Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 296: Grandma made gifts for 3 little babies

Dad Qin and Ma Qin had visited Qin Lang’s studio before to see the scene where Qin Lang was doing sculptures. Because this big castle and cake were surprises that Qin Lang wanted to give to Su Shihan, so these two works, Dad and Qin did not have it before. Seen it.

At this moment, they all came over and watched.


My son's carver is so amazing.

It's simply too good!

Gee, amazed.

Unexpectedly, woodworking is so extensive and profound that it can be so exquisite.

Su Yongsheng quickly posted a circle of friends.

The text content is: [Daughter’s 20th birthday, what do you think of these two birthday gifts from my son-in-law? 】

After Su Shihan asked Qin Lang to hold Kexin, he also posted to Moments.

I put the photos taken in the workshop downstairs, because it can better reflect that these two wooden works are made purely by Qin Lang, and they have a handmade atmosphere.

The accompanying text is: [When I saw the gift, I remembered that today is my 20th birthday, the birthday gift is great~]

Last time Su Shihan posted a slightly subtle circle of milk tea friends, people who know know that Su Shihan is in love.

This time, in this circle of friends, the birthday cake above says "Happy 20th birthday to my wife" with the word "wife".

The circle of friends directly fry the pan.

Have asked Su Shihan about being in love?

Friends who know that Su Shihan and Qin Lang are already engaged, make a smile below and send Su Shihan happy birthday wishes.

Meng Weifang and Lin Jing respectively sent messages to Su Shihan, saying that a gift was sent to her. The logistics indicated that it would be delivered before 12 noon today, so she remembered to sign for it, and told Su Shihan that she really envied Qin Lang's kindness to her. .

Those two works are too delicate.

Meng Weifang and the others didn't know how well Qin Lang's carvings were. They asked which shop Qin Lang bought. Such birthday gifts are very special and they want to pay attention.

Lin Jing and the others had seen Qin Lang’s handmade shop, so they knew that Qin Lang’s engravers were amazing, especially the fact that Teacher Zhao Chuan from the Academic Affairs Office bought a million-dollar nuclear sculpture from Qin Lang. After the publicity went out, Many students in the school know that Qin Lang's nuclear carving skills are excellent.

But I didn't expect Qin Lang would still carve such a big castle!

And also carved the castle and cakes to life.

Because Su Shihan not only took a group photo, but also took the details of the two works separately, so that people can better see the beauty of the two works.

Su Shihan told Meng Weifang and the others that this was carved by Qin Lang himself.

Meng Weifang and the others were shocked.

Then Su Shihan's cell phone rang, it was a call from Lin Xiao.

In addition to congratulating Su Shihan on her happy birthday, she also said that she was too busy recently, and this time she couldn't find time to come over to congratulate Su Shihan on her birthday. After Su Shihan returned to Zhonghai, she would give Su Shihan another birthday.

Su Shihan smiled and said no, saying that her parents are here today, so Lin Xiao's intentions will do.

They two girlfriends don't need to be so serious.

Lin Xiao said that if he didn't make up his birthday, he would have to invite Su Shihan, Qin Lang and three goddaughters and sons to dinner. This Su Shihan could not refuse.

Su Shihan agreed with a smile, and told Lin Xiao that her godson and daughter are now eating a lot, and asked her to prepare food stamps.

After talking about this, Lin Xiao sighed again Qin Lang's kindness to Su Shihan, saying that the two sculptures were simply too beautiful and wanted to take them home.

Especially the castle.

Every girl wants to own a castle.

Lin Xiao, who has a boy character, also fantasized.

Su Shihan said, "Lin Xiao, there is hail in the sky!"

"???" What hailstones fall in the summer?

"You quickly wake up, don't daydream."

Lin Xiao: "..."

Su Yongsheng was too busy, receiving all kinds of news, and Liang Guanglai called him directly.

First, I congratulated Su Shihan on a happy birthday, and then sent a red envelope to Su Yongsheng, so that Su Yongsheng would help him to wrap it to Su Shihan.

Then he praised Su Yongsheng for finding a terrific son-in-law.

As well as being close to Su Yongsheng, I hope Su Yongsheng can help him speak nice things so that Qin Lang can sculpt his work better.

Because it is hand-carved, even if you carve the same thing, there will be small differences.

And, looking at the mood of the sculptor, if the mood and inspiration of the sculptor are in a good state, then the work that he has produced will be amazing.

Su Yongsheng understood Liang Guanglai's suggestion. He smiled with Liang Guanglai to enter the official language, and did not promise anything, but he also hinted that Liang Guanglai, Qin Lang would definitely carve the screen of "Three British Fighting Lu Bu".

After a while, Fang Yaxian came down from the upstairs with the folded three-bed quilt.

Let Qin Lang and Su Shihan see.

"Mom, this is?" Su Shihan asked.

Fang Yaxian smiled and said: "This is a hundred quilt. Last time I saw my mother in law make a hundred quilts for the children. After I went back, I found 100 families around, collected rags, and made a three-bed quilt."

"There is a mulberry silk quilt in it. Now in summer, they won't be able to use it for the time being. When the time comes, they can be covered in autumn and winter."

"The winter in Zhonghai is very cold."

Since September is almost coming, and autumn is about to begin, Fang Yaxian did not make summer air-conditioning quilts, but made quilts that can be covered in autumn and winter.

This will allow grandchildren to build longer.

But there is almost no autumn in Zhonghai, so he added a light, thin and warm mulberry silk quilt to the quilt.

With the same warmth, the same width and length, the weight of the mulberry silk quilt is one-half of the quilt core.

It is especially suitable for babies.

Su Shihan put down the phone and said to the three little guys, "Xuanxuan, Yutong, Kexin, look, this is a hundred quilts that grandma sewed for you by hand. Thank you, grandma, okay? Your first one. In winter, there is a warm quilt with grandma's brand, it won't be cold."

"Eh~" Xuanxuan grabbed the quilt excitedly.

Yutong and Kexin couldn't understand yet, but their eyes were fixed on the quilt, and they were attracted by the fabrics of various colors.

Because Fang Yaxian and Su Yongsheng prepared a cake for Su Shihan this time, they also prepared a big red envelope for Su Shihan because they visited the Qin family last time.

There are 200,000 in it.

They didn't buy other things because they didn't know what their daughter was lacking for the time being, so it was best to give them money so that they could buy whatever they wanted.

Today is the first birthday of Su Shihan at Qin Lang's house. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com and it's still its big birthday, Qin's father and Qin's mother told relatives on both sides early.

Come as a guest at home today.

Xiaocai Qin Ma bought it on the platform last night because the price is cheaper and fresher than the vegetable market.

The big dishes were bought by Qin's father and Qin's mother at the farmer's market at five o'clock in the morning.

The farmers market was already open at that time.

The previous banquets were all held in the hotel. This time Su Shihan's birthday, Qin Ma and Qin Lang discussed and planned to put it at home, which was very lively.

Although they will be a little tired on their own, they have a more birthday atmosphere.

If you just go to the hotel for a meal, the atmosphere is much less.

Moreover, they are all regular relatives, and there are not many people. Therefore, if you are cooking at home, Qin Lang and Qin Ma are in charge, and Aunt Xia and Qin Mei come over to help. It can be done.

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