Chapter 28: Heart Piercing

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
“Ye Xiaomo dares to provoke Zi Shuai, but our kindergarten doesn’t dare to allow him to stay anymore,” the principal said decisively, “When Ye Fei and Ye Xiaomo arrive in a short while, I will tell them clearly. I’ll get them to look for another kindergarten.”
Wang Zishuai’s mother was finally satisfied.
But they were unaware that Teacher Lin, who was outside the door, had shivered.
Ye Fei was covering Ye Xiaomo’s ears to prevent him from hearing them.
She didn’t want to let these adults’ snobbish remarks and countenance pollute Ye Xiaomo’s ears.
When Ye Fei finally had a grasp of the conversation and their plan, she knocked on the door.
The conversation inside instantly halted. A few moments later, the principal’s voice drifted out, “Please enter.”
Pushing the door open, Ye Fei led Ye Xiaomo inside and saw that Wang Zishuai and his mother were sitting together while this kindergarten’s principal was sitting opposite them.
This was a private kindergarten, but it did not belong to this principal.
To be precise, this principal was only hired by the owner of this kindergarten.
“Principal Liu, hello,” Ye Fei said.
Ye Xiaomo also followed and said, “Hello, principal.”
“Xiao Mo’s Mom, you finally came,” Wang Zishuai’s mother’s tone was unkind. She spoke in an uncomfortable manner, “You sure are a busy person. Yesterday, I came here to the kindergarten because I wanted to make it clear with you but you weren’t here.”
“I brought Xiao Mo to the hospital for an examination yesterday,” Ye Fei said, “This child had plenty of wounds on his body. After the check-up at the hospital, I brought him home to rest.”
“Originally, I had requested a leave of absence for Xiao Mo today so that he can rest at home. Not only was this child hurt physically, he was also traumatized from the terrible fright. Had it not been for Wang Zishuai’s mother’s insistence that we had to come over and wrangle it out clearly, I had no intention to bring Xiao Mo over here at all,” Ye Fei’s tone was not considered tough and her voice was also soft.
However, every word in this speech was terribly heart-piercing.
Wang Zishuai’s mother raged, “As the guilty party, you even filed the first complaint! Ye Xiaomo was hurt? Take a look at how injured our Zi Shuai became!”
Wang Zishuai’s mother pushed him out.
Then, Ye Fei saw that Wang Zishuai’s face did indeed have some scratches.
Ye Fei looked towards Ye Xiaomo, so he pouted and explained, “I’m smaller than him so I can’t win in the fight. When he was hitting me, I could only scratch his face. I can’t reach anywhere else.”
“Such a young kid, yet his mouth sure is sharp!” Wang Zishuai’s mother fumed.
He even emphasized that Wang Zishuai was bigger than him.
Did he mean that Wang Zishuai made use of his size to bully someone smaller than him?
“But no matter how sharp your mouth is… it’s useless!” Wang Zishuai’s mother proudly declared, “Our family gives the kindergarten nearly 10 million dollars in sponsors every year. We do this so that our Zi Shuai doesn’t get bullied by anyone here or lose out to them.”
“Just based on your family situation, you still dare to compete with my son? Since you can only hand in the school fees and not the sponsorships, then you can only bottle up your complaints! The kindergarten’s software and hardware facilities, all of the resources and benefits—belonging to the kindergarten—that Ye Xiaomo is using now, those are all our family’s investments!”
“Ye Xiaomo used our family’s things and even struck my son! Who gave him the cheek to do that!” Wang Zishuai’s mother ranted.
Looking incomparably proud, Wang Zishuai puffed his chest out in the front.
He looked at Ye Xiaomo as though he was a beggar who had taken advantage of their family.
Ye Fei immediately covered Ye Xiaomo’s eyes. She did not wish for him to be hurt by this kind of gaze.
“We have handed in all of the school fees that the kindergarten requested.Since we paid the money, it is a matter of course for the kindergarten to provide us with its necessary services.”
“Just because your family gave the kindergarten nearly 10 million dollars in sponsorship fees, did you feel that the kindergarten is your home now? If that is the case, then you might as well purchase the whole kindergarten! When that happens, it won’t be too late for you to boast again in front of me. Right now, this kindergarten isn’t operated by your family, so what are you being so presumptuous about!” Ye Fei retorted coldly.

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