Although he had heard from his wife that Ye Kai's cooking skills were very good.

But Li Cheng didn't expect it to be so good.

It was simply amazing.

This level was far beyond his imagination.

He never thought that his wife would praise him like this.

Although Aunt Liu's cooking skills were good, they were definitely not to this extent.

It can be said that Ye Kai's cooking skills were at the pinnacle.

Li Cheng's shock could no longer be expressed in words.

Ye Kai looked at the enjoyment on Li Cheng's face and couldn't help but smile knowingly.


"Principal, are you making things difficult for me?"

Zhang Chu stood in front of Principal Wang Haolin, his whole face almost looking like a bitter gourd.

Wang Haolin looked at Zhang Chu with a serious look.

"I don't care, you must make Ye Kai stay in school after graduation."

Zhang Chu frowned and looked at Wang Haolin.

He knew clearly what his apprentice's strength was.

Ye Kai went out to find a class, and people outside were vying for him.

Any job can earn over 10,000 yuan a month.

How could he stay in school and get a salary of a few thousand yuan?

What's more, Ye Kai has a wife and a daughter, and he must give them the best life.

Wang Haolin looked at Zhang Chu and said.

"Ye Kai will graduate in one year, so you should do your best to do a good job in his ideological work."

Hearing this, Zhang Chu couldn't help but sigh.

He deeply realized what it means that a higher-ranking official can crush a person.

Faced with the unreasonable request of the principal, Zhang Chu could only nod and agree helplessly.

The only thing he prayed for now was that Ye Kai would not agree to Wang Haolin's conditions.

Otherwise, he would feel guilty towards Ye Kai in the future.

Wang Haolin looked at Zhang Chu and agreed to his conditions, nodded with satisfaction, and then walked out of the office.

Zhang Chu looked at Wang Haolin's back and shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Chu sat in a daze for a long time, until his wife called him, and then he came back to his senses.

"Why haven't you come back so late tonight?"

"Nothing, I have a meeting to attend, and I'm going back now."

Zhang Chu thought of what the principal had just told him, and his eyes showed an extremely complicated look.

"Okay, drive slowly on the way."

"Well! Bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chu leaned back in the chair weakly and sighed softly.


"Husband, you just had a call."

Chen Yilin said when she saw Ye Kai coming out of the kitchen.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, who would call him so early in the morning.

"Who called?"

"I don't know, there is no note."

"Oh, maybe someone called the wrong number."

Even if it was someone he didn't know well, Ye Kai would note the other person's name.

Since there was no note, it was probably an advertising call, and Ye Kai didn't care too much.

"Wife, come and have breakfast, I'll feed Yiyi."

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin and said softly.

Chen Yilin listened to Ye Kai's words, nodded, and walked to the seat in the restaurant.

"Yiyi, Dad will feed you, eat quickly."

Ye Kai picked up Yiyi and gently placed her on his lap.

[Sign in successfully]

[Sign in reward: a bucket of water, a bag of mud]

What the hell?

Ye Kai's hand was frozen in place while feeding Yiyi.

I haven't signed in for several days, why is it that when I sign in, it's water and mud, such a foolish thing.

20,000 yuan is decadent, it's better to continue to give me 20,000 yuan.

Chen Yilin saw Ye Kai holding the bottle in his hand and frozen in place.

Yiyi, who was standing aside, was almost crying when she saw the bottle, and couldn't help but shouting.

"Woo wa wa wa wa..."

Ye Kai heard Yiyi's cry, and then he came back to his senses.

He quickly put the bottle in front of Ye Ruoyi's mouth. Ye Ruoyi smelled the milk and immediately calmed down.

Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Honey, what did you do just now?"

Chen Yilin asked with some concern.

"Uh... nothing, just thinking about something."

Ye Kai said awkwardly.

At this time, the doorbell rang at the door of the house.

Ye Kai held Yiyi and opened the door. It was the courier who had just delivered the water and mud.

After signing, Ye Kai was stunned and looked at the big bag of mud.

Chen Yilin also finished breakfast and came to Ye Kai's side.

Seeing a big bag of things at the door of the house, she asked curiously.

"Honey, what's in it?"

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin and said.


Chen Yilin looked at Ye Kai with a puzzled look on her face, "Why did you buy this?"

"A friend gave it to me. I haven't figured out what it's for."Ye Kai also looked at the mud on the ground with a confused look on his face.

This was sent by the system, but there was no explanation.

This made him a little depressed.

However, since the system has already sent it, there is no need to think too much. Anyway, there is no harm. It's just that there is one less bag of mud.

Chen Yilin smiled lightly, "Your friend is quite strange. Why did you send such a thing?"

"It's quite strange. By the way, are you full?"

"I'm full."

Chen Yilin looked at Ye Kai and said with a sweet smile.

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