Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 83 - Inside The Cave (2)

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Following Sirius's reply, Asil's bewilderment was much greater. He thought his master would surely know, even if he didn't know what this vessel-like thing was. But unexpectedly his master didn't know what this thing was either. This caused Asil to wonder more about what exactly this vessel-like thing was.

Asil looked deep into the cave and resumed walking decisively. This time the environment was brighter so he could move faster.

After he moved a few meters more, another one of the vein-like red things appeared on the floor. This second vessel-like thing was heading deep into the cave just like the first one.

As Asil progressed, so did the number of red vessel-like things on the ground. It was also expanding as he moved deeper into the cave. The inside of the cave, which was ten men wide at first, was now about ten meters.

Asil continued his march for about ten more minutes and stopped abruptly at the end of ten minutes. He stopped because he was at the end of the cave. There was no longer a corridor he could walk through and just a huge space in front of him. The interior of this space was completely lit. So the things that were in it were completely visible.

When Asil was at the entrance of this space, the first thing he noticed was the source of the red vein-like things on the ground. Asil was greatly surprised when he saw the source of it. Because he never thought of seeing a scene like this.

Where all the vessel-like things came out and started spreading around was the underside of an egg about twenty centimeters in size and ten centimeters wide. This egg was the black color that the sky had at nighttime, with many white dots resembling some stars on it. When Asil first saw it, he felt as if he was looking at a starry sky at night.

As Asil walked toward this strange egg, Sirius's bewildered voice echoed in his mind: "This... It's a Black Dragon!!"

Asil stopped when he heard his master's voice. Their reason for coming here was to meet the Black Dragon, but his master's voice was both confused and serious. So Asil immediately realized something was wrong.

He drew his eyes over the egg and looked towards its surroundings. The first place he looked was on the left side of the massive field. But the moment he looked there, he couldn't turn the gaze elsewhere. There was a rather large body on the left side of the huge field he was in. This large body was completely covered with black scales and had two large wings enclosed with a long tail. When Asil saw the owner of this body, he understood that it was the Black Dragon that gave its name to the mountain ranges that its master mentioned and which it was in. But what surprised him was not to see the Black Dragon. What really surprised him... That Dragon was clearly dead!!

Most of the Black Dragon's two large wings were torn off, most of its scales were broken open, its tail severed, and its head, which had two horns on it, was smashed to pieces!!

Asil knew that dragons were superior beings. That is why it was such a shock to him that such an entity was brought to this state and killed. How powerful could a creature that could kill a dragon-like that be?

After this shock, Asil looked at the body of the black dragon with the fear that emerged in his heart, followed by a faint but oppressive voice.:

"Lowly human... What are you doing here...?"

The sudden sound that came from behind caused Asil to freeze. That sound was quite mild, but even just hearing it felt as if it was being crushed under a mountain. The pressure on him now was too powerful to compare with the pressure on the Muscular Mountain Gorilla in the middle of the Natural Profound Realm, and the reason for that pressure was not an aura but just a sound!!

Asil was curious about the owner of that voice, but he couldn't turn around and look at it. In fact, his body was able to move now, but he wasn't moving because of the pressure on him, because of the fear that if he moved, he might do something to piss off the owner of the voice.

Asil remained motionless for a short time and then came the same gentle but oppressive voice again. "Lowly human... I asked you what you're doing here! Don't make repeat it again!"

This time the voice clearly had the intention to kill alongside with the pressure. When Asil felt this, he thought that if he did not answer, he was very likely to die, and therefore he answered immediately as calmly as he could. "Sen... "Senior, I'm a mercenary serving in this mountain range. Many were flown in different directions due to the attack of a profound monster during our mission. The place where I was flown was near here. That's why, when I was looking for a way out of the mountain range, I happened to see this cave. Then I came to see if there might be a treasure inside the cave."

Asil told the facts without changing them too much and waited for the voice's answer. The owner of the voice that came from behind didn't make him wait long, and he spoke again, laughing awkwardly. "Human, from the sound of your voice, you are a good man. You have to be a person who sees the good of the world and has compassion. But..."

Asil had some hope at the beginning of the speech of the owner of the voice, but when he heard the word "but," that hope was suddenly suppressed due to the tension that had arisen in his heart.

After the owner of the voice paused for a few seconds, then continued to speak. "But emotions like that are just crap from the weak. Compassion, kindness, and conscience are only things that weak people believe in. And the weak Dragon lying before you was once proud and merciful. He had mercy on a man who walked in here a few years before you. But you know what happened next?"

After asking the question, the owner of the voice described what happened afterward without even giving Asil an opportunity to answer. "Then I came here. When I got here, the man the Black Dragon had mercy on was coming out of the cave. When I saw that person, I knew right away that the Black Dragon had mercy on him. I came here to fight the Black Dragon. But when I saw that he had compassion for even such a person, I thought I could use this person to make him angrier. So I killed him painfully slowly as that person's voice echoed in all directions. As I expected, this made the Black Dragon very angry. He came to fight me wrathfully. At first, I thought it would be a fun battle. After all, dragons were tough and powerful profound monsters."

"But this loser couldn't even stand five minutes against me. As I fought it, I slowly wounded it. The roars it threw out because it was hurt sounded like a beautiful tune to me. So I played with it in no hurry, inflicting pain. Unfortunately, I got carried away for a moment and smashed its head in. That's why I lost my toy. Then, because I didn't like sunny places, I brought its body into this cave and began to absorb the power of the profound core that I had taken from its dead body. That's the situation... Human, do you know why I told you about this?"

The story told by the owner of the voice had already tensed up Asil, and the question over it took that tension to a very different dimension. Asil quickly began to think about what to say. His brain was starting to work faster than it had ever worked before, but even that wasn't enough to give him an answer.

Before Asil answered, the owner of the voice answered his own question. "Human, I told you this story because the power of the profound core that I have been absorbing from the Dragon's profound core had depleted, and I was waiting for the night to leave. But now that you're here, and with your arrival, naturally, I've acquired another toy to pass the time with. Now turn towards me. I like to see their faces when my toys suffer."

After the voice came from behind, Asil was in a situation where he didn't know what to do. At that moment, he was cursing himself because he was really unlucky. After all, today was like a magnet that literally pulled all the trouble to himself. They were ambushed this morning. Then there was a battle. He then nearly died due to a surge of energy. Following this, his master was about to fall into a prolonged sleep to save him. Just when everything was fixed, he almost got killed because the area he was walking in was the site of a profound monster in the Natural Profound Realm. He had overcome all these misfortunes somehow.. But this time he was faced with a misfortune that could not be compared to those before this one! Because this time, a creature who said he killed a dragon by playing wanted to use him to pass the time.

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