Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 297: The shape of the baby’s head is very important.

The kitchens of Qin Lang's and Aunt Xia's are all on fire. There are four stoves for use, plus an induction cooker. The cooking speed will not be slow.

Today Su Shihan is the birthday star. She originally planned to go to the kitchen to give Qin Lang a start, but was driven out by Qin Lang and asked her to chat with Su Dad and Su Ma. The kitchen was left to him and Qin Ma.

At this time, Dad Qin once again sighed that his hands weren't good, otherwise it was him who was in charge now.

You can also help your wife and son share the pressure of cooking.

But now he can't do any heavy work, he can only look at his grandchildren, but can't hold them.

The two injured wrists are not fully recovered.

In the living room, Fang Yaxian was holding her baby while watching, and then she discovered something, "Shihan, Dabao, Erbao, and Sanbao have boat-shaped heads."

Su Shihan was stunned for a moment, "Is there a particular head shape?"

Dad Qin was also taken aback for a moment, and they didn't notice this.

Fang Yaxian said, "Well, but fortunately, the babies are only four months old. We can correct them. If the fontanelles are closed if they are over six months old, there is no way to change them by adjusting their sleeping position."

"Is this head shape pretty? I think it's pretty?" Su Shihan asked.

Fang Yaxian said: "The baby is small now, you think it looks good, but when the babies grow up, the boat-shaped head becomes more visible, it will affect the baby's image score, and it will become more and more unsightly."

"There are four types of head styles: slanted head, round head, flat head, and boat head."

"The flat head is very in line with our aesthetics. This time I went to see the children born to your aunt's daughter-in-law, only to realize that the baby's head shape is also exquisite."

"The flat head is what we often call the flat head. It looks good when sleeping with a flat head."

"Before I blamed me for not knowing it earlier. I looked at Xuanxuan and they are also very cute. Their boat-shaped heads are not sleeping, they are normal boat-shaped heads, but they are not as good-looking as flat heads."

"I will show you the photos, I asked specifically."

Su Shihan looked at Fang Yaxian's phone. There were pictures of four head shapes in the phone.

There is no way to find out which head shape looks good without comparison. With this comparison, Su Shihan found that the boat-shaped head is really unsightly!

"Mom, I don't think the flat head looks good. I think this round head looks very good. It looks very similar to my head shape." Su Shihan pointed to his head and said.

Fang Yaxian said: "We didn't give you a head to sleep at the beginning. You slept with this round head by yourself. Does the round head look good? I think the flat head looks good. Your aunt's daughter-in-law is also going to give her baby a flat head. , They all sleep with flat heads over there."

"I don't like flat heads, I like round heads, but I don't know if the head shape of the babies is now four months old."

Fang Yaxian chuckled and said, "I have already asked you a professional elderly person about this matter, and I have come up with a set of methods. You can still adjust your head shape in four months, even though it's three to four months. The baby’s head shape has been set and it is difficult to adjust, but it is only more difficult to adjust. It can still be adjusted. Of course, the best way is to determine the baby’s head shape before three months. This saves a lot of effort. ."

When Su Shihan heard this, his eyes lit up, "Mom, then I want to give three little guys a round head, what's the method? I'll record it."

"I have to adjust for them. This round head is so good-looking. If the three little guys change from a boat-shaped head to a round head in the future, their appearance will rise biubiu again!"

I regret to know that if I knew the shape of the head could also be able to sleep, she would give the babies a round head early.

Fortunately, it's not too late, and we can rescue it again.

Fang Yaxian said: "I only asked about the method of sleeping with a flat head, then wait for me, I will call the elderly and ask about the method of sleeping with a flat head."


After a while, Fang Yaxian walked back from the balcony with a smile after making a phone call, as if she had asked for a method.

However, she made sure with Su Shihan again and again, "Hanhan, are you sure you want to give Xuanxuan their round heads instead of flat heads?"

Su Shihan nodded vigorously.

Fortunately, Dabao is a boy. Erbao and Sanbao are both girls. In the future, they will tie their hair. If they have a flat head, they will be flat at the back. They don't have a round head.

All must be rounded!

In the future, when the three little guys grow up and learn about the stinky beauty, they will find that whether they are tied or not tied, they will not be as good-looking as those round heads...

Then send out infinite resentment...

Fang Yaxian said: "All right, since you have decided to give the three little guys a round head, then I will tell you the method."

"The three little guys now have boat-shaped heads. If you correct them to round heads, you need three sleeping positions."

"Semi-lying on the right + half-lying on the left + lying on your back."

Fang Yaxian said while Su Shihan was recording on her mobile phone and typing in the memo.

"These three sleeping positions alternate and sleep in turn."

"Schedule in time, from 7 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon, sleep on the right side halfway, let the right side sleep in an arc."

"From one in the afternoon to seven in the evening, sleep on the left side halfway and let the left side fall into an arc."

"Tighten the support column on the back and chest, so that the baby's sleeping position can be well fixed and avoid disorderly movement."

"Also, when sleeping on one side, be careful to tighten the head here, so as to avoid bending the baby's head, otherwise it will become flatter."

"And you must be careful not to just turn your head, not sideways."

"And when you lie on your side, don't lie on your side, that is, don't be 90 degrees to the ground. If you lie on your side, your boat-shaped head will be flattened."

"In addition, the baby lies on his back when he wakes up and when he sleeps at night. It takes more time to lie down on his back."

"I placed an order for the headrest on the Internet, and it will be delivered to your home. It should be delivered later."

"Today we can make arrangements for the little guys. UU reading"

After Su Shihan recorded it, he thought of a question, "Mom, when the three little guys sleep, they don't be too honest and move. It's not just how we want them to sleep."

"Especially now, after they are four months old, their athletic ability has become stronger and more mobile. If it were three months ago, I guess it would be a lot better."

Su Shihan was a little worried.

Kexin slept into the middle of the night the night before, and cried, and then the other two little guys woke up after the quarrel, and cried when they woke up, and the three little guys cried together.

The scene was so sour and cool.

Ever since, Qin Lang left Kexin in the master bedroom and let her sleep with milk, while Qin Lang took Xuanxuan and Yutong to the guest room on the third floor to sleep.

Because Kexin was uncomfortable, she would wake up from time to time. At first, Su Shihan put Kexin in the crib to sleep. Later, she felt that it was too troublesome, so she hugged her to bed and cried and gave her a few milks, which usually calmed her down.

The beds are equipped with guardrails, and the safety is no problem.

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