After a violent beating, the group left in good spirits.

Returning from Jingzhao Yinfu Yamen to Gulou Street, the coldness merged into prosperity.

Wang Jin rubbed his stomach, "Brother Shan, I seem to be hungry again after all the activities. How about we go have something to eat? I'm treating you!"

Zhou Huaishan had a wry smile on his face, "Shit, if I keep fooling around with you, my daughter will have to get rid of me when I get home."

Wang Jin was happy, "How can this be called fooling around? What we are doing is deepening the friendship between classmates."

After saying that, he patted Zhao Dacheng on the shoulder and said, "Brother Dacheng, let's go have some more drinks? Thanks to you today, I really didn't realize that Brother Dacheng is so skilled! I admire you!"

Zhao Dacheng glanced at Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Huaishan didn't look in his direction, he just tilted his head and looked at the fun of making candy figures.

Zhao Dacheng withdrew his gaze and said with a smile: "My family kept a close eye on me when I was a kid. After practicing for so many days, I forgot all about it. This is all that's left."

Wang Jin smiled and said: "Hey, who cares when you learned it? I just ask you, do you want to go and eat some more?"

Zhao Dacheng shook his head, "I just came to Kyoto, and my house hasn't been tidied up yet. Let's make another appointment tomorrow. I have to go back today."

Wang Jin suddenly looked disappointed, "It's really boring, okay, okay, let's break up and go back to our homes.

I'm still excited, but you guys are better off, ugh! "

Zhou Huaishan rolled his eyes at Wang Jin and said, "I'm so excited. Go home and recharge your batteries. I'll return to Yang Tian tomorrow."

Wang Jin's eyes suddenly lit up, "Really squatting?"

"Is there any lie? That kid looks like he deserves a beating. If I didn't squat on him, I would be sorry for his mother's anger towards him."

Wang Jin said happily: "I thought you were just going to talk like that today."

As he said that, Wang Jin elbowed Zhou Huaishan, "However, that kid suffered a loss today and will definitely not give up tomorrow. Moreover, he may not go to class tomorrow."

"Go, he will definitely go. The Lord Jijiu has given him a heavenly task today. He has been asked to write the birthday message for the Queen Mother. He can't go."

Wang Jin was amused and patted Zhou Huaishan on the shoulder, "Brother Shan is a bull. This has been settled in advance. However, our Imperial College has regulations that students who fight and cause trouble more than three times will be expelled."

Zhou Huaishan looked at him sideways, "Then will you fight?"

Wang Jin blurted out: "Let's fight, why don't we fight? I won't have to go if I get fired."

Zhou Huaishan laughed and said: "That's nonsense! Go home quickly!"

"Go back, come back right now!" Wang Jin said with a pompous voice. After speaking, he turned to look at Zhao Dacheng, "Brother Dacheng, where do you live? Shall we go together?"

Zhao Dacheng said: "My home is over there on Xinghua Lane, your home"

Wang Jin's face dropped, "Okay, you and Brother Shan are on the way."

The three of them chatted for a while, and at the intersection ahead, Wang Jin waved goodbye to the two of them.

As soon as Wang Jin left, Zhao Dacheng felt a little embarrassed. He looked at Zhou Huaishan from the corner of his eye, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

He had never felt so awkward when getting along with Zhou Huaishan before.

How good it used to be.

Why is it suddenly awkward now?

Because Zhou Huaishan said he was going to Hongxiufang to listen to Ying'er's music?

Or is it because he showed off his skills in front of Zhou Huaishan?

Zhao Dacheng was full of thoughts.

Zhao Dacheng didn't speak, and Zhou Huaishan didn't say anything either. They whistled all the way and they walked in silence.

When he was approaching the door of Zhou Huaishan's house, Zhao Dacheng suddenly paused his feet and said, "Brother Shan."

Zhou Huaishan also stopped and turned his head to look at him.

The moonlight illuminated Zhou Huaishan's eyes, which were particularly bright.

Zhao Dacheng clenched his fists and put on a smile that he thought was extremely casual, "Brother Shan provoked the son of the Minister of Punishment, doesn't it matter?"

Zhou Huaishan suddenly laughed, with a dandy smile on his honest and honest face.

"I haven't told you yet, do you know who Shen Li is?"

Zhao Dacheng scratched the back of his head, "What's your identity? Aren't you the boss of Bi Mo Zhai?"

Zhou Huaishan looked at Zhao Dacheng and smiled.

Zhao Dacheng felt a little scared, and the smile on his face was almost unbearable due to Zhou Huaishan's gaze.

Just when Zhao Dacheng couldn't bear it anymore and was about to say something casually, Zhou Huaishan said mysteriously to Zhao Dacheng: "He is not the little boss of Bi and Ink Studio, he is awesome."

"How cool?"

"Does Shadow know?"


After Zhao Dacheng finished speaking, Zhou Huaishan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Dacheng, "Okay, you know all about Shadow. I really underestimate you. You know Shadow and you know kung fu. What else do you know that I don't know?"

Zhao Dacheng's heart suddenly skipped a beat.


He should have said he didn't know.

What to do?

Just when Zhao Dacheng's smile was about to turn into a crying face, Zhou Huaishan said again: "However, no matter how awesome you are, you are not as awesome as Shen Li, he is the shadow commander!"

Zhao Dacheng immediately responded with a shocked look on his face, "Really?"

"Ang! Really, Shen Li told me that as long as I don't pee in the palace, I can do whatever else I want!"

After speaking, Zhou Huaishan glanced at Zhao Dacheng and patted him on the arm.

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm back. If you want to see me tomorrow, just wait for me at the entrance of the Imperial College. Or you can come to my house. This is my house in front of you. It's too late today so I won't call you in."

After saying that, he patted Zhao Dacheng's arm twice more, turned around and left.

Zhao Dacheng stayed where he was and did not move.

Looking at the figures of Zhou Huaishan and Li Er until they disappeared, Zhao Dacheng took a deep breath and was surprised to find that the cold sweat on his back was almost soaked through his clothes.

Zhou Huaishan's words just now probably meant that he had no doubts about him.

should be.

Otherwise, why would he be asked to guess Shen Li's identity?

There is no doubt, there must be no doubt, he is overthinking.

After scratching the back of his head, Zhao Dacheng lifted his feet and left.

He left with his front feet, and with his back feet, a figure walked out of a shadow not far from the door of Zhou Huaishan's house where the moonlight could not reach.

The figure of the man is slightly muscular.

Eyes bright.

He looked at Zhao Dacheng's leaving figure, his eyes illuminated by the moonlight were filled with solemnity and a hint of joy.

As soon as Zhou Huaishan returned home, he saw Zhou Qing in his room.

Suddenly, the legs that he lifted over the threshold felt weak, and his voice was hoarse, "Daughter, are you still awake?"

Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Huaishan and said, "Dad, you haven't come back yet. Why should I go to bed first? After all, if I go to bed, you won't have to do your homework."

Zhou Huaishan chuckled and entered the room, "What are you talking about? This homework was assigned to me by my husband, not to you. How can I keep you staring at me writing? What's the point!"

My daughter, you can go to bed, I promise to finish writing everything today. "

Zhou Qing laughed and said, "I'm not afraid that you will be too tired from fighting and won't be able to write when you come back."

Zhou Huaishan.

Youyou looked at Zhou Qing, was silent for a moment, put her arms on the table, moved her butt around the stool and sat on it, "You know everything? Tsk tsk, this tone makes you look like an old hermaphrodite."

Zhou Qing immediately rolled his eyes, "If you were fighting in some other corner, I would definitely not know about it. That place is Deyue Tower. I have to know even if I don't want to know."

After saying that, Zhou Qing's eyes filled with excitement.

He propped his elbows on the table and dragged his chin. "Tell me, Dad, what are your plans this time!"

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