No, why do I need seeds?

I am not a farmer, and I don’t even have a piece of land.

And what’s the use of one or two seeds?

Suddenly Ye Kai felt something piercing his hand.

After opening it, he found that it was the seeds mentioned by the system.

Ye Kai picked up the seeds and began to examine them.

It seems to be no different from ordinary seeds.

Did the system make a mistake?

"Big Brother! Big Brother!"

Ye Kai heard the voice of his colleagues behind him, and Ye Kai hurriedly put the seeds in his hand into his pocket.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Kai asked.

"Old Zhang wants to see you and asks you to go to the office."

Ye Kai nodded and said, "Okay, I know, thank you for your help."

After that, he walked towards Zhang Chu's office.

"Master, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ye Kai smiled and said to Zhang Chu as he walked in.

Zhang Chu handed the document in his hand to Ye Kai with a gloomy face.

Ye Kai took the file Zhang Chu handed over with a puzzled look on his face, and opened it.

Ye Kai's eyebrows slowly wrinkled.

"What does this mean?"

Zhang Chu sighed, "Literally."

"How can we complete the test within 20 days? We haven't even started the first round of tests."

Ye Kai's tone was filled with anger.

The original project time was very tight. There were more than 100 days left, but now it has suddenly been reduced to more than 20 days.

This is impossible to complete.

Zhang Chu sighed softly.

"This is the requirement from above. It is said that we will start launching rockets to other planets next year. Our unmanned soft landing technology must be tested by them."

Ye Kai's face turned pale instantly after hearing this.

If he used their technology, Ye Kai would definitely be happy, but now the time is so short and it is too difficult to complete.

If he handed in the semi-finished product directly, it would probably be rejected.

After all, there are more than one team working on this project.

Ye Kai's hand slowly crumpled the document into a ball of paper.

Zhang Chu looked at Ye Kai and said, "Xiao Kai, what are you going to do?"

"Twenty days or ten days, since it is a requirement, we will try our best to do it, and other teams are the same as us."

Ye Kai's eyes slowly became cold.

Zhang Chu nodded gently, "I will be with you in the last twenty days."

Ye Kai slowly stood up, turned his head and walked into the laboratory.

Looking at the people who were still working hard in the laboratory, Ye Kai calmed his mind and walked in.

"Everyone, the first round of experiments will start the day after tomorrow."


"Big Brother, we haven't calculated a lot of things."

"Yes, Big Brother, wasn't the original plan two weeks later?"

Looking at the people below, Ye Kai said softly, "We don't have much time anymore."

Ye Kai's words made the people present quiet down.

Ye Kai slowly spread out the document that had been crumpled by himself and posted it on the blackboard.

"This is the order we just received. After 20 days, all test teams must submit their test projects."


"Twenty days?!"

"Who can do this?"

The voices of the crowd gradually rose.

Ye Kai said after hearing it.

"Don't panic. We have completed the first stage and most of the data has been calculated. Everyone should move on to the preparations for the first round of tests. For the rest, each group will have one person to handle it."

The crowd below couldn't help but fall silent.

Ye Kai looked at them and said, "Not only our project, but other projects are the same. As long as there are no problems in these 20 days, next year's rocket will be equipped with our technology."

At this point, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

If it really succeeds, he will be remembered for thousands of years.

Ye Kai slapped the table hard, looked at everyone and said.

"From now on, each group will start to adjust. Tomorrow night, all the tasks of the project must be completed, and the test will start the day after tomorrow."



Li Cheng walked to Ye Lin and said.

"The young mistress has agreed to come to work."

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, "She agreed so quickly?"

Although Aunt Liu helped Chen Yilin with her thoughts.

But Ye Lin didn't think it would be that simple.

Even he didn't dare to guarantee that Chen Yilin would come to work.

Li Cheng said, "I heard that the young master agreed."

"Young master?" Ye Lin smiled lightly, "Okay, I know."

"Then I'll arrange for her to start tomorrowwork."

Ye Lin shook his head gently, "No hurry, you go pick her up tomorrow."

"Pick her up?"

Li Cheng looked at Ye Lin with surprise and said, "But doesn't her mother work at home? Isn't it inconvenient?"

Ye Lin smiled and said, "The house is so big, you can just arrange it tomorrow."

Li Cheng seemed to understand something and nodded gently, "Okay, I understand."

Ye Lin reminded hurriedly.

"Remember, bring Yiyi with you."

Li Cheng remembered the gentle expression on Ye Lin's face when he held his granddaughter, and couldn't help but smile gently.


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