"Then you stay at home to look after Yiyi. I'm going to school."

Ye Kai said to his wife.

Chen Yilin took Ye Ruoyi from Ye Kai's arms and nodded gently.

"Come back early. Yiyi and I are waiting for you."


Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin and said gently, then turned and walked out of the house.

Before going to school, Ye Kai went to his own restaurant first.

Although he was a hands-off boss, he was the owner of this restaurant after all, and he spent millions of dollars in it.

It was just past eight o'clock, and many shops next to it had not yet opened for business.

Ye Kai's restaurant was almost full of people.

Ye Kai walked into the restaurant and found that all the employees were staring at him.


"Hey, why is the boss here?"

"Yes, boss, why are you here at this time?"

"Is the boss not busy today?"

Hearing that the boss was coming, Li Zhenghao, who was originally in the kitchen, also hurried out.

Ye Kai looked at Li Zhenghao and said, "Uncle Li, where is Anzhou?"

Seeing Ye Kai, who usually never came to the store, suddenly looking for his son.

Li Zhenghao couldn't help but worry.

"Boss Ye, is there something wrong with my son?"

Seeing Li Zhenghao, who was so nervous that he bit his tongue when he spoke, Ye Kai couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Uncle Li, don't worry, I just passed by and took a look."

Hearing this, Li Zhenghao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His son finally got such a good job, and the boss trusted him so much.

He handed over a store worth millions to him to manage.

If he didn't think it was good, not to mention Ye Kai, he would definitely give him a beating first.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenghao was very confident in his son's ability.

He watched him grow up, and he knew very well what his son was capable of.

"Boss Ye, my son is in the office."

Ye Kai nodded gently, "You guys continue to be busy, don't worry about me."

After saying that, he walked towards the office.

After seeing Ye Kai leave, Li Zhenghao hurried back to his kitchen.

Ye Kai walked into Li Anzhou's office and saw Li Anzhou buried in the table, frowning and lowering his head.

Ye Kai came to Li Anzhou's table.

"What's wrong? What's so troublesome?"

Li Anzhou slowly raised his head and found that Ye Kai was here.

He was so scared that he jumped up in his seat, "Boss Ye, why are you here?"

Ye Kai smiled and said, "I was passing by and came up to take a look."

Hearing Ye Kai's words, Li Anzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Anzhou hurriedly gave up his seat.

"Boss Ye, please sit down."

Ye Kai shook his head gently and sat on the sofa next to him.

Ye Kai looked at Li Anzhou and asked, "Anzhou, is the business in the store okay recently?"

"Not bad, the business is still good recently."

"Oh, that's good."

Ye Kai smiled and nodded.

"By the way, Anzhou, do you have any headaches?"

Li Anzhou didn't expect Ye Kai to see it, but in order to maintain his reputation, Li Anzhou hurriedly said.

"No, no, what's the headache?"

Ye Kai looked at Li Anzhou, "Just now I saw what you were looking at, and your eyebrows were almost twisted into a ball."

Li Anzhou said, "Uh... Nothing, just some daily matters."

Ye Kai saw that Li Anzhou was lying at a glance, but he probably didn't say it to make himself feel at ease.

"It's okay, just tell me directly, I should be able to handle it, don't drag the problem into a big problem."

After struggling for a moment, Li Anzhou sighed softly.

Took a contract from the seat next to him and handed a notice to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai flipped it open and took a look.

"Ingredients prices increased?"

Ye Kai frowned and said in a deep voice.

According to the document above, almost all the materials needed for his store have increased in price by 10%.


This is just like robbing money.

"Who gave you this document?" Ye Kai said coldly.

Li Anzhou shuddered suddenly, and he felt that Ye Kai's body slowly exuded a kind of aura.

"It's the supplier at the vegetable market."

"So it's not the order issued by the above to increase the price?"

Li Anzhou shook his head hurriedly, "No."

Ye Kai asked in confusion.

"We ask them for such a large amount every day, and they still raise the price with us?"

Li Anzhou explained hurriedly.

"This, I don't quite understand it, I asked many timesThey themselves can't explain the reason for the price increase. "

Ye Kai threw the file towards the trash can.

"Let's find a new food supplier."

Li An was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Ye, this may be difficult. On the one hand, we need a lot of food every day, and it's hard to find it in a short time. On the other hand, if we stop supplying, our daily business will also be in trouble."

Ye Kai was silent for a while, and said softly.

"How about this, you communicate with the vegetable market to see if there are other channels to find more food supplies. "

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