"I believe that with your ability, we will definitely achieve our goal within three years. "

"At that time, Lao Tzu will be the king of the world, and you will be the king of the future world!"

Ying Zheng looked at He Chao with a hint of decisiveness in his eyes, the meaning of what he said was already obvious, as long as He Chao can conquer the world, then He Chao's status will only be lower than Ying Zheng for a while, this is Ying Zheng's commitment to He Chao.

He Chao doesn't have too many ideas about power, the reason why he wants to conquer the world is to fulfill a dream of his own, he prefers his wife and children to hot kang head than power.

"Haha, father-in-law, I don't care about this, I just hope that after I conquer the world, I can return to my hometown, disarm and return to the field, and be an ordinary person. "

He Chao looked at Ying Zheng with a hint of sincerity in his eyes, this is indeed his true words, he just wants to be an ordinary person.

For him, his wife and children are the most important, and as for these powers and forces, they are not in his eyes.

"Haha, okay, after your government completes the world, I will fulfill this dream of yours. Ying Zheng knew that it was useless to say more, and if He Chao insisted on doing this, he couldn't stop it.

Anyway, when the time comes, he will be crowned as the king of the country, and at that time, it will be well deserved.

After the two talked all night for a while, those ministers were all drunk and finally only left, Ying Zheng and He Chao, the last two, a sea drink, He Chao pretended to be invincible and drunk directly...

And after Ying Zheng saw He Chao fall, he was also satisfied and fell asleep...

The next day, the day of the three poles, this time was the day of He Yue's expedition, this time he not only had to lead 100,000 sergeants to the west, but also led a large number of Academy of Sciences personnel to advance together.

Because their current purpose is not only to plunder the land, but also to develop the economy there, these personnel of the science academy have a huge role for He Chao.

As long as they are there, they can develop the local economy, or other aspects, after all, no matter how powerful He Chao is, he is just one person, and it is obviously impossible for him to manage so much land.

Near the shipyard, the location of the expedition was chosen here, and it was not far from He Chao's home.

And He Chao, wearing a mighty armor, led 100,000 soldiers, and was being reviewed by Ying Zheng.

Although Ying Zheng also reviewed these videos last time, it is obviously not possible to participate in this expedition ceremony without him, the ancestral dragon.

He Chao is nothing more than the commander of these people, and Ying Zheng is the real supreme leader of these people...

"Listen well, all warriors, today you will leave your loneliness and go to the far west, a long journey with a difficult goal, and here the widows await your return. "

"The history of conquering the West and unifying the world will be created by you, and at that moment all people will be remembered in history!"

"The widow here's a solemn promise that meritorious service will be rewarded, if you have great merit in this trip, then the widow will be rewarded with all kinds of rewards, and the rewards and punishments are clear!"

Ying Zheng's voice was majestic and majestic, spreading among 100,000 people, and all of them heard it very clearly, worthy of being an emperor through the ages.

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