Chapter 26: Could Not Admit

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Without a choice, Ye Fei could only carry him in her embrace. Then, Ye Fei heard Ye Xiaomo’s loud words. “You can carry me, but you can’t carry my Xiao Fei!”
Zhao Gushen sneered. He had already carried her when getting in and out of the car!
And in the future, he would continue to carry her!
Zhao Gushen’s cold eyes swept past the chubby hands that Ye Xiaomo was using to hug onto Ye Fei’s body.
Stinky brat! Hug her all you want now because you won’t have a chance to do so in the future!
Ye Fei did not dare to let Ye Xiaomo continue talking.
Why did the usually clever and well-behaved little guy behave like he was in a cockfight whenever he met Zhao Gushen?
“We’re leaving first,” Ye Fei spoke in a hurry.
She didn’t even dare to look at Zhao Gushen and carried Ye Xiaomo away in a hurry.
After several steps, Ye Xiaomo twisted a few times in Ye Fei’s embrace. “Xiao Fei. Put me down.”
If he really let his friends in the kindergarten see this—that he still needed to be carried when he was already this old—it would be awfully embarrassing.
Ye Fei curled her lips, “Weren’t you the one who said to let me carry you?
“Oh, it’s okay to be carried for a while,” Ye Xiaomo advised, “I’ll let you carry me properly when we go home later.”
Ye Fei: “…”
This little guy really likes to ‘save face’…
In the end, in consideration of Ye Xiaomo’s ‘face’, Ye Fei put him down nevertheless.
Zhao Gushen watched as Ye Fei and Ye Xiaomo walked through the kindergarten entrance before he got into his car.
He didn’t know what was going on with him, but whenever he saw Ye Fei, he actually…
He had never felt this way before. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have fallen into it only once since that event five years ago.
After that incident, he still had absolutely no desire to indulge himself in those things.
But when he approached her just now, he couldn’t help but gather Ye Fei into his embrace.
And his heart seemed to be being teased into beating harder once more.
Zhao Gushen lowered his head and looked at his own hands—which had held onto her waist earlier.
After a twitch of his fingertips, he drove the car to find a parking lot.
Ye Fei thought that he was only sending them off along the way and would leave right after.
But in truth, he had deliberately sent them here and he had no plans to leave either.
Ye Fei was unaware of all these. She was about to go to Teacher Lin’s office with Ye Xiaomo when she was intercepted at the entrance by the teacher.
“Xiao Mo’s Mom. Xiao Mo.” Teacher Lin smiled as she welcomed them. She lowered her head and asked, “Xiao Mo, how are you? Your mom said that you were injured too.”
Ye Xiaomo shut his mouth tight and latched onto Ye Fei’s leg. He hid behind her and put on an appearance like he had been wronged and was slightly frightened out of his wits.
When Teacher Lin saw that, her mouth quivered but it was hard for her to say anything now.
“Are Wang Zishuai’s parents here already?” Ye Fei asked.
“She’s here, but Zi Shuai’s mom is in the principal’s office now,” Teacher Lin answered, embarrassed.
Ye Fei raised her brow. What did she say in that phone call previously?
Teacher Lin also recalled that exchange. However, even if Wang Zishuai’s mother actually went to put pressure on the principal to let him help Wang Zishuai, she could not admit it.
“Xiao Mo’s Mom. Don’t misunderstand. The two children fought and Xiao Mo even ran out of the kindergarten yesterday, yet none of us realized it. This is our negligence. The principal was terribly angry after he found out yesterday and decided to intervene in this matter himself. That is why he is handling it in his office now.”
No matter how flowery Teacher Lin’s speech was, how could Ye Fei possibly believe her?
Ye Fei coldly snorted before she directly went to the principal’s office together with Teacher Lin.
Upon arriving at the door, she could somewhat hear some sounds of conversation inside.
Teacher Lin was just about to knock on the door when her wrist was suddenly seized by Ye Fei.
Ye Fei glanced at her coldly and Teacher Lin subconsciously didn’t dare to make a sound.
Ye Fei smiled lightly and placed her index finger on her lips to signal to Teacher Lin, ‘shhh’.
Teacher Lin didn’t know why but she really didn’t dare to disobey Ye Fei at this moment.

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