Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2309: Getting married

Xia Xing naturally wouldn't take her words seriously, and replied with a smile, "Well, you will be responsible for looking at Mr. Xiao then, just don't let her ask me to settle the account."

"Don't worry, he dare not."

An Ziqi patted her chest to pack the ticket.

The two chatted happily, and Xiao Moli was about to explode as he listened beside him.

Originally, he was still thinking that Xiao Chen was too hard this time because of the Tongxin Gu, thinking about whether to share the burden of Long Yuan for him and make up for him a honeymoon.

But after listening to An Ziqi's remarks, he was determined again in his heart that he must beat Xiao Chen severely.

Want a honeymoon? Want to go out to play?

Go dreaming!

See how he is going to be cleaned up after he is well.

Over there, An Ziqi smiled, "It's you, I haven't disturbed you and Yuntian at the moment, right?"

"There is a good thing."

Xingxia Xing replied with a smile, "I will get married tomorrow, together with my son's full moon wine, do you want to come back?"


An Ziqi slapped and jumped up from the sofa.

"Your wedding tomorrow? When was your son born? So soon?"


Xingxia Xingxiao said, "Where is it? You have disappeared for three months without any news. My son was born last month."

"Great, send me a picture and see, I haven't seen my godson yet."

An Ziqi smiled happily.

"Okay, I hung up and sent it to you in a while."

"You send me the address, and you will be back on time before your wedding tomorrow at noon."

The two chatted for a while, and there was a cry from the other side of the phone, followed by Yuntian's voice calling Xia Xing.

After Xia Xing had to say hello to An Ziqi with a smile, the two hung up the phone with unfulfilled meaning.

In the baby room next to the bedroom.

Yuntian sat in front of the small bed and turned to look at the doorway, but Xia Xing was not seen coming.

He looked at his son, then reached out and poked his son's little **** again.


The little guy immediately opened his mouth and cried twice.

"Tianxing, my son has been crying, come and have a look."

Yuntian gently poked his son's little **** with his finger, and shouted towards the bedroom.


Xia Xing yelled over there, put down the phone in his hand hurriedly, and hurriedly walked into the nursery.

Hearing the cry of the little baby, he hurriedly stepped forward, reached out and picked him up from the bed.

The little guy who was crying with his mouth open just now stopped crying immediately.

Xia Xing stretched out her finger and touched the little guy's face. "What's wrong with the baby?"

The little baby looked at Yuntian with big eyes and turned straight, babbling twice.

Yun Tianzheng reached out with great satisfaction and hugged his wife from behind, lowered his head to tease his son.

A stream of heat sprayed directly onto his face.

Yuntian stood there for a moment before realizing it. Was he peeing on his face by his son?

Xia Xing was also stunned for a long while before reacting.

Busy put down the son in her arms and went to find something for Yuntian to wipe it off first.

Where did she think that before she put it down, the little baby immediately opened her mouth and started crying.

Xing Xing had no choice but to embrace him again.

Seeing Yuntian's rare stunned look, pursing his lips and holding back a smile, he stretched out his hand and pushed Yuntian, "Go and wash your face."

Yun Tian turned his head and looked at the little baby in Xia Xing's arms.

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