Chapter 27: Does He Even Deserve It!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Calm and collected, Ye Fei felt her way into her bag with her right hand. But she did not take anything out. Instead, she was secretly switching on her phone’s recording function.
“Teacher Lin, don’t talk, I want to hear about the principal and Wang Zishuai’s mother’s opinions,” Ye Fei spoke lowly, “Let’s not mention how Wang Zishuai’s family wants to hold us accountable. If you make a sound, at least based on yesterday’s matter from our side, we will have to push all of the responsibility onto you.”
Immediately, Teacher Lin had a pained expression on her face.
The fight between Wang Zishuai and Ye Xiaomo.
Wang Zishuai was from another class, but Ye Xiaomo was a child from her class.
When it came to the crux of the issue, the whole incident was indeed her responsibility.
Furthermore, it had taken her a long time to discover that Ye Xiaomo had left the kindergarten on his own.
This responsibility was too heavy!
“If you keep quiet, I will only hold Wang Zishuai’s family and the principal accountable. I won’t mention you.” But whether the principal would find trouble with Teacher Lin, Ye Fei didn’t dare to guarantee anything about it.
But Teacher Lin still carried a sliver of hope.
If Ye Fei didn’t mention her and only looked for trouble with Wang Zishuai’s family and the principal, the latter would be so stressed that he wouldn’t have the energy to look for her and might even forget about her responsibility.
That’s right, Teacher Lin had finally realized.
Wang Zishuai’s mother thought that she was coming to create trouble for Ye Fei, but had no idea that Ye Fei wasn’t going to be a punching bag.
It was because Ye Fei—she was also here to find trouble with them!
She didn’t know why, but Teacher Lin felt a sense of foreboding that something unlucky would befall Wang Zishuai’s mother and the principal today.
Don’t even ask her why she felt this way; she didn’t know either.
Teacher Lin heaved a sigh of relief and nodded her head quietly.
Ye Fei curved her lips in satisfaction and silently opened a tiny crack in the door.
As long as it could allow the conversation inside to travel out clearly, it was fine.
Then, she heard Wang Zishuai’s mother speak inside the room. “Principal, our family gives the school nearly 10 million dollars in sponsor fees every year. We are not doing this just to let our family’s Zi Shuai get bullied in school.”
“Nearly 10 million dollars in sponsorships annually… That’s not a small sum. It’s a huge part of the reason that the kindergarten can continue staying in the top 10 among B City’s elite nursery schools. It’s all thanks to our family’s support with the sponsorships.”
“Yes, I know,” the principal nodded hastily, “Because we had your family’s sponsorships, no matter whether it’s the number of qualified teachers or about the installation of software and hardware facilities, our kindergarten could keep up as a result of your family’s help. Even the summer and winter social exchange camps with the overseas kindergartens are reliant on your family’s sponsorships.”
All of these needed money after all.
Although Wang Zishuai’s mother had an arrogant bearing, with the attitude like she had full control over the principal…
It was also true that much of the kindergarten relied on the Wang family’s sponsorships.
“Our family’s money was not given away freely. Isn’t it just because we want to let our Zi Shuai play here comfortably? All right. Now that your elite kindergarten’s reputation is widely-known, shouldn’t you look at the family situation when you are accepting the child’s application?”
“Ye Xiaomo, his family isn’t anything. Other than the necessary fees, he usually doesn’t hand in anything else. For all we know, he could only attend this kindergarten after his family squeezed every cent out of their pockets by being frugal. To think that even this type of person dares to come and cause our Zi Shuai grievance!”
“This is because your kindergarten allows people to attend as long as they have the money! You don’t even check their family eligibility! You just randomly accept any poor person!” Wang Zishuai’s mother huffed, “What kind of qualification does he, Ye Xiaomo, have to come and quarrel with Zi Shuai! Does he even deserve it!”
“Mrs Wang. You can rest assured that our kindergarten definitely will not tolerate this,” the principal replied instantly, “In our kindergarten, Zi Shuai has always been like a prince. Whoever provokes him—as the principal—I will be the first one to disagree!”

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