Dad Academy

Chapter 2673: Xiwawa Privileges

After lunch, the group of children were extremely restless and always wanted to run outside, but it was scorching hot outside. It was noon, the highest temperature of the day, and Teacher Jiang and Tan Jiner strictly prohibited them from going out.

In fact, most of the children were obedient and did not plan to go out at this time. After all, it would not look good if the little girls were tanned.

But there were a few who were restless.

The glass bottle placed in the corner kept making cicada sounds, and the cicadas inside had been calling non-stop since they came home.

Tan Jiner asked them to release all the cicadas, but some did not want to. Some wanted to eat fried cicada monkeys, and some wanted to sell them in the town to pay off their debts.

It was Dunzi who told them that they could make money by selling cicadas in the town, otherwise they would not have known it at all.

In the end, the group of cicadas were not released, but poured out of the glass bottle and put into a net bag to prevent them from suffocating.

At noon, everyone watched cartoons for a while, and then fell asleep one by one.

The sun was scorching, cicadas were chirping, Baijia Village in the valley was very quiet, no one was seen around, it was a good time for a nap.

Dudu helped Tan Jiner carry the children into the bedroom one by one and put them on the bed to sleep.

When Zhang Tan returned home, except for Tan Jiner who was sitting in the living room, everyone else went to the bedroom to sleep, even Dudu went.

As a health expert, Dudu must take a nap every day.

Seeing Zhang Tan coming back, Tan Jiner first poured him a glass of water, but there was only half a cup. Zhang Tan drank it up in two gulps and felt that his thirst was not quenched.

Just as he was about to pour water himself, he saw Tan Jiner bringing out a large piece of watermelon from the kitchen.

"You put it in the canal last night, and cut it for everyone to eat at noon. This is for you." Tan Jiner said.

"Thank you~"

What is more refreshing than eating a bite of cold watermelon in the hot summer.

No wonder Tan Jiner only poured him half a glass of water, because she was afraid that he would drink it all in one breath and couldn't eat the watermelon.

Zhang Tan ate the tea in big mouthfuls. It was too hot outside and he was really thirsty.

Tan Jiner sat next to him, chatting casually and asking him about what happened in the tea factory in the morning.

The tea factory has been operating very well in the past six months, with performance increasing day by day, six times year-on-year. At present, the orders are far greater than the production capacity, and the production capacity is limited, so it is difficult to meet the market demand for a while.

Everyone is very motivated, the factory is developing well, the boss is more generous, and he is willing to spend money on employees. The salary and benefits are very sincere. Everyone has a sense of gain and happiness, and the sense of belonging to the factory naturally increases.

In the first half of the year, the factory also won the top 100 taxpayers in the previous year. At that time, Zhang Tan was not in the factory, so the deputy factory director, that is, the village chief, went to receive it.

The village chief was in the limelight for a long time.

Tan Jiner was proud to hear this, and a smile spread across her face. She said with relief: "If the factory is well run, everyone's life will be prosperous, and there will be no need to work outside, and the children will not be left behind."

There are many news about left-behind children in the news now. Tan Jiner manages charity funds, so she is naturally familiar with these.

She was in a good mood when she heard that the tea factory can not only make money, but also benefit the local area.

She also shared the news with Zhang Tan.

"I heard from Bai Guagua that there are many large fish farmers in Baijia Village, and there are many fish in the pond now."

"Bai Guagua?" Zhang Tan was a little surprised.

"Yes, Bai Guagua doesn't look small, but he knows a lot of things. He knows everything when you ask him. He is very young."

Tan Jiner couldn't help laughing when she thought of Bai Guagua's appearance.

The two chatted for a while, and when Zhang Tan had rested enough, they went back to their rooms to rest.

It was noon, and they felt uncomfortable if they didn't take a nap.

I don't know how long he slept in the afternoon. Zhang Tan woke up when he heard Xiaobai's voice.

Xiaobai was furious outside.

Zhang Tan got up and went out to see Xiaobai was really furious.

"Who is it? Who let all my lazybones run away? There was not a single one left for me——"

Xiaobai was holding a net bag in his hand. There were originally more than a dozen lazybones in it, but now there was none left.

Xiaobai found it as soon as he woke up and was furious.

It was rare for Xiaoxiaobai to see her aunt so angry. She stepped forward timidly. Xiaobai immediately stared at her and asked seriously: "Did you let it go?"

Xiaoxiaobai was frightened by her aunt's expression and quickly shook her head and waved her hands, "No, no~"

"Then why did you stand up?" Xiaobai asked.

Xiaoxiaobai quickly explained: "I, I, I, I, aunt, don't be angry, I didn't let it go."

At this time, the fanning fire Liu spoke.

She asked in a probing tone: "Robin, could it be that you let it go while sleepwalking?"

Xiaoxiaobai was stunned. She didn't even know what sleepwalking was.

Xiaobai knew what Liuliu meant. She glared at Liuliu and asked viciously, "Liuliu, is it you? You are the most likely."

Liuliu was very calm and retorted, "It's not me, I am the least likely."

Xiaobai thought about it and agreed with Liuliu. She was indeed the least likely.

"That's right, you are the least likely, because you want to eat Lazy Son, but if you let him run away, you won't be able to eat him."

Liuliu's face suddenly darkened, and she cursed Xiaobai a thousand times in her heart.

But she knew the situation very well. Although she always liked to tease Xiaobai, she would choose the right time. At this time, she would not take the initiative to provoke Xiaobai, because she would really get beaten up and it would be dangerous.

Just as Xiaobai was about to continue to rage, he saw Xier coming out of the bedroom, rubbing her eyes, and after listening to Xiaobai's words, she took the initiative to say that she was the one who released the cicadas.

Xiaobai: "..."

"We can't eat cicadas, nor can we sell them. If we sell them, they will still be eaten by people." Xier gave her reasons.

Xiaobai stared at Xier, took several deep breaths, and said, "Next time you want to release cicadas, you should tell me in advance. Really, you released them without saying a word. I thought there was a thief in the house."

This seemed to hit Xier's funny spot.

"hiahiahiahia~~~~It's me, I'm not a thief."

Seeing this, Liuliu immediately asked everyone to disperse.

"It's okay, it's over. It was Xiwawa who did it. Xiaobai doesn't dare to do anything to Xiwawa."

Immediately, Liuliu warned Xiaoxiaobai earnestly: "Don't learn from your sister Xiwawa. If you do this, your aunt will definitely beat you up and make you cry. You are not Xiwawa."

Xiaoxiaobai: "..."

Xiaobai stared at the back of Dayanyan and really wanted to control her.

Teacher Jiang brought out watermelons and sweet potatoes. After the children ate them, they couldn't stay at home anymore and slipped out.

The sun was still hanging in the sky, but it was not as hot as at noon, and there was wind. It was a mountain breeze blowing down from the mountains, and it was cool.

Some people were already working in the fields around Baijia Village. Dunzi and her mother came out of the house and said they were going to the town to help sell watermelons.

Xiaobai and others heard it and immediately wanted to go with them.

Zhang Tan drove them there and took Tan Jiner with him. He just happened to be going to the town to buy some daily necessities to replenish the family.

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