When Shi Hourong said these words, Shi Linming didn't look up to their side, still bowing his head and eating himself.

Qin Lang said to Shi Hourong, let him give him Shi Linming's birth date.

He took a look.

Shi Hourong had already prepared Shi Linming's birthday eight characters, so as soon as Qin Lang said it, he took it out.

Qin Lang looked at Shi Linming's birth date, and his brain quickly began to calculate.

Combined with Shi Linming's face.

In five minutes, Qin Lang said to Shi Hourong: "Today, he can meet his Zheng Peach Blossom."

As he was talking, the door of the box opened and a waitress walked in.

The waiter came in to deliver freshly ground juice.

"Boss, the corn juice and red date juice are here, I'll pour it for you." The waiter smiled with a polite and standard smile.

Then she picked up the cup and began to pour the juice.

Because of the location of the door, Shi Linming was sitting.

When the waiter poured the second glass of juice, the mobile phone in her pocket rang, which frightened her, her hand shook, the juice jug in her hand swayed, and she accidentally poured the juice onto Shi Linming On the leg of the trousers.

Because this juice is freshly ground, the temperature is still very high, about fifty to sixty degrees.

If it falls on a person's leg, although it will not be burnt, a normal person will also be scalded to jump.

But Shi Linming was desperate at this moment and was scalded by the juice. He just lowered his head and glanced at his leg, drew a tissue as if it didn't feel pain, and silently wiped the juice from his pants.

Did not look up to scold the waiter.

Did not look at the waiter.

When the waitress saw such a scene, she was so scared that she immediately yelled, "Ah!"

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I'll wipe it for you."

With that, the waitress lowered her head to wipe the juice from Shi Linming's legs.

Shi Hoorong just wanted to lose his temper, but he found that Qin Lang was looking at this scene with a smile from the corner of his eyes. He suddenly thought of what Qin Lang had said just now.

Said that his son's Zheng Taohua can meet today.

Is it—

The girl who appears now is his son's Zheng Taohua?

He looked at Qin Lang, "Master Qin."

Qin Lang nodded at him.

Seeing Qin Lang nodded, Shi Hourong looked at the waitress carefully, only to find that the waitress was a bit different.

Although the staff’s outfit is the same as the waiter who just came in, the cool high heels worn by this waitress are very expensive at first glance.

It is not a few hundred dollars high heels worn by an ordinary waiter. Although he doesn't understand high heels, he can tell whether things are expensive or not.

In addition, if you look closely, the waiter also wore a pair of flash diamond ear studs.

For him, worth billions of dollars, he sees a lot of real diamonds. Even if he is not a jewellery discriminator, he can tell at a glance that the waiter wears at least one carat double diamond earrings, which are real diamonds.

Also, the headband and the drills scattered on it are all real drills.

It seems that she is not an ordinary waiter.

Fortunately, if his son really finds an ordinary waiter, he will be upset.

However, although it would be upset, he would also agree that it was at least much better than the deformed and cheating Tang Xian'er before.

The waitress was still very apologetic, Shi Linming said it was okay, so she left it alone.

The waitress finally got up and bowed to Qin Lang and Shi Hourong and apologized, saying I'm sorry and messed up.

Shi Hourong said it was okay.

The waitress left, Shi Hourong looked at Shi Linming, and then he had a lot to ask Qin Lang, but after thinking about it, he suppressed his thoughts.

After all, if he asks, his son will definitely hear it, and he will know that this girl is his true peach blossom, and he may have a rebellious mentality.

Continue to eat.

Towards the end of the meal, the waitress knocked on the door and came in with a pair of trousers in her hand.

She greeted Qin Lang and Shi Hourong first, and then apologized to Shi Linming. She ran outside the store and did not find a pair of trousers with the same color as Shi Linming’s trousers. She only found a pair of trousers with a similar color and bought a pair of trousers. Probably, let Shi Linming wait for a try.

Shi Linming said lightly no.

Shi Hourong didn't expect this girl to actually buy trousers.

Look at the trousers the girl is holding. The texture of the fabric is good, similar to the tens of thousands of pieces of the suit his son is wearing.

"Lin Ming, since it was the girl's kindness, go to the bathroom and change it."

"I'll take you to the reception later. The traces on your pants are too eye-catching and not decent."

"All right." Shi Linming basically doesn't do things that require his head, so after Shi Hoorong spoke, Shi Linming got up and went out with the waitress.

As soon as the two of them went out, Shi Hourong immediately closed the door and asked Qin Lang gossiping if the girl just now was the real peach blossom of her son.


"Master Qin, how is this girl's temperament? What is the family situation?"

"At that time you will naturally know that she is a good girl."

"Well, thank you very much, Master Qin. I know that Master Qin likes carving, and he is good at both nuclear and wood carving. This pair of uncarved walnuts will be given to Master Qin."

After that, Shi Hourong took out a gift box and opened the gift box. The gift box was a wooden box carved from golden silk nanmu. The wooden box was opened with red silk as a bedding, and two original walnuts were placed on the bedding.

It is a pair of authentic boy hat walnuts.

It really takes time to find such a pair of large-size male hat walnuts. If you buy them outside, the price is very expensive because the output is small.

In addition, this pair of big son hat walnuts has a hard texture, which is especially suitable for carving.

It was a gift specially prepared by Shi Hourong to Qin Lang.

After giving a gift, Shi Hourong asked about giving his son a peach blossom this time.

"Twenty thousand." Qin Lang said.

Because just calculated the birth date, Shi Linming's Zheng Peach Blossom, and the Zheng Peach Blossom arrived, he didn't do much.

Since chatting with Dad Qin last time, he knows that this kind of money cannot be charged too much.

If this hexagram collects 10 million again, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not appropriate.

At that time, the matter was publicized, causing some local big Abao to be jealous and jealous, and come to him or his family for trouble, not good.

In the future, he will give fewer people to count eight characters and the like.

This time, giving Shi Lin a clear peach blossom is a continuation of the previous list, with a beginning and an end.

"Twenty thousand? Master Qin, will it be too little?" Shi Hourong was ready to give Qin Lang 5 million.

Qin Lang said: "This is a continuation of the previous list, 20,000 yuan is enough."

Shi Hourong knew what the masters were talking about, so he didn't say more, and transferred 20,000 yuan to the account Qin Lang gave him last time.

I have more respect for Qin Lang in my heart.

As Liang Guanglai said, Master Qin has his own rules, which are completely different from those masters who only want to make money.

Is a real master!

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