
Chen Yilin poked her head in from the door and looked at Ye Kai in the laboratory.

Ye Kai looked up and saw Chen Yilin at the door. He couldn't help but smile from his tired expression.

"Why are you here?"

"Not only me, but also Yiyi!"

Chen Yilin slowly walked in with Ye Ruoyi's stroller.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the other people in the laboratory went to prepare for the first round of experiments.

Only a few team leaders were still busy in the laboratory.

Ye Kai gently picked up Ye Ruoyi, "My dear daughter, do you miss your dad?"

Ye Ruoyi looked at Ye Kai and slowly cried.

"Oh, baby, what's wrong?"

Ye Ruoyi cried in Ye Kai's arms for more than ten minutes before slowly stopping.

Looking at her father with tears in her eyes.

Ye Kai wiped the tears from Ye Ruoyi's face.

"Dad is a bit busy during this period. After 20 days, Dad will accompany you well."

Chen Yilin took out an insulated box from the bag.

"This is the dinner made by Aunt Liu today."

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin and said with a smile.

"My dear wife, thank you for your trouble."

Chen Yilin glanced at Ye Kai slightly, "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold."

"Yeah, okay."

Ye Kai opened the insulated box.

Suddenly, a fragrance came into Ye Kai's nose.

The other team leaders almost fainted at the scene. Why are they all in the same laboratory?

You have your wife to send you food.

We didn't even have food to eat.

"Big Brother, we have something to do, so we'll go out first."

Several people couldn't stand the smell of the food, so they quickly found a reason to run out to eat.

"Honey, is it delicious?"

Chen Yilin asked with a smile.

Ye Kai nodded fiercely, "Delicious!"

Because he didn't have lunch, Ye Kai finished his dinner in a few bites.

Although it was delicious, Ye Kai didn't even have time to taste it.

Chen Yilin patted Ye Kai on the back and said.

"Eat slowly, no one is competing with you."

Ye Kai said after a while, "Wife, I may be in the laboratory more often during this period."

Chen Yilin nodded gently.

"Master called me at noon today. During this period, you can rest assured here, I and Aunt Liu are at home."

"Okay, if there is anything at home that needs help, just call me."

Chen Yilin smiled, "I know."

After Ye Kai finished his meal, Chen Yilin helped to pack up.

"Then we are ready to go back."

After Chen Yilin packed up, she looked at Ye Kai and said.

Ye Kai nodded, but Ye Ruoyi beside him was about to cry again.

Ye Kai picked up Ye Ruoyi.

"What's wrong? You can't bear to leave your dad."

When Ye Ruoyi's tears were about to fall, Ye Kai gently kissed Ye Ruoyi on the forehead.

Only then did Ye Ruoyi slowly smile.

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin beside him and asked.

"Do you want to have a farewell kiss?"

Chen Yilin chuckled, "Go away, I haven't settled the score with you for that morning."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Kai pretended to be stupid.

Chen Yilin pushed Ye Ruoyi's stroller, "Say goodbye to Dad, we're going home."

Ye Kai gently waved to the mother and daughter.

"Be careful on the road."

Chen Yilin also looked at Ye Kai with a gentle look.

"You should also pay attention to rest."

Ye Kai nodded.


After a moment, Chen Yilin said with a smile.

"This is a return gift from this morning."

After saying that, Chen Yilin and Ye Ruoyi left the laboratory.

Only Ye Kai was left standing there.

Ye Kai gently wiped the lipstick residue on the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Why is this girl so proactive recently?"


Chen Yilin looked at Li Cheng curiously and said.

"Uncle Li, why do we have to go to the villa first today?"

Li Cheng smiled softly and looked at Ye Ruoyi in Chen Yilin's arms.

"The master misses the young lady, and by the way, there are some things he wants to talk to you about in person."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You will know when you go to the villa."


Seeing Li Cheng's words, Chen Yilin did not continue to ask.

When they arrived at the villa, Chen Yilin hugged Ye Ruoyi and followed Li Cheng to Ye Lin's office.

"Master, the young mistress and the young lady are here."

"Let them in."

Ye Lin saw Ye Ruoyi in Chen Yilin's arms and hurried over.

"Come on, come on, give grandpa a hug. "

Chen Yilin slowly handed Ye Ruoyi to Ye Lin

Ye Lin carefully held Ye Ruoyi and kissed her tender little face several times.

"Oh, my Yiyi is so cute."

Chen Yilin slowly stepped aside and watched Ye Lin teasing Ye Ruoyi.

Looking at Ye Lin's kind look.

Chen Yilin really couldn't imagine that the villain Ye Kaikai mentioned was actually like this.

After Ye Lin and Ye Ruoyi were tired of playing, Ye Ruoyi fell asleep in Ye Lin's arms.

Ye Lin then turned back and looked in the direction of Chen Yilin.

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