Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 336: 3 little babies who like to listen to 8 hexagrams

Babies like to join in the fun, there are many people in the family, they are very active tonight.

There is no need to tease them with Aunt Wang, they will look here and there, and then babble, especially when they see Qin Lang talking with them, they will listen with gossip on their faces.

Qin Lang couldn't laugh at all.

Sun Xu said that he did not expect the babies to be so young and like to listen to gossip.

Zhou Qi said: "We also like to listen to gossip. Girls like to talk about gossip. I heard a girl in our class say that they talk about other people's gossip in their dormitory. They can talk about gossip from dinner to 11 o'clock in the evening and turn off the lights. We will talk later, until we are really sleepy.

Yang Bin said: "The babies are so cute, I'm going to tease them."

Qin Lang shouted to Yang Bin, "Don't go, they just want to hear us talk about gossip. When they don't want to hear gossip, we go to tease them, or they will cry."

The three of Yang Bin looked at Qin Lang in confusion, "Is there anything else?"

Qin Lang told them that when he and Su Shihan were talking about things a few days ago, the three little guys listened very seriously, and then the two of them thought they were cute, so they went to tease them, and then Yutong and Kexin cried. It's not good to coax it no matter how much.

It was not until he and Su Shihan continued to talk about things again, and after leaving them alone, the two of them stopped crying and listened to him and Su Shihan with curious expressions.

After listening to what Qin Lang said, Yang Bin was shocked, saying that it was incredible, and that there seemed to be many new and interesting things in the process of bringing a baby.

Zhou Qi once again suggested that Sun Xu hurry up and give birth to one.

Sun Xu glanced at the direction of the kitchen and told them to stop talking, saying that Xie Zhi had a thin face, and that the two had just started to talk, and they hadn't pulled their hands yet.

Yang Bin said that he had been talking for two months, and he still hadn't held his hand? Then don't hurry up to apprentice.

"Apprentice?" Sun Xu wondered.

Zhou Qi smiled and lifted his chin towards Qin Lang, "Isn't there a teacher ready?"

"If you can learn half of Brother Lang, you don't have to wait until graduation to eat your banquet. You may be able to eat your banquet during the Chinese New Year this year."

This evening, Qin Lang's house was very lively, and the babies' giggles could be heard from time to time.

In the evening, after sending Sun Xu and the others away, Aunt Wang cleared up the housework, and Qin Lang and Su Shihan showered the babies.

The family is playing on the bed.

Qin Lang talked to Su Shihan about the next day, she can do pelvic floor muscle repair training at home today.

"I'll do it later." Su Shihan nodded.

She also remembered.

Because this matter is very important.

"Do you want me to help you?" At home now, except for the three cuties, they are the couple, no outsiders.

"No." Su Shihan blushed.

"Okay, I'm going to buy Chinese medicine tomorrow, and start applying heat to the areas where you have stretch marks, and giving you massages there."

"Your uterus has recovered, and the incision of the caesarean section has been restored. Now massage on the abdomen will not affect it."

Qin Lang did not rush to remove stretch marks for Su Shihan before, because Su Shihan was still in the state of raising the uterus and wounds, and everything was mainly about raising the body.

Now, it has been almost five months since delivery. When Su Shihan went to the hospital for a review last time, except for the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, the incisions in the uterus and abdomen had recovered.

You can start doing some proper massages.

When Su Shihan heard Qin Lang mention this, she thought that Qin Lang had told her before that she could help her get rid of stretch marks.

At that time she thought Qin Lang was comforting her.

Later, as Qin Lang completely cured her uterine incision diverticulum, and cured her mother's stubborn lumbar muscle strain that had been entangled for many years, she knew that Qin Lang was really capable of medical skills.

She brightened her eyes and asked, "Can we start tomorrow?"



She very much hopes that the stretch marks on her abdomen will disappear soon and she will regain her white and tender skin.

Because every time she took a bath, she didn't dare to look at the purple stretch marks on her belly like earthworms.

There will be no psychological pressure if you don’t watch it.

Now Qin Lang wants to remove the stretch marks for her, she is looking forward to it.


The next day, Qin Lang received a call from Shi Hourong, invited him to dinner, and asked him if he was free.

Said thanks to him for piercing Tang Xian'er's tricks last time. Now he has brought his son back from Burma, and his son has also recognized Tang Xian'er.

It's just that his son's condition is not so good, he wants to ask Qin Lang to help his son see.

See how to resolve this knot of his son.

Last time, Shi Hourong happily paid 10 million directly to Qin Lang. It happened that Qin Lang was free at noon and made an appointment with Shi Hourong.

So he hung up the phone and gave the three little guys to Aunt Wang to look after him, and he went out.

The restaurant was still packed last time for dinner.

Because the food in this restaurant is good, the most important thing is the best restaurant near Qinlang School.

In addition, last time, Shi Hourong and Qin Lang got together here, and he had a very good impression of this restaurant.

So I asked Qin Lang to eat at this restaurant.

When Qin Lang saw Shi Hourong and Shi Linming, Shi Linming's expression was a little lost.

This state is what it looks like after a normal breakup.

Especially Shi Linming also found out that he was deceived by Tang Xian'er. It can be said that how deeply he was in love at the beginning, and how deeply he was injured right now.

"Master Qin, please here." Seeing Qin Lang coming in, Shi Hourong immediately got up and smiled and pulled Qin Lang a chair away, calling Qin Lang to take a seat.

Then he said thankful words to Qin Lang, but didn't mention Tang Xian'er too much, and then talked to Qin Lang about fortune-telling feng shui.

Because Shi Hourong believed in these, he would also study these when he had time.

Talking to Qin Lang from "Zi Ping Zhen Zhuan" and "Guo Lao Xing Zong" to "Yi Mao" and "Yi Yin", the more I talk about Shi Hourong, the more I feel that Qin Lang is knowledgeable, and his understanding of these seven political and four li books, Far surpassing the Feng Shui fortune-telling masters he knew before. UU reading

In addition, Qin Lang helped him figure out Tang Xian'er's situation only through the video, and he was even more in awe of Qin Lang.

When he was chatting with Qin Lang, Shi Linming, who was sitting next to him, was eating with his head down, as if he was the only one in the world. He could not hear what Shi Hoorong and Qin Lang were talking about.

At this moment, Shi Hourong talked to his son Shi Linming. He turned his head and glanced at his desolate son. He sighed and said to Qin Lang anxiously: "Master Qin, you have also seen it, my son is now It’s been like this for several days."

"Since he found out that Tang Xian'er is a transgender, and he is still cheating outside, he has been so desperate."

"No matter how I tell him chicken soup, or introduce him to a beautiful girlfriend, he is not interested."

"Master Qin, you can help my son calculate, when will his peach blossoms arrive?"

"I think the best way for a person to get rid of a broken relationship is to plunge into a new relationship."

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