their bodies more resistant to pain before the first fight. Did pops told you when and how your first fight was, and what you needed to earn your freedom, didn't he?"

Asil looked at the young man named Baran, who stood against him and was quite arrogant, and replied: Yes, sir. Senior explained to me things about my first fight and my freedom." Asil clenched his fist with all his strength when he used the word 'Sir ' and reproached his own weakness:

"Good. That way, I will not have to make unnecessary talks with someone worthless like you..."Young man named Baran paused after talking this much and went to a table in the room and took a little red box over him and continued to talk: "Before you start your training, you are going to swallow the pill in this box. After we do that, we'll begin a week of body strength training."

Asil took the box and quickly opened it. Inside the box was a rectangular pill with a red color and it was like an average nail in length. Even though this pill had an unpleasant smell, Asil had no choice but to swallow it.

Asil took the pill in his mouth, swallowed it, and felt a strange energy flow inside him about ten seconds after the pill had entered his bloodstream. This feeling lasted only a second or two, and after it passed, Asil's head began to turn, his vision blurred. Shortly afterward, Asil lost control of all the muscles in his body and heard the laughing words of the young man named Baran before he passed out and fell to the ground.:

"Hahaha, I have another toy. I wonder how should I have my fun with him. HAHAHAHAHA...."

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