Immediately afterwards, Li Si led people directly into the Dingguo Marquis Mansion, and the guards behind him naturally followed him in, and the guards in front of the Dingguo Marquis Mansion did not dare to stop him more.

A moment later, Lees found a letter in the middle of the hall, which was Winsman's note.

Although Li Si's identity is very noble, this is something written by the princess, and he naturally has no right to watch it.

Thinking of Ying Zheng's instructions, Li Si immediately rushed to Ying Zheng's place, and at this moment he wanted to give Ying Zheng an explanation.

Ying Zheng had been waiting in place, and when he saw that Li Si didn't bring Ying Shiman's people over, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"What's going on with Li Aiqing? Where did Siman and the others go? Why didn't you see them come over?"

Li Si immediately sweated profusely when he heard this, and he didn't say there: "Report to Your Majesty, just now my subordinates went to the Dingguo Marquis's Mansion to meet the princess, but the subordinate told me that the princess was not in the mansion, so I entered the mansion, and finally I found this letter in the hall." "

"This letter is evidently written by the Princess, please see it for Your Majesty. "

Li Si immediately returned the letter he had just gotten to Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng took the envelope, and soon he tore the letter inside directly, and couldn't help but be shocked after seeing the contents.

"This stinky girl, fighting is not a fun place, why did he take Xiangxiang and the Lu family sisters and Yushu together, and followed the virtuous son-in-law!"

"Judging from the performance of the virtuous son-in-law just now, he must not know about this matter, I just promised the virtuous son-in-law to take good care of Shiman, but I didn't expect that I would break my promise now, I was really speechless. "

Ying Zheng saw the contents of the envelope, and it was Ying Shiman who said in his heart that he was reluctant to let his husband and was too far away, so he decided to take his daughter, as well as the Lu family sisters and Yushu, to follow He Chaozheng.

As for his safety, He Chao will be responsible for it to the end.

Obviously, Ying Shiman should have relied on her identity as a princess to quietly sneak into a certain warship, without He Chao's knowledge...

Ying Zheng looked at the warship that had completely disappeared, at this time, he couldn't help but sigh, since the other party insisted on leaving, then he naturally couldn't keep it, anyway, what Chao is here, Ying Shiman and a few others should not have any problems.

In the main ship of the Great Qin's Western Expedition, He Chao sat on it, and in front of him was just a group of generals.

"Ladies and gentlemen, from today we are about to embark on the journey to the west, the sea is worthy of awe, although our strength is strong, but no one can understand the situation at sea, so we still need to pay attention to it, and observe the situation on the sea at any time. "

"With the quality of our current warships, it should not be possible to sink the warship if we encounter any wind and waves at sea. "

He Chao looked at the generals below and said lightly.

Now that he is on this main ship, he is the supreme commander, which means that he is the supreme leader of this group of people, and what he says is similar to the holy decree, and these people cannot disobey at all.

"Yes, Lord Archon. All the officers stood up and said respectfully towards He Chao.

"General Meng Tian, what do you think of our actions this time, and where are we heading for our first battle?"

He Chao looked at Meng Tian, and he still admired Meng Tian very much.

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