Chapter 25: Take The Blame

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ye Fei curled her lips and said coolly, “He probably inherited it from that father of his who died of a terminal illness.”
Anyway, she didn’t know who that man was back then either.
Furthermore, she was taken advantage of by him for no apparent reason.
So, why couldn’t she just let him take the blame?
Zhao Gushen: “…”
He didn’t know why, but after hearing her say that, he felt really angry!
Zhao Gushen’s face turned black and he did not speak anymore. Instead, he sent them directly to the kindergarten entrance.
When the car came to a stop, he saw Ye Fei flipping through the things in her bag.
Soon after, she found a tiny pinhole camera and fastened it on her shirt’s button.
If no one called it to attention, it really would be hard to notice it.
“What are you installing that for?” Zhao Gushen asked.
“It is wrong for Xiao Mo to fight with others but the other party’s child insulted him first yet his parents came to find our Xiao Mo to settle the scores. I need to have a bit of preparation,” Ye Fei explained, “Their family is one of the biggest sponsors of the kindergarten. If something happens, the kindergarten will definitely stand on their side and protect them.”
Ye Fei sneered, “If the kindergarten dares to push the blame onto Xiao Mo this time, I will let them bear the consequences of their actions! I—Fei Xiaomo—have the influence of 1 million fans; it’s not much but it’s not something to joke at either!”
Did they really think that she would not prepare anything and just allow them to ride roughshod over her?
She didn’t fight unprepared battles!
Once she was sufficiently equipped, Ye Fei opened the door and got ready to alight from the car.
But when she saw how far she was from the ground, Ye Fei was rendered speechless.
She forgot that this car was too d*mn tall!
Zhao Gushen’s lips curved upwards. He got off the car and walked around the vehicle to her side before extending both of his hands towards Ye Fei.
Ye Fei was left without a choice since she couldn’t go down on her own.
Ye Fei could only grab Zhao Gushen’s hands for help.
But when her hand stretched out… Zhao Gushen suddenly flipped his hands upside down and held onto her wrist instead.
The heat of his palm burned her wrist, making her tremble uncontrollably.
Immediately afterwards, Zhao Gushen took her hand and put it on his shoulder.
Ye Fei: “…”
She subconsciously tightened her grip on his shoulders.
At the same time, both of Zhao Gushen’s hands grasped onto Ye Fei’s slender waist.
Then, he carried her down directly.
Even after Ye Fei had stabilized her footing, her entire body was practically plastered in his embrace; she was completely surrounded by him.
Zhao Gushen still had no desire to let her go.
As he lowered his head, his lips were about ready to land onto Ye Fei’s forehead.
Ye Fei was so nervous—panicking in her heart—that even her ears were burning hot. How could she possibly sense this minute movement from Zhao Gushen?
Ye Xiaomo was still seated at the back and no one bothered about him.
But he wasn’t blind!
Zhao Gushen was actually taking advantage of his Xiao Fei right in front of him!
Ye Xiaomo was angry! Even if Zhao Gushen liked him, that wasn’t allowed!
His small hands pulled open the car door instantly.
But because he was short in height and limbs, he couldn’t get down the car.
So, he stood by the car door and yelled all of a sudden. “Xiao Fei, I can’t get down!”
Silly Xiao Fei, she hadn’t even realized that she was being taken advantage of by someone.
Luckily, he was around.
If Xiao Fei didn’t have him, what would she do!
Ye Fei was abruptly awakened by Ye Xiaomo’s voice. Recovering her senses, she immediately backed out of Zhao Gushen’s embrace.
Zhao Gushen did not block her. Instead, he let go of her hands smoothly.
It was just that there was a feeling of melancholy, like he had lost something from his hands and embrace.
He moved his fingertips as though it still remembered how soft her waist felt.
Red in the face, Ye Fei did not even dare to look at Zhao Gushen again.
She kept herself busy by pretending to go over to carry Ye Xiaomo and did not look at Zhao Gushen at all.
She carried Ye Xiaomo down and was just about to release him.
But who knew that Ye Xiaomo would suddenly behave like a koala and used his limbs to hold onto Ye Fei?

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