"Ask the First Emperor to spare his life!".

"Ask the First Emperor to spare his life!".

Zhaowu nodded like pounding garlic, and kept kneeling to Yingzheng and begging for mercy.

However, ............

Above the Celestial Dome.

Five heavenly thunderbolts bombarded down.

Directly slashed into Zhaowu's body.

Zhaowu's fate was even more tragic than Qu Ding's.

Qu Ding's corpse at least still retains its human form, while Zhaowu's corpse is directly wiped out, and even charcoal is not left.

The Chu army in Shouchun City first saw ...... with their own eyes

Zhaowu humbled and knelt down and begged for mercy.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that Zhaowu was bombarded by the thunder and died.

This was a huge blow to them, and they had no fighting spirit.

The First Emperor will summon the Heavenly Thunder, how can this battle be fought?

General Qu Ding and General Zhaowu are dead, how can this battle be fought?

I can't fight at all!


"Run away!".

Many soldiers began to flee.

Shouchun had four gates, and the Qin army only held one, and they began to flee to the other three gates.

On the side of the Qin army.

They are all extremely excited, extremely proud, extremely proud.

Summons the Celestial Thunder!

Famous scenes!

Another famous scene!

They witnessed another famous scene!

In one day, they witnessed three famous scenes!

One punch, smash the city wall!

One punch, the water is cut off!

In a word, summon thunder!

One is more shocking than the other, and one is more incredible than the other!

The morale of the Qin army has soared, the fighting spirit is high, and the blood is boiling!

Ying Zheng threw a punch and directly blasted open the city gate.

Because Ying Zheng wanted to take over Shouchun, he did not smash the city wall, but just blasted open the city gate.


Wang Jian gave an order.

Meng Tian took the lead, led the golden fire cavalry, and rushed into Shouchun.

Meng Tian also led the armor-piercing soldiers of a hundred battles, followed closely behind, and rushed into Shouchun.

The Qin army and the Chu army fought a fierce battle in Shouchun.

The morale of the Chu army was low and there was no fighting spirit, while the Qin army had high morale and high morale.

Therefore, the Chu army was completely defeated by the Qin army.

Countless Chu soldiers were killed, rivers of blood flowed, and corpses were everywhere.

An hour later.

The war in Shouchun City was over.

More than 300,000 Chu troops were almost wiped out.

Only a small part of the Chu army fled outside the city and was also chased and wiped out by Wang Qian.

It can be said that except for the 50,000 troops that the king of Chu took with him when he fled, the remaining Chu soldiers were all wiped out.

Ying Zheng rode a war horse and drove into Shouchun City.

The streets were full of corpses, most of them were the corpses of the Chu army, and a small number were the corpses of the Qin army.

There was a river of blood, and the ground was already stained red.

The smell of blood was thick in the air.

The scene in the city was tragic and bloody.

Ying Zheng faced this scene, but he was unmoved and very calm.

For the Chu people, Ying Zheng did not have the slightest sympathy and pity.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, the Chu people had the greatest grudge against Great Qin.

At the end of Qin, it was also the Chu people's rebellion that was the strongest.

"Your Majesty, no trace of the King of Chu has been found in the city. "

Meng Tian rode a war horse and came to report.

"The king of Chu fled from the south gate, and you led the golden fire cavalry to pursue. "

"After catching up, kill on the spot, and leave no one behind!".

Ying Zheng said in a flat voice.


Meng Tian took the order and left.

The Moon God, Star Soul, White Phoenix and others on the side felt shocked when they heard Ying Zheng's words.

Their First Emperor is really decisive!

One sentence of killing on the spot, leaving no one, decided the life and death of tens of thousands of people!

"Wang Qian, send someone to clean up the battlefield!".

"Another .........


"All the princes and nobles of the Chu State, the three tribes of Yi!".

"The soldiers of the Chu State who will participate in the war to destroy Chu, the three tribes of Yi!"

"Put all the corpses, outside Shouchun City, and build a view of Beijing!"

Ying Zheng issued several orders to Wang Jian one after another.

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, even Wang Qian, who had been in battle for a long time, couldn't help but feel his eyelids beating wildly, and his heart was terrified.

There are too many people involved in the battle of destroying Chu with all the princes and nobles and the generals and soldiers who participated in the battle to destroy Chu.

As soon as Ying Zheng spoke, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, died.

It is said that Wu Anjun is white, he is slaughtered by millions of people, and he has slaughtered more than one million enemies in his life.

And theirs, the First Emperor, is the real million-person slaughter!

In one day, millions of enemies will be slaughtered!

Guiguzi, Moon God, Star Soul, White Phoenix, Da Si Ming and others also gasped, and their faces all showed shock.

They all felt the horror and horror of Yingzheng.

Yingzheng not only wanted to raze the princes and nobles of the Chu State, but also raze the three ............tribes of all the soldiers of the Chu State who participated in this war

Moreover, I want to use their corpses to build a Kyoto Temple!

This is too ruthless!

Is it ruthless?

Ying Zheng didn't feel ruthless at all.

After the unification of Qin, the nobles of the Chu State always wanted to rebel against Great Qin and try to overthrow Great Qin's rule.

By the end of the Qin Dynasty, rebellions and uprisings broke out frequently in Chu.

These rebellions and uprisings were all initiated by the nobles of the Chu State.

Therefore, he wants to completely eradicate the nobles of Chu State to prevent future troubles.

As for the generals and soldiers of the Chu State who will participate in this war, the three tribes ............

It is also to cut the grass and eradicate the roots.

In today's battle, hundreds of thousands, millions of Chu soldiers were killed.

These soldiers are other people's husbands, sons, fathers, ......

The clansmen of these soldiers knew that their relatives had died at the hands of the Qin people, and the seeds of their hatred for Great Qin had been planted.

Especially, the sons and daughters of these people.

Once you grow up, you will inevitably become an anti-Qin force.

Therefore, Ying Zheng wants to eradicate all these seeds of hatred in order to prevent future troubles.

Being weak is not their ......


But ......

Hatred for the Qin State is their sin!

Everyone helps to vote for flowers and evaluation votes, so that the data looks better, and I also have more motivation for code words, asking for flowers, asking for collections, asking for evaluation votes, asking for rewards, and asking for all data ......................................................

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