Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 338: Zhao Jingli wanted to learn from Qin Lang, but was rejected

After eating, Shi Hourong sent Qin Lang to Qin Lang, and when he was walking towards Qin Lang's car, someone called Shi Hourong.

Shi Hourong looked back, "Master Zhao."

"President Shi, what a coincidence." Zhao Jingli walked over and greeted Shi Hourong.

Looking at Qin Lang, Shi Hourong introduced to Zhao Jingli, "This is Master Qin. Do you remember the last time I told you that my son was trapped by a demon girl? Master Qin helped me solve it."

"He watched the video, and he figured out the identity information of the enchantress."

"I'm embarrassed to talk about that demon girl, family ugliness..."

He said that, but he couldn't help telling Zhao Jingli about Qin Lang's specifics. For example, only by watching the fairy girl’s birth date, and watching the unfaced girl in the video, he calculated the age of the girl’s birthday, and the girl’s birthday. When talking to his son, there were three boyfriends, and the demon girl was transgender, and so on.

He also said that Qin Lang just calculated it again, and calculated that his son's peach blossom has arrived.

Very powerful.

Zhao Jingli looked at Qin Lang with some surprise, as a professional in a certain industry, especially Zhao Jingli is indeed a bit real.

Immediately, I chatted with Qin Lang, such as how Qin Lang figured out those things about Tang Xian'er through the video.

And how to calculate Shi Linming's true peach blossom.

When we talk about these, we can talk about professional knowledge, such as character, face and so on.

Shi Hourong was actually very curious about these.

At the beginning, he could still understand.

But gradually, the more deeply he talked, he became confused.

He couldn't understand many words.

But it feels tall and big.

Zhao Jingli chatted with Qin Lang, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

Because it's really difficult to find a like-minded person and get ideas.

Because most of the masters are cheated and deceived, or they only understand some knowledge in books, but without the slightest practical effect, they still can't be counted.

At this moment, I had a chat with Qin Lang, and the chat was very engaged. People passing by couldn't help but look more.

Gradually, they started to surround some people and listen to the two of them talking.

Because many people like to listen to metaphysical things such as Bazi and Feng Shui.

Some want to listen to myths, some want to verify some of their ideas and learn new knowledge.

Seeing that there were more people around, Shi Hoorong smiled and said to Qin Lang and Zhao Jingli: "Master Qin, Master Zhao, this is the roadside, it is not convenient to discuss the road, or I will set up a game, let's go to the hotel to have a chat?"

Qin Lang said, "No, I have something to do when I go home."

Zhao Jingli bowed respectfully to Qin Lang and said, "Master Qin, I have learned a lot from discussing the Tao with you today."

"Don't know if Master Qin accepts apprentices? I want to apprentice."

Shi Hourong was shocked as soon as he said this.

He knows that Qin Lang is great, but he also knows that Zhao Jingli does have real abilities, and he helped him turn his luck once and turn bad things into good things.

He also helped him build a feng shui bureau at home, and the family really made a lot of money.

Now the company is thriving.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jingli would be apprentice to Qin Lang in this more than 20 minutes of discussion!

This shows that Qin Lang's attainments in fortune-telling and Feng Shui are far higher than Zhao Jingli!

Qin Lang didn't expect the other party to apprentice. He said, "No apprentices."

He doesn't want to publicize his skill too widely, because he is afraid that the official will come to the door, and he is also worried that in the future, others will say that he lied to others and sent him into the bureau for the crime of fraud.

After all, the current world advocates science.

"Master Qin, I'm sorry, I was abrupt, may I add your mobile phone number?" Zhao Jingli asked respectfully.

Qin Lang left Zhao Jingli his mobile phone number.

Then Qin Lang drove away because there were still classes in the afternoon.

Not long after Qin Lang drove away, Zhao Jingli received a call from Wang Shiwei, asked him to make an appointment with him, and asked him to help him go to another feng shui place.

He didn't plan to buy Yunxin Garden before.

His wife took a fancy to the school district room in Xuhui District and said that the quality of teaching in Xuhui District is better than in Jing'an District.

Since the house with good feng shui in Yunxin Garden cannot be bought, then buy a house in a better district.

Don't just do it, and don't go to conflict with others.

Originally, Wang Shiwei wanted to check the information about Qin Lang who bought the Feng Shui Villa he fancyed in Yunxin Garden, but after he went back and talked to his wife, his wife said that he didn't need to check it.

There is no need to conflict with people for the sake of a house, and to involve cause and effect for no reason.

Big deal to buy another district.

Buy a district with better teaching quality.

Recently, after investigating several famous schools in Xuhui District, they confirmed several real estates with the intermediary to confirm that they are school district houses.

Then he called Zhao Jingli.

After Zhao Jingli answered the phone, he recommended Qin Lang to Wang Shiwei.

Because after Qin Lang left, he and Shi Hourong also talked about Qin Lang, and learned that Qin Lang was still a college student, and had not been doing fortune-telling in Feng Shui before, so he had never heard of Qin Lang. name.

When I saw him today, he knew that his strength was not as good as Qin Lang.

So I want to promote it to Qin Lang.

While increasing Qin Lang's income, it can also make Qin Lang famous in this circle and make more money in the future.

However, when Shi Hourong introduced Qin Lang to Zhao Jingli, he was talking about Master Qin and did not have Qin Lang's full name, so Zhao Jingli labeled Qin Lang as Master Qin.

"Master Qin? A master who is more powerful than Master Zhao? Yes!

"I will send you Master Qin's contact information. You can contact me and say that I recommended it. As for whether he will show you Feng Shui, I can't guarantee this." Zhao Jingli said.

"Okay, I am so grateful to Master Zhao." Wang Shiwei thanked him sincerely.

Because under normal circumstances, these masters take orders by themselves and make money on their own. They will not recommend their peers at all. Unless they have no time to take orders, they will recommend peers who are worse than themselves to customers.

Such poor peers will not be able to take their orders in the generally will not recommend better peers to customers, because that will make them have no orders in the future.

But Zhao Jingli is willing to recommend a more powerful Feng Shui master to him, which shows that Zhao Jingli really treats his customer as a friend.

"Master Zhao, when I have an appointment with Master Qin, after I find a house, I will give you a bag for Master Zhao at that time." It is very helpful for him to be able to strengthen two masters in Feng Shui fortune-telling.

Therefore, he is also very good at being a man.

Will not forget Zhao Jingli's matchmaking.

After hanging up, Wang Shiwei received Qin Lang's phone number from Zhao Jingli.

He wrote down the phone number on the notebook, and then began to press the phone number one by one.

Then he suddenly said, "Hey, I called this phone number before!"

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