Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 77 This is God's music (fourth update, please subscribe first)

There are thirty variations in the Goldberg Variations.

The 16th variation is used as a division and is divided into two parts, front and back.

The scale is extremely large.

So at the end of the fifteenth variation, it sounds like the whole piece ends here, but in fact it doesn't, because this is just the beginning.

The sixteenth variation opens the second half of the overture with a graceful and elegant atmosphere. The grand continuous scale, brilliant vibrato and violent rhythm seem to sweep away the depression and regret created by the fifteenth variation.

Everyone's mood once again changed from a touch of sadness and regret to soothing and joyful following the melody.

There is quite a feeling of parting the clouds and seeing the bright moon.

suddenly see the light.

"Isn't it over yet?"

"Oh my god, I thought it was over just now, but I didn't expect it to start again. I felt relieved immediately."

"What a magical feeling. At the end of the fifteenth variation, it was like talking on the phone with my girlfriend. When I was talking about the key point, my phone suddenly ran out of power when I was in love! I felt extremely irritable and unwilling, and then I went crazy to find a charger and power supply. , finally charged it and made the call again.”

"And have you noticed that starting from the sixteenth variation, everything seems to be starting all over again."

"I'm thinking, this piece won't be played forever, right? Until the end of the concert?"


"Now I finally understand why there is only one piece of music! Because... this piano piece just goes on and on."

Everyone became looking forward to it again.

Xiao Na also didn't expect that Qinqu would have a follow-up after it reached this point.

These sixteen variations give people a sense of twists and turns.

"Is it still the same as before, three variations in a group, repeated endlessly?" He wondered in his mind.

If it keeps repeating.

So how does it end?

This remains a very important question.

With this curiosity he leaned forward and continued to listen.

As Xiao Na expected,

The second half still continues the previous routine, with three variations as a group, repeating the cycle, and still using Canon as the final closing song.

The melody is sometimes jumpy and sometimes soothing.

Sometimes steep and sometimes relaxing.

Sometimes happy and sometimes sad.

Moments filled with great joy are often moments of unexpected tragedy. Variation 21 pulls the listener back into the bottomless abyss of G minor.

The real pathos of the minor key has arrived.

But soon in the dawn-like beginning of the Twenty-Two Variations, the listener felt as if he had been reborn. The return of G major was so beautiful.

The listener's mood rises and falls with the melody.

It's as if the music is playing in the palm of your hand.

Can't do it myself.

After frequent variations, the piece finally reached its true climax.

Variation 25!

A piece called Black Pearl.

It is also the most outstanding variation in the entire work.

Playing it requires not only superb performance skills, but also requires the pianist to have deep and rich emotional experience and expressive power.

The melody is intertwined with unparalleled emotional depth of beauty and pain, and the pathos of the chromatic scale hints at a certain elusive romanticism.

A sad mood permeated the recital hall.

off stage,

Many of the audience's expressions became gloomy, and some even had tears quietly falling from the corners of their eyes, wiping them gently.

Master Xiao Na's expression also changed again and again.

From the beginning to the present, although Su Chen cleverly organized each three variations into a group, giving the whole piece a sense of regularity instead of appearing chaotic, which greatly improved the listening experience.

But from a professional perspective.

The whole work still seems too loose and lacks cohesion.

Although he admitted that it was an outstanding work.

But not outstanding enough.

Because of the lack of integrity, it is impossible to move towards greatness.

However, when he heard the twenty-fifth variation.

His whole body shook violently!

Because he found that the twenty-fifth variation was simply a stroke of genius!

Without it! The whole song seems loose!

There you have it! The whole song seems to be connected and unified in an instant!

It is the emotional climax of the entire song.

But it is not the climax of surging passion, but a moment of tranquility and introspection, like a moment of dialogue with one's own heart.

With this variation.

It's like having a heart inside a body, and the body has an exciting pulse.

But that's not the most shocking thing about Xiao Na.

What shocked him deeply was that the unusual writing method was used in the creation of the twenty-fifth variation.

In the first measure, he heard a big jump. According to common sense, the second measure should imitate the first measure and jump directly to La flat. But what he didn't expect was that Su Chen actually jumped directly to La flat.

It presents a sudden change.

It's like dropping a drop of ink into water and quickly dissipating it.

This way of writing is so unexpected.

La flat is one of the most unlikely notes to appear in the key of g minor. It turns the chord in this measure into a very unusual F minor triad in the key of G minor.

This is a way of writing that Xiao Na never dreamed of writing.

This is a writing method that is impossible to try in this life!

But Su Chen wrote this.

This variation is highly chromatic.

This causes the bass of the entire variation to move forward chromatically.

And this is just the first two bars.

In the following bars, Xiao Na heard a more amazing presentation.

The octave jump without warning, it appeared suddenly, and then followed by a very tangled descending chromatic scale, which made people feel cold after listening to it.

And the more exciting part is still to come, the two parts of the middle and low voices kept climbing up in chromatic scales, mixed with affectionate octave jumps and seventh jumps.

This music is full of discordant intervals,

which oppress people to the point of being breathless.

The emotions of pain and sadness unconsciously spread to everyone's heart.

The music seemed to be shaky and had no foothold. The state of drifting and homelessness grabbed everyone's heart.

Xiao Na's emotions could no longer be held.

On his wrinkled face,

tears were quietly flowing.

Every musician is emotional.

Music is a language for expression for them.

So they are born with more delicate emotions and deeper emotional experiences than ordinary people.

As the 25th variation flowed, Xiao Na's eyes moistened. He was completely conquered by this piece of music.

Stephen's hands were shaking.

At this moment, he was like an explorer,

discovering a wonderful world of music, where there are countless precious treasures!


Moved to tears.

At the same time, the audience and fans in the live broadcast room were also completely moved to tears by the 25th variation.

The extreme repression and oppression made people recall the sadness in the past.

These sad memories are often hidden.

And the 25th variation is like a spell chanted by the devil.

It summoned all their hidden sadness.

No one can escape!

Extremely sad!

Crying to the extreme!


Some sadness will only be forgotten and forgiven after being truly vented.

Faint sobbing can be heard in the hall.

The gentlemen did not want to be seen crying, so they turned their heads to wipe it away secretly.

The ladies no longer cared about being elegant, either leaning on the men's shoulders or diving into their arms.

Shu Wan's makeup was also smudged.

But she no longer cared about her image at this moment, because she was still immersed in the music.

The live broadcast room was filled with comments.

"I couldn't hold it anymore after hearing the 25th variation."

"Extreme depression and sadness, my god, this is more heartbreaking than watching a sad drama."

"The key is that I cried like a dog, but I still couldn't stop and couldn't help but continue listening."

"A melody that hits the soul."

"My heart seems to be pinched by someone."

"It's so uncomfortable."

"I've used up a pack of tissues."

"I also used a pack of tissues... male!"

Fortunately, the 25th variation did not last too long, and the piano sound continued to slide into the 26th and 27th variations of the ninth canon.

At the 30th variation, Xiao Na was looking forward to the 10th canon.

But this time the rule of ending with a canon was broken.

The canon did not appear.

Instead, it was a joyful "Quodlibet".

There is an awe-inspiring sacredness in the grandeur.

The strong reluctance expressed through the piano keys seems to indicate that the performance is approaching its end.

The low and high parts interweave a solemn and solemn feeling.

A farewell dance seems to have finally come to an end.

All the parties and feasts have passed, and the crowd is gradually moving away.

The aria that is exactly the same as the theme song at the beginning is slowly coming from a distant place.

She is no longer as solemn and clear as at the beginning of the whole song. She is shrouded in a layer of mist and full of memories.

It tells every listener in the most simple tone:

The long journey is over, and we should return to where we came from.

Everything is back to the beginning.

Just like you set out on a trip from home a month ago, and you still return here a month later.

Although it is the same place, it seems that everything is different. This is still your home, but you are no longer the same person when you left.

It is the theme at the beginning.

It is also the last variation.

It has changed from the initial greeting to the final farewell.

From an elegant promise, it turned into a sad ending.

It's over!

Everything is over here!

But it seems that a new journey is about to begin!

After listening to it, Master Xiao Na could no longer suppress his excitement. He racked his brains but could not think that this song would end with the exact same theme song.

The same melody.

But it gave people a completely different emotional experience.

It was amazing!

His body was shaking violently with excitement.

He could no longer sit still!

He stood up from his seat!


Perhaps infected by his emotions, all the audience stood up and applauded.

After an unknown period of time, the applause gradually dissipated.

Xiao Na left his seat and came to Su Chen excitedly.

His voice was trembling, but it resounded throughout the venue.

"A work of genius!"

"This is God's music!"


PS: I beg all readers to give me some recommendation votes. As long as there are recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards, I am willing to update four, five, six, or seven times a day. I will be as crazy as you are. The author thanks you here.

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