Sun Xu and the three of them are going to see them lying on the crawling mat.

At this moment, Qin Lang’s house is covered with soft crawling mats, except for the bathroom, where there are tiles. Xuanxuan is struggling to crawl a little bit. The two little guys, Yutong and Kexin, circle around the place. .

Because the three little guys are all teething, they all have teether in their mouths. They are very cute.

Sun Xu and the others exclaimed: "The baby grows up so fast, I almost can't recognize it. It feels like a big change from before the summer vacation."

Qin Lang smiled and said, "Well, now they are young, they are basically the same every day."

"Come on, call Uncle." Zhou Qi bent over to tease Xuanxuan.

"Puff..." Xuanxuan poked the gutta-percha directly out of his mouth, then puffed out a lot of saliva and sprayed it onto Zhou Qi's face.

The gutta-percha also hit Zhou Qi's face. Fortunately, the gutta-percha is made of silicone and has no attack power.

However, Zhou Qi's face was sprayed with saliva.

The most important thing is that the little guy giggled innocently after doing bad things.

Seeing Zhou Qi very helpless, Sun Xu and Yang Bin laughed directly.

Su Shihan said to Dabao that he shouldn't be pouting and educate him.

Qin Lang took Zhou Qi to the bathroom to wash his face.

A group of college students in their junior year listened to Su Shihan talking about the baby's pouting because of teething and itchy gums, so they like to slobber. It would be better to give them a bite of gum.

With that said, Su Shihan was going to clean Xuanxuan's teeth, and then bite him again.

While cleaning the teeth, Su Shihan saw the two white teeth exposed, and she shouted to Qin Lang in surprise, "Qin Lang, the bright teeth have grown out!"

Before, I could only see a little bit of whiteness, but now it's all white, growing out of my gums!

Qin Lang gave Zhou Qi a clean veil to wipe his face, and ran out to see his son's teeth.

At first glance, the teeth that were faintly appearing before have really grown out.

Su Shihan said that when he cleaned Xuanxuan this morning, his teeth hadn't grown out yet. They have grown out now. It is estimated that they have grown out suddenly when he was **** just now. He was uncomfortable, so he spit out the gutta percha. Poofed, Zhou Qi drooled.

"Eh~" When the adults were talking, Xuanxuan was also very happy to wave her little hand. Seeing Zhou Qi walking out of the bathroom, with a smile in her eyes, she stretched out her hand towards Zhou Qi.

Seeing the old man Zhou Qi's heart softened instantly.

I completely forgot the embarrassment that I had just been embarrassed and walked towards Xuanxuan with a smile.

Qin Lang took over Xuanxuan and gave Zhou Qi who wanted to embrace Xuanxuan.

Now the little guy is almost five months old, his body is much stronger than he was when he was born, and he can hold him upright, so after Qin Lang taught Zhou Qi how to do hugs, Zhou Qi got started right away.

Zhou Qi, who hugged him to Xuanxuan, felt that the world had become softer.

Because Xuanxuan's body has a very good smell of baby milk, her body is soft, and she has a cute smiling face.

What an angel baby.

Seeing that all three machos want to have a baby

Zhou Qi joked that Zhao Xu could also give birth to his baby in college. By the time he graduated, the child could already have soy sauce, and he could devote himself to his career.

Zhao Xu looked at Xie Zhi. Xie Zhi's face was red. She and Zhao Xu only met during the summer vacation. They only met after school started. This is the third time they met.

Before both of them have pulled their hands, they are about to give birth to a baby.

She was too shy.

Su Shihan relieved Xie Zhi, carrying the fruit, and let everyone eat the fruit.

Then ask them if they can play mahjong or poker.

The four people just joined together to play mahjong, but they don't bet on money, they bet on sticking beards.

Qin Lang originally asked Xie Zhi and Sun Xu to play together. Xie Zhi shook his head and said that she could not play cards.

Su Shihan asked Qin Lang to fight, and she was responsible for making dinner tonight.

Xie Zhi stood up and said that she would help Su Shihan. She often cooks at home and can cook.

Aunt Wang is responsible for bringing three little babies.

In the kitchen, Xie Zhi said thank you to Su Shihan, and Su Shihan looked at her suspiciously.

Xie Zhi blushed and said, "When they booed that I and Sun Xu had a baby, thank you sister-in-law for helping me out."

"Small things." Su Shihan said with a smile, opening the refrigerator and starting to get vegetables from inside.

When she was at Qin Lang's house, she also learned how to cook several times with Qin Lang, and her current cooking skills are much better than when she first started.

At least, the cooked food is edible, although it is not as delicious as Qin Lang's, but it is not bad.

At least better than the food in the school cafeteria.

Su Shihan and Xie Zhi prepared seven dishes, and then the two began to clean the ingredients first.

While cleaning the ingredients, Xie Zhi looked at Su Shihan many times, but stopped talking.

Su Shihan caught her expression, turned to look at Xie Zhi, and asked, "Xiao Zhi, what do you want to tell me?"

"It's actually nothing..." Xie Zhi replied somewhat nervously.

"Oh." Su Shihan didn't ask any more.

After a while, Xie Zhi finally couldn't help but curiously said, "Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, I want to ask you a question, you are pregnant and have a baby, how can your academic performance be so good? Is there any study coup? ?"

She had heard that Su Shihan's examination results last semester were the first in the department and won a national scholarship.

It spread throughout Zhonghai University and nearby universities.

She also knows.

I especially adore Su Shihan in my heart.

"Time management." Su Shihan said.

"Time management?"

"Well, although I need to spend a lot of time on my baby when I am pregnant and giving birth, I will read as soon as I have time, and I have finished reading the books for a semester early."

"Teach yourself?"


"! Sister-in-law, you are so amazing! If I teach myself, I can't understand it."

"If you don't understand, you can check it online, and you can basically find it."

"Can you still check it online?"


"I learned it, thank you sister-in-law~"

"Little It didn't take long for the children to giggle in the living room.

Su Shihan opened the kitchen door and took a look, and saw the three little guys smiling at Yang Bin, who was covered with paper beards.

Then the three little ones got together again, babbling, as if they were chatting in their special baby language.

After chatting for a few words, he looked at Yang Bin and the others, and continued to laugh.

This scene made Aunt Wang who looked at them amused.

Aunt Wang heard the kitchen door open, and saw Su Shihan poking her head out to see what was happening outside. She told Su Shihan that the babies were laughing and playing cards and lost Yang Bin, who had put on a beard.

Still chatting and discussing.

The phenomenon of small talk has begun to appear.

After I start to learn to speak in the future, I will definitely pull her mother to chatter every day.

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