Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 301 Homework


When Zhou Huaishan saw Zhou Qing's expression, he immediately said: "Daughter, you don't know how much Yang Tian's grandson deserves a beating. He scolded me in the Imperial College today and he still doesn't admit it!

I, Zhou Huaishan, am the kind of person who lets others beat and scold me without fighting back? "

Zhou Qing immediately interrupted Zhou Huaishan, "Dad, I am not Wang Jin."

Zhou Huaishan.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Tsk! My dear, there used to be an old man who lived for one hundred and three years. Why do you think he did it?"

Zhou Qing gave Zhou Huaishan a big look in his eyes, "That old man is Xiao Ming's grandfather, right?"

Zhou Huaishan immediately became happy, "You know all this?"

Zhou Qing said: "Hurry up, I'm not interested in living a hundred and three years."

"Okay, then let me ask you, was the person who attacked me this morning captured by the Shadows or the Criminal Department?"

Zhou Qing said: "Li Er said that he should send Shadow. Shen Li and I both thought it would be more appropriate to send him to the Ministry of Punishment. Later, he was sent to the Ministry of Punishment."

The Minister of Punishment and Su Heng were close, and her father was the victim in this case.

Whenever the results given by the Ministry of Punishment do not satisfy Shen Li, this is an opportunity for Shen Li to come to his door.

Zhou Huaishan picked up the teapot on the table, took a teacup, poured half a cup of tea, and put the teapot back.

"Dad, can't you put this teapot properly? Every time, half of the teapot is resting on the edge of the plate, so you're not afraid of it tipping over."

Zhou Qing said and put the teapot that Zhou Huaishan had placed on the edge of the plate again.

Zhou Huaishan looked at his nose and said with a smile: "I'm used to it, I always let it go like this before."

As he spoke, he drank the tea in his hand in one sip.

"It stands to reason that the Ministry of Punishment has been trying such a small case for a day now, and there should be a result. Logically speaking, I am Shen Li's prospective father-in-law. If the Ministry of Punishment has a result, it should tell me even if it doesn't come to tell me. Shen Li, but is there any result? "

Zhou Qing remained silent and served Zhou Huaishan more tea.

Zhou Huaishan sighed, "This guy, sometimes he has to hang out. As long as the punishment department doesn't produce results for a day, I will beat Yang Tian. As long as the punishment department minister can handle it, he is not my son anyway."

Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Huaishan and suddenly felt sour in his heart.

Her father probably did this for revenge.

If there are no opportunities, look for them. If you can't find them, create them. Don't let go of any opportunities you can find.

If it had been in the past, her father would have been too lazy to cause all this trouble. If the Ministry of Punishment couldn't get it out, it wouldn't be out. Anyway, he didn't suffer a loss at that time.

He just wants to live a leisurely life, eating, drinking and having fun.

Even though she had just traveled through time and the dignified prince suddenly turned into a poor farmer, her father was so worried.

He doesn't think about anything every day, he just thinks about letting her make money to support him, and he just thinks about eating chicken.

How wonderful it was then.

But now.


Zhou Qing felt a little sorry for Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Huaishan's eyes suddenly widened, and he stood up from the bench as quickly as a bodybuilder and jumped back, looking at Zhou Qing warily.

He raised his hand and raised his chin slightly.

"We just had a heart-to-heart relationship, and now you want me to do my homework? Why are you like this!"

That Ling Ling arrogance made Zhou Qing's eyes twitch and he looked confused.


Zhou Huaishan glared at Zhou Qing, "I tell you, you have to be kind! As you are, you will lose me sooner or later! Think carefully!"

Zhou Qing

Although her father was miserable, she felt sorry for her father.

But the sourness that just came to my heart was of course gone now.

Zhou Qing glanced at the thick pile of homework beside him.

He gritted his teeth and slammed the table, "Write!"

Zhou Huaishan screamed out loud, "Just be a human being!"

Zhou Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Just be a homework writer! Today I was called a parent by your Imperial College."

When Zhou Huaishan heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Call the parents?"

"Ang, I'm not married yet!"

Zhou Huaishan couldn't stop laughing, "It's going to be soon, when you get married and have children."

Zhou Qing

After finally yelling at your father to study, should you yell at your child to study again?

Ten bottles of quick-acting heart-saving pills are not enough!

At this moment, Zhou Qing suddenly didn't want to get married.


It's enough for her to have her father!


This thing is like raising a second child after finally raising an eldest child!

I've spent my whole life smashing it!

My youth!

That kind of mother who gave birth to ten babies, all of whom are elite hackers, doesn’t know what kind of belly she has!

A fetus weighing ten pounds is considered too heavy.

Do these ten fetuses weigh an average of one pound each?

It can't be kept alive even if it's born in an incubator, right?

Or should we say that each person weighs five or six kilograms, and ten of them weigh fifty or sixty kilograms?

I wipe it!

What kind of belly would it take to fit it in?

Zhou Qing suddenly became excited and returned to reality from her wandering thoughts. When she looked around, she saw her howling father.

Just think about your stomach.

Without exception, tonight is another night of chaos.

Zhou Huaishan didn't finish his homework until Chouchu.

Early the next morning, Zhou Qing sent Zhou Huaishan to school as usual. Before the carriage arrived at the gate of the Imperial College, he was stopped by a young eunuch from the palace.

It was early in the morning, but the waiter might be a little cold. He stood by the window of the carriage with his neck and hands curled up, and a white, beardless face.

"Your Majesty's oral instructions tell Zhou Huaishan to come to the palace immediately to pay an audience. There must be no mistake."

Zhou Huaishan opened the curtain with a shocked look on his face, "Now?"

The eunuch smiled and nodded.

Zhou Huaishan looked at him suspiciously, "I know."

He lowered the curtain in a hurry and immediately approached Zhou Qing, saying in a low voice: "Girl, there is something wrong with this matter, but I will go to the palace first, and you hurry to find Shen Li."

Before Zhou Qing could react to what was going on, Zhou Huaishan got out of the carriage and jumped off the carriage.

The eunuch was about to take Zhou Huaishan away when Wang Jin rushed over from the side.

"Brother Zhou, where are you going?"

After the words fell, he glanced at the eunuch on the side and immediately put down his hand on Zhou Huaishan's shoulder.

He nodded politely to the eunuch, "Brother Zhou, are you going to the palace?"

Zhou Huaishan hummed.

Wang Jin said: "Then I will take the homework in for Brother Zhou. It has to be handed in anyway, so as not to delay it."

Zhou Huaishan glanced at him, and then looked at the eunuch.

The eunuch nodded, and Zhou Huaishan got into the carriage again.

Zhou Qing smiled and said, "This Wang Jin is quite reliable."

Zhou Huaishan pouted, "Reliable ass, he just wants to find an excuse to copy my homework."

Zhou Qing

Zhou Huaishan handed the backpack to Wang Jin and left with the eunuch.

Wang Jin waved to Zhou Qing and strode into the Imperial College with the backpack.

As soon as he entered the door, he ran into the chief wine master.

"What are you holding?"

The chief wine master pointed at the backpack in Wang Jin's arms and asked suspiciously.

Wang Jin

Damn it!

I just wanted to copy a homework, why is it so mean!

Just when Wang Jin was about to make up a lie, a student flashed by and said respectfully and clearly: "This is Zhou Huaishan's homework, Brother Wang Jin, bring it in for him."

Wang Jin

Damn it!

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