Chapter 33: Tell Me How You Were Wronged

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ye Fei was just a small character without any background at all.
During the kindergarten’s family background check early on, they knew that Ye Fei had no one to depend on and relied on making home-cooked meals to make a living.
How could such an ordinary person, who was a nobody, possibly know Zhao Gushen!
It must… Must be a coincidence!
It was a coincidence!
Ye Fei could not possibly be acquainted with Zhao Gushen.
Zhao Gushen must have other business here and stumbled upon them by chance.
Wang Zishuai’s mother’s face was all contorted already—she absolutely could not accept the fact that Ye Fei knew Zhao Gushen.
If Ye Fei had a good relationship with Zhao Gushen, wouldn’t that suppress her authority?
But why didn’t Wang Zishuai’s mother think about how Zhao Gushen could possibly have a matter to settle in this kindergarten? Why would he make a special trip to the kindergarten?
However, aside from Wang Zishuai’s mother, even the principal was carrying such wishful thinking.
In a bid to please Zhao Gushen, a flattering smile appeared on the principal’s face. “I didn’t expect Young Master Shen to grace us with his presence. This is truly an honor for us.”
The principal’s smile widened even more. “Young Master Shen, you visited us because…”
Could it be that the Zhao family had children who wanted to enter their kindergarten?
But the principal was being too optimistic.
Zhao Gushen didn’t even bother about him and turned his head to look at Ye Fei. His gaze was extraordinarily gentle.
Wang Zishuai’s mother and the principal both opened their eyes wide to stare at them disbelievingly.
Then, they saw Zhao Gushen speak gently to Ye Fei. “The parking spot was a little hard to find so I wasted some time parking the car. In the end, after I arrived, I couldn’t find the two of you either. It was only after I asked a passerby for directions did I find out that both of you came to the principal’s office.”
Ye Fei didn’t know how to react either and could only stare at him blankly.
But in the eyes of the principal and Wang Zishuai’s mother, this seemed like she was expressing her grievance to Zhao Gushen.
The principal’s teeth started chattering. Zhao Gushen… He really came here to look for Ye Fei?
Ye Fei had really screwed him up badly!
Since she was acquainted with Zhao Gushen—and by the looks of it, they had a special relationship too–why didn’t she say anything earlier?!
Did she hold herself back for the sake of screwing with him?
If he had known… If he had known, he wouldn’t have sworn to expel Ye Xiaomo so solemnly just now!
Could he still retract a statement that he had made?
Zhao Gushen didn’t hear it, right?
Zhao Gushen didn’t care about how the principal looked ready to cry. Bending his waist, he carried Ye Xiaomo—who was in Ye Fei’s embrace—into his arms.
Ye Fei’s mouth gaped open. She was so surprised that she didn’t know what to do.
At that moment, Zhao Gushen saw the tears on Ye Xiaomo’s entire face.
Every time they met in the past, this kid would laugh bizarrely and behave like a small adult—so unbelievably smart.
Moreover, his skin was especially thick so he often rendered others speechless.
He exhibited all kinds of wacky behavior but he had never cried before.
But Ye Xiaomo was crying now.
But even so, he did not cry out loud.
Gritting his teeth tightly, he simply refused to let out any sound.
He was neither willing to appear weak nor did he want to make Ye Fei worry.
Holding in his tears, he looked as though he was going to explode at any moment.
It was heart-wrenching to look at him.
Although he was still suspicious whether Ye Fei was that woman from back then based on several coincidences because he was unable to make a complete judgement.
Even more so, he couldn’t conclude that Ye Xiaomo was his son indeed.
But looking at this aggrieved expression on Ye Xiaomo right now, Zhao Gushen’s heart still tightened.
He didn’t want to see him get bullied.
Zhao Gushen’s face darkened and he said in a deep voice, “Tell me how you were wronged.”
Upon hearing this sentence, Ye Xiaomo’s tears danced in his eyes as he stared at Zhao Gushen in a daze.
All this time, both him and Ye Fei only had each other to rely on for survival.
From the time he became aware, he knew that it wasn’t easy for Ye Fei to raise him alone.
Because Ye Fei was a girl, she suffered a disadvantage with many matters.

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