Chapter 32: Zhao Gushen Had Arrived!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
“Anyway, between our Zi Shuai and Ye Xiaomo, only one of us can stay!” Wang Zishuai’s mother declared extremely loudly. She even gave Ye Fei a proud look in provocation.
Anyway, the one who would have to leave would not be their family’s Zi Shuai.
Ye Xiaomo was so furious that he was trembling and both of his eyes were bloodshot.
Even though Ye Fei had covered his ears, it could not isolate the sounds from him completely.
Just now, because they were outside the door and the conversational voices between the principal and Wang Zishuai’s mother weren’t that loud, Ye Xiaomo could not hear them when Ye Fei covered his ears.
However, Wang Zishuai’s mother was really straining her vocal chords to shout now.
Even with his ears covered, Ye Xiaomo could still hear what Wang Zishuai’s mother said very clearly.
Ye Xiaomo’s bloodshot eyes stared at Wang Zishuai’s mother.
He didn’t want to attend this rotten kindergarten anymore either!
There wasn’t anything great about this kindergarten with this type of person around anyway!
Wang Zishuai’s mother kept repeating about how she looked down on him and Xiao Fei.
But in reality, the ones without any upbringing were her and Wang Zishuai!
Xiao Fei and him weren’t like what Wang Zishuai’s mother said at all.
Ye Fei noticed that Ye Xiaomo was trembling and hurriedly turned him around to gather him into her embrace.
“That’s right. Wang Zishuai or Xiao Mo. Choose one.” All of a sudden, a man’s deep and low voice rang out.
The low voice also carried some notes of slight ridicule and a somewhat threatening undertone.
Ye Fei turned her head around in shock and realized that Zhao Gushen had actually arrived!
Didn’t he leave?
What was he doing here?
Zhao Gushen lowered his head and looked towards Ye Xiaomo in Ye Fei’s arms.
Despite hearing that he had arrived, Ye Xiaomo still didn’t lift his head.
Ye Fei’s clothes were a bit wet. He knew that Ye Xiaomo was crying, but didn’t want to let the others see him cry.
Zhao Gushen’s expression turned icy.
Although he was always making fun of Ye Xiaomo for being thick-skinned.
But teasing was just teasing. That he had allowed Ye Xiaomo to act thick-skinned in front of him and for Ye Xiaomo to be able to say and do whatever he wanted, it actually meant that Zhao Gushen was actually fond of this little guy deep down.
Otherwise, don’t think that he could behave so insolently in front of him, just because he was a kid.
The principal and Wang Zishuai’s mother were both stunned when they saw Zhao Gushen.
They naturally recognized Zhao Gushen, only that Zhao Gushen did not recognize them.
Since Wang Zishuai’s family ran a business, so naturally, Wang Zishuai’s mother had to pay close attention to those famous prestigious families within the country too.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that the principal was just the principal of a kindergarten. But as the principal of an elite kindergarten, he could count these rich and famous families with his fingers all day long.
After all, perhaps he could get them to send their children into this kindergarten if he worked hard enough?
The principal always had this lofty dream—hoping that his kindergarten could surpass the kindergarten in Ji Xia Academy.
Although this dream likely wouldn’t come true even if he had three lifetimes, it didn’t hurt for him to think that way.
Because Ji Xia Academy belonged to the Qi family among the eight major clans.
As a result, the principal was naturally familiar with the Zhao family’s heir, who was also part of the eight major clans.
The only problem was that he had never imagined that one day, Zhao Gushen would actually enter his kindergarten!
After all, the children of the eight major clans all entered the Ji Xia Academy; so other schools usually had absolutely nothing to do with them.
No, that wasn’t right!
He had never thought that he would be able to see Zhao Gushen in person one day!
Wang Zishuai’s mother had never imagined this either!
After all, as China’s first-rate aristocratic family—the Zhao family, Zhao Gushen was simply too distant in status from them.
In fact, they might never get the chance to come into contact with Zhao Gushen for their entire lives.
The facial expression on Wang Zishuai’s mother changed yet again. She couldn’t help but look towards Ye Fei and Ye Xiaomo.
This mother and son couple knew Zhao Gushen?
They… How could they be acquainted with Zhao Gushen!

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