Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 334: Baby's physical examination review

However, the bank account opening of Shandong Province requires a legal person to open the account in person on site, and other regions can handle it on their behalf.

In Shandong Province, the tax of a sole proprietorship can be reduced to between 0.5% and 2.9%.

The tax-saving effect is higher than that of self-employed businesses opened in China Shipping.

Qin Lang said yes.

Because it is not far from Zhonghai to Shandong Province by plane, it only takes more than an hour.

After discussing the establishment of the company, Qin Lang and Su Shihan discussed the situation of the animation company. Su Shihan said that Zhang Ping knows well about fantasy cartoons, and he is also a boutique writer who writes fantasy. Using Zhang Ping's technology to invest in the company can inspire Zhang Ping to work with them to make the animation company bigger and better.

Qin Lang thinks this suggestion is good.

Call Zhang Ping and talk about it.

After listening to Zhang Ping, he was extremely surprised, "Langlang, do you want me to invest in technology?"

"Well, Uncle Zhang, you know more about fantasy web articles than we do, and you are also a little god, but I don't know if you have a contract." Qin Lang said.

"I do have a contract, and the copyright of the text I created before is not in my hands. They are all on the Chinese website, but I still have half a year before the long contract expires."

"I can use your Aunt Yuan's ID card to sign with you first."

"When my long-term contract expires, I can use my ID to sign a contract with you, and I can also advertise for you in our circle."

Qin Lang said: "Okay, Uncle Zhang, I need to register a company these days. You first think about the beginning. Let's try out 12 episodes of cartoons."

Zhang Ping was extremely excited, "Okay! Langlang, if you trust your uncle so much, your uncle will definitely not let you down! Uncle will definitely incorporate the most insightful fantasy essays now, and it can save you money while at the same time. Books with results."

"In addition, I will also study screenwriting, so that after I finish writing, I can still be a screenwriter by myself, so that you don't have to look for additional screenwriters."

"I can write the lyrics of the opening song and the ending song. As long as it is the writing work, it will be no problem to leave it to me."

"The original artist, music, art, etc. will require you to bother more."

"Okay." Su Shihan can handle all of these things, because she is studying animation and knows how to recruit people in these fields.

The next day, Qin Lang flew to Shandong Province with Finance to register a sole proprietorship enterprise.

After Qin Lang opened a bank account that day, he flew back, and the other financial officers would take care of it.

After the sole proprietorship is registered, the self-employed in Sanqinzhai will be submitted for cancellation.

The name of the sole proprietorship is still called Sanqinzhai, because the trademark of Sanqinzhai is in his hands, so he can use this name.

The next day, September 8, Monday, is the day to take the babies to the hospital for review.

The last time Yutong and Kexin had high muscle tension, both he and Su Shihan took it seriously this month and took two little girls to do passive exercises when they were free.

These days, he and Su Shihan have seen two little guys, just like the normal Dabao, they have no symptoms of high muscle tone as found on their mobile phones.

But Su Shihan was still a little worried.

Qin Lang patted her shoulder to make her not worry.

Yutong and Kexin must be fine.

This time they chose the best maternity and child care hospital in Zhonghai, the Red House.

The pediatrician here is very professional.

Do a full set of physical examinations for the three little guys.

Especially when it came to detecting the muscle tension of the babies, Su Shihan was obviously nervous, and his eyes were fixed on the two little girls.

After some examinations, the doctor issued a result sheet and told them that Dabao's muscle tension was normal, and Erbao and Sanbao's muscle tension was slightly higher, but there was no major problem.

Because the child is still young, it is normal for the muscle tone to be a little bit higher. After a few months, it will return to normal.

Asking Su Shihan and Qin Lang to take them to do passive exercises after returning home, and allowing the babies to swim more, will help reduce muscle tension.

Su Shihan took out the medical examination report for the babies in her hometown, showed it to the doctor, and asked her to help see if the muscle tension of Erbao and Sanbao had decreased or improved.

After the doctor looked at it, he said that it has improved a lot. Now this situation is normal. With regard to the data detected last time, it is indeed necessary to pay attention to the babies.

Now you can basically rest assured, don't worry.

After listening to the doctor's words, Su Shihan let out a sigh of relief, nodded, and then looked up at Qin Lang with joy.

Qin Lang took her into his arms and gently patted her on the back.

He also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Today's physical examination includes routine measurement of height, weight, head circumference, etc., compared with a month ago, increased observation of head up, turning over and other items.

Dabao's weight last time showed he was overweight, this time after controlling his ration, he returned to his normal weight.

On the way home, Su Shihan told Qin Lang that she would not ask the babies to become dragons and phoenixes in the future. As long as they grow up healthy and safe, there is no serious illness or disaster, she will feel at ease.

As for minor illnesses and disasters, as a human being, life is so long and inevitable.

It's fine if there is no serious illness or disaster.

Qin Lang said: "Don't worry, I have also changed the feng shui pattern in our rental house, and our family will be healthy and safe."

At least there will be no catastrophe.

As for minor illnesses such as colds and fevers, it is inevitable, because these minor illnesses are also improving their body's resistance while getting sick.

Su Shihan nodded.

Two days later, Sun Xu and the others came to Qin Lang's house together in the evening.

This time Sun Xu brought his girlfriend Xie Zhi. Xie Zhi was a sophomore at Qin Lang's school and their school sister.

Looks at Although not very beautiful, she is also a little beauty.

This envied Zhou Qi and Yang Bin.

Because the two of them knew that Sun Xu was a fat boy before, they didn't expect this summer vacation to pass. Sun Xu directly lost weight and became a handsome man in order to have a good impression when meeting his girlfriend.

At this moment, Sun Xu and Xie Zhi walked together and looked very good.

Xie Zhi was a shy girl. After coming in with Sun Xu, she followed Sun Xu and called Qin Lang for Brother Lang, and Su Shihan for his sister-in-law.

When calling Su Shihan, she looked at Su Shihan a few more times, and there was curiosity about Su Shihan in her eyes.

After all, Su Shihan is the school girl of China Overseas University next door, the goddess and the idol of study in the minds of many school girls.

Su Shihan is also the idol Xie Zhi wants to learn from.

After all, they are beautiful, have good academic performance, and gave birth to a pair of lovely triplets. If the career is also good, it is simply a proper winner in life.

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