Yingzheng entered Shouchun's palace.

Because before the war, the king of Chu fled the palace with hundreds of civil and military officials.

After that, almost all the palace maids, eunuchs, chamberlains, concubines, sons, guards, etc., ran away.

So, the palace was hardly devastated by war, and there was no killing and bloodshed.

The streets of Shouchun are littered with corpses and blood, but this royal palace is devoid of corpses and blood.

Therefore, there is no need to clean up the bloodstains and corpses, and you can move in directly.

The Qin soldiers controlled the palace, and all palace gates were guarded by Qin soldiers.

Yingzheng changed the Shouchun Palace into his own palace and officially moved into this palace.

When those palace maids, guards, eunuchs and others fled, they took away almost everything of value that could be taken away from the palace.

Ying Zheng is most concerned about the fact that the copper box about the Canglong Seven Houses in the Chu State is still there.

Ying Zheng came to the treasury of the state of Chu.

Because the treasury of the Chu State has been locked, when those palace maids and eunuchs fled, they did not take the treasures in the treasury with them.

Ying Zheng found the copper box in the treasure house.

So far.

He already has three copper boxes.

One of them is a copper box that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Qin State.

The other copper box was obtained from the Korean royal palace at the time of the destruction of Korea.

And in front of me is the third copper box.

Although he didn't know what the Seven Nights of Canglong were......

But ......

Since it is legendary, cracking the Seven Nights of Canglong will allow you to gain the power to control the world.

Then ......

He will take the secrets of the Seven Nights of Canglong into his own hands, and will never allow them to be in the hands of others.

Royal Palace, Bathrooms.

Ying Zheng hadn't bathed for a long time, and today, he wanted to take a hot bath.

Tonight, he let white and black serve him to bathe together.

Although black and white is not the first time, it is the first time that white and black are added.

At this moment, Bai and Black are wearing only black and white silk that symbolize identity.

The faces of the two people looked exactly the same, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

It is only through the white and black silk worn on the legs that it is possible to distinguish who is black and who is white.

in a huge tub.

Bai was rubbing Ying Zheng behind his back, and black was leaning on Ying Zheng's arms ......

After a while

When it's almost washed............

Ying Zheng was about to pick up Bai Heng and walked towards the couch.

Black is behind Ying Zheng.




In a jungle in the south of the Chu State.

The king of Chu ordered his soldiers to set up camp here.

The king of Chu has fled for a day and a night with hundreds of civil and military officials.

This place is already far away from Shouchun.

They couldn't run, so he ordered them to set up camp there.

"Chun Shenjun, the Qin army shouldn't be chasing after you, right?"

The King of Chu asked Chun Shenjun Huang Xie.

"Don't worry, my lord. "

"This place is far away from Shouchun, and it is a jungle, so it is impossible for the Qin army to chase here. Chun Shenjun replied.

Hearing Chun Shenjun's words, King Chu's face was a little better.

As the king of a country, he is like a lost dog, dying in the world.

It made him feel aggrieved.

Chun Shenjun's words made his mood a little better.

That's when it happened.

His face changed suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice, "What sound?"

Chun Shenjun Huang Xie also listened intently and couldn't help but be taken aback.

"It seems to be...... The sound of horses' hooves!".

Hearing Chun Shenjun's words, the King of Chu, Jing Ju, and the civil and military officials present all turned pale and their faces became very ugly.

"It's over............


"The Qin army chased after ............



The whole earth seemed to shake.

The sound of horses' hooves came from beyond the dense forest.

Ten thousand horses galloped, and the sound of all the horses' hooves gathered together, like a thunderclap, deafening.

Immediately afterward, they saw a cavalry rush into the dense forest.

Flaming red suits, fiery armor, fiery horses!

Great Qin Elite Cavalry, Golden Fire Cavalry!

Meng Tian took the lead, rushed to the front, and the halberd in his hand was thrown out directly.


The body of the king of Chu was pierced by a halberd and nailed to the trunk of the tree.

"The king is dead!".

Seeing the death of the King of Chu, everyone around them screamed in horror.

Meng Tian led 10,000 golden fire cavalry to rush into the Chu army and start the killing.

Although there were 50,000 Chu troops here, they were no match for the Golden Fire Cavalry.

The Golden Fire Cavalry rushed into the Chu army, just like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, killing the Chu army wildly.

For a time, the Chu army suffered heavy casualties.

It didn't take long.

The battle is over.

The king of Chu was defeated, the civil and military officials of the state of Chu, and the 50,000 Chu army, all of them were wiped out, and no one survived.

Meng Tian ordered the soldiers to bury the body on the spot.

Everyone helps to vote for flowers and evaluation votes, so that the data looks better, and I also have more motivation for code words, asking for flowers, asking for collections, asking for evaluation votes, asking for rewards, and asking for all data ......................................................

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