Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 344: Dabao grabs 3 treasures of the little bunny

"Langlang, I think it has a lot to do with the feng shui you asked me to play with at home last time. In this era, especially on Qiyue, if you don’t have hundreds of thousands to go to Krypton Gold to brush the monthly ticket list. It’s too difficult to get ahead, especially in traditional old fantasy books like Uncles."

"Uncle thought this time this book is the same as before. It is the pinnacle of fine works. Unexpectedly, it suddenly became popular on the short video platform. The free income suddenly skyrocketed from ten yuan a day to fifteen thousand...!!!"

"When this news popped up today, I was confused."

"Then the subscription exploded. I thought there was a problem with the data. After I asked the editor, I realized that it was a big push. This kind of push is too much for luck."

"This time it's popular. The editor said that my follow-up reading is OK, and this book can last a long time."

"My book has more than five million words, haha, if it can last for a long time, that would be great. I can still invest two million in our company at that time."

"But now, Uncle doesn't have so much money in his hands, only a deposit of more than 500,000 yuan."

"Langlang, don't worry, I have conceived an outline for our book in the past few days, and I will start writing it tomorrow, and strive to write 100,000 characters before the end of this month."

"At that time, you can change one hundred thousand characters into a script, and you can start production. I will write one hundred and fifty thousand characters next month, and another one hundred and fifty thousand characters, four hundred thousand characters next month, so we can make many episodes."

"At that time, put it on the TV to see the effect, let's continue."

Zhang Ping was in a good mood.

Qin Lang came to their house for dinner that day. Before leaving, he told him about Feng Shui. After giving him some suggestions, he wrote them down.

After Qin Lang and the others left, he chatted with his wife Yuan Guilan about this, and the two felt that what Qin Lang said was right.

Then that night, according to Qin Lang's statement, the sofa was changed, and suddenly the living room was much more spacious, and it was not so depressing.

The next day, Yuan Guilan called to the master of the sofa cover and ordered a light blue sofa cover.

And other small places were changed in accordance with Qin Lang's words.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, his directly exploded.

Come luck!

After writing for so many years, he looked at the friends who joined the group together, and suddenly got lucky, soaring to the sky, selling the copyright, or selling wirelessly, selling new media, etc. It is impossible not to envy.

Making small money depends on ability, but making big money really depends on luck.

Especially in the era when traffic is king.

If you fish, you die, and you die in drought.

Qin Lang smiled and said congratulations to Zhang Ping, and then looked forward to Zhang Ping. Their company has already been registered, and Su Shihan is also looking for painters and supervision.

It is just right to start work next month.

Zhang Ping smiled and said that after finishing the manuscript, he would like to invite the Qin Lang family to dinner.

Although there is no theoretical evidence, it proved that after Su Chen adjusted Feng Shui to his family, he was so lucky, but he knew that it must be related to Su Chen letting him play with Feng Shui.

Because he has been writing books for ten years, and he has not been tepid for ten years.

This Feng Shui pattern changed, and suddenly it exploded.

Therefore, he knew it was related to Qin Lang.

He is also a person who knows how to be grateful. He will not write books for Qin Lang's company just because his books on the website are so popular that he will sell the copyright in the future.

Although in the future, there is a great possibility that his book will sell the copyright, he will not continue to renew the contract with the website.

If he wanted to make a lot of money, he knew that he still had to follow Qin Lang.

In the beginning of the appointment, although it was good, I was always just like a part-time worker, and the contract became more and more restrictive, and there was no freedom at all to cooperate with Qin Lang and the others to start a company.

Zhang Ping told Qin Lang happily for nearly half a month. Although Qin Lang was not the author, he was a reader, and he basically understood his idea of ​​this new movie.

I think Zhang Ping's idea is very good, and he added a new type of brain hole.

Qin Lang let Zhang Ping let go of writing, without considering funding, because Su Shihan's father invested 20 million.

Hearing this, Zhang Ping said happily: "Well, if you are imaginary, although you pretend to look good, you will suffer from aesthetic fatigue. The best thing is to have an explosive scene of emotions, and various imaginary moves, using emotions. To hold the readers’ sense of anticipation and desire to continue watching, use fantasy moves to satisfy readers’ fantasy worldview, just like when everyone liked watching Gu Long and Jin Yong’s martial arts in the past. Everyone likes to watch these. All kinds of emotional disputes, and I also like to watch various moves, such as the Six-Medition Excalibur, the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and so on."

Zhang Ping has been studying the fantasy cartoons that have been broadcast over the years, so he has his own unique insights in this regard.

Qin Lang felt that what he said made sense, and asked Zhang Ping to write according to his ideas.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lang went into the study to carve the "Three British Fighting Lu Bu".

At night, when I went upstairs to eat, I just opened the door when I heard Kexin's cry.

He changed his shoes hurriedly, and came to the living room to ask what was going on.

Su Shihan pointed to the little rabbit that Dabao was holding, and said: "Xuanxuan grabbed Kexin's rabbit and rabbit crawling doll, and Kexin cried."

"Xuanxuan refused to give things to my sister."

"I will play with a bear doll for Kexin. She doesn't want it. I asked Yutong to give Kexin the pink bunny toy. Kexin still doesn't want it, just watching the white bunny that Dabao is holding and crying and wanting the white bunny. "

Su Shihan smiled helplessly and didn't know what to do.

In the past, Xuanxuan would not steal her sister's things. UU Reading even shared fun with her sister. Now she grabs her sister's things and refuses to give it to her sister.

Moreover, at this moment, after Xuanxuan hugged the little bunny doll, he lowered his head and bit the bunny's ear, and the little bunny screamed.

Sambo cried more fiercely, "Wow!"

Qin Lang hugged the Three Treasures quickly, watching the little daughter crying pitifully, Qin Lang, the father, was also distressed.

But it was obvious that Dabao refused to give up Little Bunny, and if he forced him to give up Little Bunny, there would only be one more crying hissing and split-lung baby in the house.

Qin Lang asked Su Shihan as he was taking pictures of the Three Treasures, if there was a call from the owner of the maternal and child shop selling little rabbits, and asked if there were any similar ones. If so, he would drive to buy another one tonight.

"Yeah! I forgot to do this." Su Shihan patted his head, took out his mobile phone, and said, "I remember when I bought it today, there were a few white bunnies in the store."

"Let me ask about the shopping guide first, I added her WeChat."

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