Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 343: 3 little treasures have to hug their mother to fall asleep

Su Shihan returned home, and the three little guys were sleeping in the room right now.

Su Shihan went to see them in the room.

After seeing what the three little guys were holding, she became embarrassed and turned to look at Qin Lang. Qin Lang shrugged and said helplessly: "No way, the babies miss you today, but you don’t hold them. He refused to sleep and kept making uncomfortable noises."

"Finally, let them hold your bra before they hugged them to sleep."

Aunt Wang taught him this trick, saying that they need the taste of their mother to fall asleep, and Su Shihan's bra has her original taste.

And you can't use the washed one, you have to use the one that was just replaced this morning.

When feeding the three little guys this morning, they sprayed milk and changed two sets of clothes. There are two bras with the original flavor of Su Shihan.

One is for Dabao to sleep, and the other is for Erbao and Sanbao, each holding one end and sleeping.

Su Shihan looked at the three cute little guys and couldn't say anything to blame. She also wanted to be with them 24 hours a day, but she had something to do.

This can comfort the little guys, too.

It's just a little embarrassing~

Still a little distressed.

Babies always think of mom, and mom actually misses you too. Mom bought you some fun toys. After you wake up, mom will take you to play.

After looking at the baby for a while, Su Shihan and Qin Lang left the room.

Aunt Wang takes a lunch break in the guest room.

Because Qin Lang's main job is carving, as soon as Su Shihan goes out, the important task of taking care of the baby will be on Aunt Wang.

She is very tired.

If you don't take a good break at noon, you won't have the energy to take the babies in the afternoon.

Qin Lang and Su Shihan came to the living room, and Su Shihan showed Qin Lang what she had gained this morning, and she successfully bargained and bought something she liked.

Because the little guys and Aunt Wang were still sleeping, Su Shihan didn't turn on the switch of the crawling doll.

"I only bought things for the babies, but didn't buy anything for yourself?" Qin Lang asked.

"I have nothing to buy."

"Clothes, you and Lin Xiao didn't buy some clothes? Hey, there is a small bag here, let me see what it is." When Qin Lang spoke, he was taking out a thin one from the big shopping bag. bag.

A shop logo is printed on the bag, called the Phantom.

When Su Shihan saw this, he jumped up and grabbed the bag in Qin Lang's hand.

"Um, this, it should be a gift, I'll put it up." After speaking, Su Shihan ran into the master bedroom with the bag.

When she opened the bag, sure enough, she saw a pink **** dress in the bag!

Seeing her blushing and heartbeat, she didn't dare to take another look, and hurriedly put her clothes back into the bag.

Then she looked around to see where to hide the clothes.

Hide in the closet?

No, her clothes and Qin Lang's clothes are in the closet. If they are in the closet, Qin Lang can easily find them.

If Qin Lang saw this dress, it would be terrible.

I would definitely think she was such a woman.

Where can I hide?

"Knock..." The door rang, and then Qin Lang's voice came, "Wife, have you eaten outside at noon?"

"I've eaten it." Su Shihan replied with a rapid heartbeat, and then stunned his head, and quickly hid the bag in his hand under the bed.

Qin Lang couldn't find it for the time being. After Qin Lang went to class tomorrow, she would take it out and throw it away.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the three little guys woke up one after another. When they first woke up, they played their own games, and Su Shihan and Qin Lang didn't bother them.

Because they have experience, before they woke up, the two of them would hug them, which would make them cry or even beat others.

Leave them alone. When they need them, they will yell and hug them. They will be obedient and will not cry and beat others.

After half an hour, the three little guys started ‘umhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ before Su Shihan and Qin Lang went to hug them to play in the living room.

Then the three little guys saw the extra new toys on the crawling mat, and their eyes lit up.

When Su Shihan turned on the switches of the three crawling dolls, and the three crawling dolls were flashing lights while crawling, the three little guys screamed excitedly, and then stretched out their hands to grab them.

Obviously very interested in this new thing.

Su Shihan gave Dabao the little bear doll.

Exercised his big exercise.

After the little guy caught the doll, Su Shihan gave him the doll, let him hold it to play, and exercise his fine hand movements.

Two treasures and three treasures, too, give the little bunny to them, the pink bunny to Yutong, and the white bunny to Kexin.

The two little guys who caught the little tutu drooled in excitement.

Aunt Wang smiled beside them and wiped off their saliva.

When Su Shihan watched the babies play with the new toys, she told Qin Lang that she wanted to buy them a baby swimming pool. If the three little guys swim together, they would have to buy a bigger one, but she was worried that she couldn't put it down at home.

Qin Lang said, you can put the swimming pool in the living room downstairs.

Move the coffee table in the living room to the balcony.

"Yes, my husband is still smart. Then I will watch the swimming pool in the same city now. I will go to the site to check the quality tomorrow. If possible, I will buy it."

"Okay, I'll go downstairs to clean up."

After speaking, Qin Lang said to the three little guys, "Xuanxuan, Yutong, Kexin, Dad will go downstairs to clean up the living room for you, and put your swimming pool tomorrow, so that you can swim freely, isn’t it special? happy?"

The three little guys looked at Qin Lang. Although their eyes were cute, Qin Lang knew they understood.

After greeting them, Qin Lang went downstairs.

When Su Shihan is with the children, he spends his free time searching for the baby swimming pool on his mobile and buy a big one, so that three little guys can play in the water at once.

Maybe because they were playing in the amniotic fluid when they first started, so after they were born, they especially liked playing in the water. Every time they took them to take a bath, they were very excited.

Downstairs, Qin Lang tidied the living room and was about to go carving, when the phone rang.

It was a call from Zhang Ping.

He answered the phone, and as soon as the call was connected, Zhang Ping’s voice, laughing and haha, came from the other end of the phone, “Langlang, I’m telling you good news.”

"Isn’t Uncle thinking of our new script these days? Then we didn’t update the old book before. Then, suddenly, the cost of the old book of Uncle exploded yesterday. After asking the editor, I learned that there was a big promotion. Not only did the paid income explode, but the free income also exploded. The free income is 15 thousand, and the payment is nearly 20,000 according to the usual algorithm! One day is equal to thirty thousand five thousand! Oh my god, something that I didn't even think about before happened! "

"Furthermore, the editor also said that he would push my book vigorously through new media channels and other external channels, and I made a fortune!"

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