Cycle Of Nirvana

Chapter 84 - Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger

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Asil spoke nervously with Sirius in his mind without making any moves. "Master, how strong is the voice behind me?"

Sirius answered seriously without waiting. "Don't think of a chance to escape in vain. He's a profound monster so powerful that even if all the people in this Empire attacked at the same time, they couldn't hurt him. But you're lucky I know him. If you turn around, he'll probably decide not to kill you."

After the voice of Sirius, a tremendous amount of hope flared up in Asil's heart. After Sirius spoke, Asil thought that the owner of this voice knew his master and that he would turn around and see from the necklace that he had something to do with Sirius, so he would not kill him. So he turned around slowly.

When Asil turned his back, he didn't know what to say about what he saw. What was in front of his eyes was a profound monster, but it was as if it wasn't a single profound monster. The head and body of this profound monster were like the head and body of a giant black tiger more than ten meters long. But there was a serpent about three meters long and twenty centimeters thick that acted as a tail instead of the Tiger's tail that it normally should have. This serpent was yellow in color and acted as if it were independent of the main body. On the head of the profound monster, serpent-tailed, black tiger-bodied, there were two pointed horns with the thickness and length of which are the size of the forearm of an adult human, were sticking out.

When Asil looked at this strange-looking profound monster, he has involuntarily engulfed it. What he was facing seemed both very strange and very frightening. But what Sirius just said eased his fear a little.

When Asil returned towards him, the strange-looking profound monster looked at his face with yellow eyes similar to that of a serpent, and then spoke. "Human, do you want to try to escape or stay put? If you run, I'll have a little more fun, and if I do, you might die a little sooner. Make your decision quickly."

The strange profound monster smiled obnoxiously, opening its mouth after speaking. As he smiled, drooling from his mouth was pouring down into large drops, and as each dribble touched the ground, the ground was falling a little lower. It was as if this monster had acid in his saliva strong enough to melt the ground.

The strange profound monster looked more carefully at Asil's body as he waited for him to respond after his words, and when his gaze was on Asil's chest, suddenly his hideous smile disappeared and it was replaced by a solemn expression.

The monster spoke again quickly as he looked at Asil with a solemn expression. "Human, did you get that necklace from anywhere near here, or was it with you before you came here ?"

Asil was a little surprised after the profound monster's question. Because his necklace was under his clothes, and it was impossible for anyone looking outside to see it unless Sirius was using his aura. This is why Asil at first thought of removing his necklace from his clothes to show it to the profound monster, but surprisingly, the profound monster in front of him could see it even from inside the clothes.

After the monster's question, Asil quelled his astonishment and answered immediately. "Senior, I didn't find the necklace from here. It is with me for a long time."

Following Asil's reply, the profound monster looked straight at him and spoke. "Black King, do you still live in that necklace? Look at you. The Black King, one of the greatest of Kings, lives sealed in a necklace. It's a shame. It'd be fun to kill you if you weren't there. It's really a shame..."

After the monster's words, Asil's facial expression changed. He had initially thought that he knew this monster knew his master, and when he saw the necklace, he would see Sirius was with him and not kill him, but he understood that was not the case now. It was clear from the tone of this profound monster that he clearly disliked Sirius and wanted to kill him.

After the monster's speech, just as when the imaginary image of a skinny man appeared, an aura gathered around Asil's necklace, and as that aura spread further and further away, Sirius's condescending voice echoed. "Killing me? You? Hahahahaha... By the looks of it, the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger, who was a slave to one of the Kings, was arrogant enough to say he was going to kill me during the time I was sealed! You poor creature! Remember who you are! You are a poor creature who is nothing but a slave to a King! Killing me? Don't make me laugh. If I wasn't here, you wouldn't be able to raise your head in front of me, let alone say those words!"

By the time Sirius's condescending speech was over, both Asil's and The Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's facial expression had changed. While Asil had a fearful expression on his face since he could not understand why his master would say such things, the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger, on the other hand, had an ugly expression on its face, burning with anger that it had been scorned.

Serpent Tailed Evil Tiger looked furiously at Asil's necklace and spoke in a far more oppressive tone than before. "Sirius, are those the words that a loser like you who had been defeated and sealed, tells me? Do you think I am afraid of you? If you were not sealed, I would slowly tear you apart and put you in a position where you would beg to die! You are just a piteous human! And I am a great profound monster! Do you understand the difference between us?"

After the Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's words, Sirius laughed and answered. "HAHAHAHA... A great profound monster? You're nothing but a big bug to me! So you would kill me if I was not sealed? Okay, then, how about a fight when I am out of this seal ?"

After Sirius's sudden suggestion, Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger paused for a while, and then answered with the strange expression on its face. "Getting out of the seal? You have been in that seal for years, and if you could, you would have. Do you think you are tricking me? How do you plan to get out of there?"

Sirius answered without hesitation. "Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger, take a good look at the man who is the bearer of the necklace that I am sealed in. He is my student. In the future, he will be strong enough to get me out of this seal! Thirty years at most, I will be off this seal, and when I do, you can fight me as you please! Of course, if you don't want to wait that long, there's a way to fight me sooner."

After this conversation, Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's eyes widened and asked inquisitively. "What is that way?"

When Sirius heard the answer from Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger where he was sealed, he smiled and then answered simply. "The reason I said it would take thirty years to get out of this seal is that my student has only one profound vein open. If you use your power to help him strengthen by pressing on his Dantian and his main profound veins, that time could be considerably shorter. In fact, if you can get him to open up his main profound veins and level up a little bit, I will probably be out of this seal in less than ten years, and I will be in front of you. And when I do, I will beat you up so much that you will kneel before me and you will not be able to raise your head up!

After Sirius's speech, Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger laughed and answered. "Hahahaha, Sirius, did you think I would fall for this trick? A great profound monster like me can understand the absurdity of these things you're saying, which is why..."

Before Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger had finished speaking, Sirius interrupted its words. "So you are scared, but you make excuses not to make it obvious. Hmm, I see. Serpent-Tailed Evil Tigers are already weak and coward profound monsters. No surprises you got scared."

Following Sirius' speech, Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger's facial expression instantly became quite outraged and he answered decisively. "Sirius, you think I'm scared? Okay then. I will strengthen this weak human by opening the main profound veins and, as you said, I will wait for you in ten years at most. But if you still do not get out of that necklace in ten years, I'm going to find this kid and I'm going to slowly torture him to death."

After Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger talked all the way here, he looked at Asil and kept talking. "Human, I am going to put pressure on your Dantian to open your main profound veins, you may suffer for a few minutes. Sirius says you have one main profound vein open. In five minutes the second will definitely open up. There is a chance the third one will open too. So hold on as long as you can."

After Serpent-Tailed Evil Tiger spoke, it slowly began to approach to Asil. As it approached Asil, his master's laughter echoed in his mind.. "Hahahaha, Serpent-Tailed Evil Tigers are really too arrogant and stupid."

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