Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2308: Little Li becomes a baby (2)

An Ziqi directly took her hand away, turned to the back, pushed Xiao Moli's wheelchair back behind him, and put him on the wheelchair to rest.

Then he helped him up again, stood ten meters forward, and stretched out his hand towards Xiao Moli.

Xiao Moli had a headache. He now knew why Xiao Ai was anxious when he was learning to walk, but there was no way, who made him angry with his wife.

Had to move his legs again, towards his wife.

Tossing like this again and again all afternoon, until the sun sets.

Xiao Moli never hugged his wife once, depressed and wanted to explode.

An Ziqi pushed him back into the wheelchair and pushed the people back to their yard.

After dinner, An Ziqi wipes Xiao Moli's body daily.

The water temperature is just right, neither hot nor cold.

The warm towel rubbed Xiao Moli's body under An Ziqi's hands.

The water vapor takes away the body's temperature, leaving a trace of coolness.

Xiao Moli only felt that his whole body was scorching hot, as if all the temperature was rushing towards the place under his lower abdomen.

A small tent had already been bulged under him.

The corners of Xiao Moli's eyes were burning red, and he looked at An Ziqi beside him fiercely.

On the other hand, An Ziqi watched her nose, her nose and heart, her face calm and composed.

Even the speed at which his subordinates rubbed his body did not change in the slightest.

After rubbing his body, An Ziqi continued to massage him.

Xiao Moli looked at her white and slender hands, massaging from his ankles to the roots of his thighs.

I just think the whole person is going to explode.

Exhausting all his strength, he stretched out his hand to pull An Ziqi into his arms, then rolled over and pressed the person under him.

Hot lips fell on her neck, and she couldn't wait to leave his own mark after another.

Since Xiao Moli transferred Concentric Gu to him, the two have never been close.

An Ziqi's body was extremely sensitive, and she shuddered involuntarily.

The scorching temperature seemed to run down her neck and burned into her head in an instant, almost burning the whole brain into a mass of paste.

Although Xiao Moli's big hands were not flexible, they were still dishonest.

The coolness coming from her chest finally made An Ziqi sober. Seeing the situation in front of her, the expression on her face could no longer be stretched, and her cheeks instantly flushed.

Gritting his teeth and struggling to push him, "Go away, let me go, Xiao Moli, you bastard, big liar."

She shouldn't let this guy go so easily.


Xiao Moli's voice was stained by the flames, and it blew up in her ears.

The hot breath sprayed into her sensitive ears.

An Ziqi felt that half of her body was numb in an instant.

Ever since she watched a live broadcast once, she accidentally knew that she was voice-activated and liked good sounds.

This guy used his low and dull voice in her ears to tease her with all kinds of persistence.

An Ziqi has no resistance to this.

Biting his lip, he raised his hand aggrievedly and hit him on the chest.

"Liar, big liar."

"I'm sorry." Xiao Moli whispered.

Hearing his sorry, An Ziqi's nose turned sour instantly.

"You say sorry to me now, what did you do earlier? If it weren't for me to find out, how long are you going to hide it from me? Are you really going to let Xiao Chen wash away my memory?"

An Ziqi sobbed in a low voice, raising her hand to hit him, but was reluctant.

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